Free and Quality Education as a Human Right (Students Working group meeting 2018)

What: Students Working group meeting 2018
When: from the 17th to the 20th May
Where: Kurt Löwenstein Youth Centre Werneuchen / Werftpfuhl, Germany. (Close to Berlin)
Participants profile: 18-35 years, grassroots activists, 2 seats for each region (no more than one per Member Organisation)
Deadline: 2 April

In this working group meeting, we will explore the today status of the access to education from a rights-based approach and will come up with campaigns to strengthen IUSY work on students issues.

Student politics remain critical in youth struggles for an equal world. IUSY as a youth organisation cannot afford to be complacent about student politics and struggles. It is therefore of supreme importance that the newly elected IUSY leadership takes the students issues seriously.

IUSY believes that student’s rights are fundamental for the youth of the world to become active and critical citizens in our society.

For the youth to realize its full potential and contribute positively towards development access to public education at all levels must be a reality.

Therefore we aim to build a network that will support the interest of students within IUSY structures and at a global level.

You can find here the complete Invitation and thecnical details

Participants profile:

We will select up to 2 participants from each Region. Each member organisation may register up to one participant for the meeting. Please note that the event must be gender-balanced and therefore the selection criteria will follow this premise in order to ensure such balance.

Participants must be able to attend the entire programme of the seminar and be active throughout the year after the meeting. This is due to that the work of the Working Group will be carried out throughout the year in line with the working plan.

It’s preferable that participants have experience in Students issues and are interested in human rights.

All participants must be aged 18-35 years old, with no exceptions.


Participants must apply by filling the online registration form at by Monday 2 April 2018.
All applicants will receive the outcome of their application by the 6th of April.


Amanda Lilliefeldt
IUSY Project Manager