IUSY Presidium declaration on democracy and human rights situation in Latin America

IUSY expresses its deep concern for a series of situations that have occurred in Latin America in these recent days, which have affected the essence of democracy, the human right to migrate and the normal development of election processes, all principles and elements that we consider relevant for the construction of societies with greater social justice at the global level.


The first event occurred in Latin America we observe with indignation is the democratic breakdown that Brazil suffers.

After days of uncertainty, former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has been denied by the Supreme Court (STF) the right to defend himself in freedom until the last instance.

We have witnessed pressures and threats from various actors, especially by the commander-in-chief of the Army, Eduardo Villas-Boas, interfering in the political debate, by making the military force available for the “repudiation of impunity and respect for the Constitution “, reminding us of the worst moments of the Latin American military coups and dictatorships.

Not forgetting the illegitimate accusation that was promoted against Dilma Rousseff, the military intervention of Rio de Janeiro ordered by Michel Temer, the assassination of Councilwoman Marielle Franco and the situation increasingly worse for the Brazilian people in terms of social rights, civil liberties and respect for human rights.

The spirit of democracy must prevail. We demand that Brazilian institutions act in favour of due process and the separation of powers.


Second, the President of the United States of America Donald Trump has ordered the sending of the National Guard to watch the border with Mexico, in a new offensive accompanied by the speech against the immigration of the towns south of the Rio Bravo.

This, together with pressures on Congress to move forward with the construction of the wall, is an insult not only to Mexico but to Latin America.

The lack of civility and respect with which Donald Trump addresses the people who seek to achieve the well-being that in their countries of origin they cannot achieve, becomes unacceptable and politically intolerable.

We must defend the right to migrate as a historic achievement against the threats based on Trump’s xenophobia and racism. Therefore, we emphatically condemn the actions of the government of the United States.


Finally, the walk of the presidential candidate Henri Falcón was attacked in the area of Catia, Caracas, where a member of his campaign team – the deputy of the National Assembly Teodoro Campos – was seriously wounded and multiple robberies and aggressions were recorded, in a new fact of violence that tarnishes the electoral campaign.

The reports indicate that these incidents were carried out by pro-government groups that carried firearms, attacking even against the Bolivarian National Police.

We demand the Venezuelan government led by Nicolás Maduro to clarify these facts and the electoral body to give guarantees to all political forces for equal participation in the face of the upcoming elections.