Along with the fall of the dictator, Blaise Compaoré, in Burkina Faso during last year there was a stream of hope for an equal an democratic country.


A democratic process was set in place to prepare fair and free elections in the 11th of October this year. However, less than one month before the elections where supposed to take place, the military forces, the same that endorsed the fallen dictator, dissolved the transitional government and detained the heads of the government. 


IUSY condemns the unlawful detention of the leadership of the transition government in Burkina Faso, as well as the unlawful seizure of power by the military forces. We had a lot of hope in the process of a democratic transition. 


This transition that meant the return to democracy for the people is now seriously threatened. No military group nor a dictator must be able to take on power by force. The power belongs to the people. We demand the restoration of order and resumption of the electoral process scheduled for 11th October. The coup is an affront to Democracy and the rule of law, it can’t be tolerated by all peace loving organizations and nations. We stand in solidarity with all progressive forces and our comrades in Burkina Faso in this critical moment! 


IUSY calls on the International Community and all the nations to not stay silent. The people of Burkina Faso have had enough! It is time for democracy and equality for all!