We are happy to invite you to the
21st of August 2014 @Ghajn Tuffieha Camping Site, Malta
The African Committee gathers young leaders of the IUSY member organizations in Africa with the aim to strengthen the organizations and the cooperation on the continent. Together we will discuss the current political situation in Africa and elaborate strategies to face the challenges that lie ahead. This year’s African committee will take place in connection to the IUSY World Festival.
The main theme for the committee will, as for the festival, be 15 Actions to Eradicate Poverty in 15 Years. During the meeting we will have the opportunity to focus on the African context and aspects of poverty. We will also cover topics like migration, minority rights and HIV/AIDS. As a lot of our member organizations face organizational challenges, there will be a seminar on organizational structure and project management that will present methods and tools to strengthen our organizations. The participants can look forward to discussions, sharing of experiences and ideas, workshops, political actions and of course building networks and making friends!
Olof Palme Centre’s Global Project finances the African Committee. The meeting will take place during the IUSY World Festival (www.iusyfestival14.com) that is hosted by FZL. Each organization can register up to two participants for the African Committee, gender balanced, holding some kind of leadership position within the organization since the committee meetings are the most important platforms for the regions in between the congresses and councils.
For any questions or remarks please don’t hesitate to contact the IUSY Secretariat.
We are very much looking forward to seeing you!
Each organization can register up to two participants for the committee meeting. If you send two participants it must be one man and one woman. If your organization sends only one we reserve the right to request a change of participant to one of the underrepresented gender, as gender balance on the meeting is required in the Global Project.
You will need to register your participants in the online registration system here. Registration is open until Friday the 11th of July. Please contact the IUSY Secretariat in case you should have any problems with the registration.
The participation fee is the same as for the whole festival, 150€ per participant. The money should be transferred before the 11th of July to the IUSY bank account:
Bank: BAWAG BLZ (BIC): 14000 — Account number: 0531 0660 380 — IBAN: AT41 1400 0053 1066 0380
SWIFT code: BAWAATWW — Reason for payment: Name and Country of your Organization
Day of arrival for the IUSY World Festival is the 20th of August, day of departure the 26th of August 2014. The African Committee will take place the 21st of August. Please make your travel arrangements accordingly and do not forget that IUSY will not be able to cover accommodation or any other expenses for delegates who need to stay additional nights in Malta. There is no possibility to accept any participants at the campsite before the 20th of August or the after the 26th of August.
The Global Project will be able to support your travel costs up to a fixed maximum amount per delegation:
[table caption=”” width=”700″ colwidth=”150|150|150″ colalign=”left|left|left|”]
Country,Organization,Max. Amount
Angola, J MPLA, 1 100 €
Benin, J PSD, 1 100 €
Burkina Faso, PDP/PS, 900 €
Cape Verde, J. do PAICV, 2 300 €
Ecuatorial Guinea, CPDS, 1 100 €
Gambia, YUDP, 900 €
Ghana, NDC YL, 600 €
Kenya, LPKYC, 600 €
Mali, J ADEMA, 900 €
Mali, UJ-RPM, 900 €
Morocco, IY, 500 €
Mozambique, FRELIMO Y, 700 €
Niger, OJT, 900 €
Senegal, MNJS, 600 €
South Africa, ANC YL, 500 €
Swaziland, SWAYOCO, 500 €
Tanzania, CCM YL, 600 €
Togo, CDPA, 900 €
Tunisia, JSD, 450 €
Uganda, UYD, 500 €
Western Sahara, UJSARIO, 700 €
Zimbabwe, MDC YA, 700 €
We strongly urge all organizations to book your tickets immediately in order to get the best possible price. Only economy class tickets will be reimbursed. According to IUSY rules, business or first class tickets will not be taken into consideration under any circumstances. Please note that IUSY can only reimburse cost of travels proven by original documents.
Therefore do not forget to keep and hand in to the IUSY Secretariat ALL of the following documents: If you arrived by plane, we need original invoice showing the date, exact price and currency with which the ticket has been paid, and original boarding passes (in case you had connection flights – all of them). If you travel by boat, bus or train we need tickets of your full journey.
Kindly note that only organizations without outstanding membership fees are entitled to receive travel reimbursement. To be able to receive travel reimbursement you therefor need to pay your membership fees (including 2014). To know how much your outstanding debt is please contact the IUSY secretariat ASAP. If you for of any reason can’t pay your membership fee you need to get in touch with the Head of Control Commission to make an agreement on the payment.