“The left” – 33rd IUSY World Congress 2018

IUSY World Congress 2018 IUSY Congreso Mundial 2018 IUSY Congrés Mondial 2018

Bečići, Montenegro / 15th-18th February, 2018
Invitación española | Invitation française

The XXXII IUSY World Congress is our most important global event where we gather to evaluate the last years, elect our leadership and to set the agenda for the future.

The past two years have been the years where the unimaginable happened. Well established democracies have been under siege by populist and neo-fascists, claiming shares of power. All regions of the world have fallen into the nationalist anti-solidarity, anti-democratic rhetoric of the right. The far right is spreading in the peripheries of major capitals of the West, as well as in many other places of the world. Their narrative settles in the minds of the emarginated and scared of our societies, their words poison the reasoning of the angry ones.

Our parties have seldom managed to counteract, often defending the status quo in the name of common sense, but hence appearing conservative and deaf to the cries for help to the eyes of those who ask for a radical change.

Our words have been twisted, changed, and used against us.

It is time for us to come together and take a stand, because we must remember that change never comes from above. It comes only when people realise that this is not the world that we will want to live in. Despite the struggles, the risks, the fights, and the time it may take to see some tangible change, we need to still stand today with an even stronger voice that we are going to change this world.

We need you, all of you. We need your energy, your bright ideas, and your idealism to make our struggle more than just words confined in a conference room.

We are looking forward to meet all of you at “The left”, the 33rd IUSY World Congress, to enjoy both the fun and the politics.

Our hosting organization, the Youth Council of the Democratic Party of Socialists of Montenegro, is happy to welcome all of you in their home.

Please download here the technical details for the IUSY World Congress.

Note that we urge all member organisations to register before the 30th of November 2017, but at the latest on the 31st of December 2017.

There is a hard task ahead – the hardest in generations – but we are, after all, the left!

For this reason, we look forward to seeing you in Montenegro for a fruitful, and inspiring World Congress.

In Solidarity,

Howard Lee
IUSY President

Alessandro Pirisi
IUSY Secretary General

Nikola Pesic
DPS Youth forum President