Balkan Round Table 2014

We are happy to invite you to the

The Future of Social Democracy in the Balkans

from the 11 to the 13 of July 2014, Belgrade (Serbia)

The Balkan Round Table gathers young leaders of the IUSY member organizations in the Balkan area, with the aim of strengthening the organizations and the cooperation within the region. Together we will discuss the current political situation and elaborate strategies to face the challenges that lie ahead.

The main theme for Balkan Round Table will be The future of Social Democracy in the Balkans. The political program contains seminars on topics that are identified as common challenges for the region, such as youth unemployment, labor rights, cross-border issues and the EU, minority rights and gender equality. As a lot of our member organizations face organizational challenges, there will also be a seminar on organizational structure and project management that will present methods and tools to strengthen our organizations. Since the future is ours to shape the weekend will be an interactive one, with country reports, sharing of experiences and ideas, workshops, political actions and of course building networks and making friends!

The meeting is organized in cooperation with YES – Young European Socialists. Olof Palme Centre’s Global Project finances the Balkan Round Table. The meeting will be hosted by our Serbian organizations Democratic Youth and Social Democratic Youth in Social Democratic Union. Each organization can register up to two participants, must be gender balanced, if possible age balanced, holding some kind of leadership position within the organization since the regional meetings are the most important platforms for the regions in between the congresses and councils.




You will need to register your participant in the online registration system here. Registration is open until Monday 30th of June, but we want the names of your delegates as soon as possible in order to go ahead with preparations. Please contact the IUSY Secretariat in case you should have any problems with the registration.

The participation fee is 30€ per participant and is mandatory once the registration is done. This amount must be brought in cash in euro to the meeting or transferred to the IUSY bank account in advance.

Transfer to the IUSY bank account:

  • Bank: BAWAG
  • BLZ (BIC): 14000
  • Account number: 0531 0660 380
  • IBAN: AT41 1400 0053 1066 0380
  • Reason for payment: Your name and your organization’s name

Apart from the participation fee, the Global Project will finance the travels, accommodation and food during the weekend.


Arrivals of all the participants are foreseen for Friday the 11 of July at 12.00. Departures are foreseen for Sunday the 13 of July at 15.00. Please make your travel arrangements accordingly and do not forget that IUSY will not be able to cover accommodation or any other expenses for delegates who need to stay additional nights in Belgrade.


You will be offered accommodation during Friday and Saturday night. We will get back to you on the location of the hotel and the conference venue.


In the online registration form you will be asked to give us your exact arrival and departure details. For everybody that put in all necessary information until the closing of the registration on Monday 30th of June, there will be transport organized from the airport to the hotel. For the participants who do not send their travel details until the closing of registration we will not be able to provide any transport from the airport. Kindly note that in this case any costs of transport from the airport to the hotel will NOT be covered by travel reimbursement.


The Global Project will be able to support your travel costs with a fixed maximum amount for each participant (see attached table).We strongly urge all organizations to book your tickets immediately in order to get the best possible price. Only economy class tickets will be reimbursed. According to IUSY rules, business or first class tickets will not be taken into consideration under any circumstances. When traveling by car we ask you to try to organize with organizations whose country you might pass through to reach Belgrade. Gas money will be reimbursed in accordance with a fixed model based on gas price in country of origin and distance.

Please note that IUSY can only reimburse cost of travels proven by original documents. Therefore do not forget to keep and hand in to the IUSY Secretariat ALL of the following documents:

  • If you arrived by plane, bus or train – original invoice showing the date, exact price and currency with which the ticket has been paid, and original boarding passes, bus or train tickets of your full journey (in case you had connection flights – all of them)
  • If you arrived by car – original invoices of the fees for which you claim reimbursement (tolls, petrol). We need the receipt of one fueling in your home country upon arrival, but the price or the amount won’t effect the reimbursement, it is just for the accounting.

All travel reimbursements will be made in Euro by bank transfer after the meeting. Please note that only the participants who attend at least 75% of the meeting will be offered travel reimbursement.


Stina Garefelt
Project Manager Global Project  |  Tel: 0043 699 135 329 70  |  Mail:

Rocío Cervera
Project Manager IUSY  |  Tel: 0043 699 170 734 41 |  Mail: