IUSY Presidium Resolution #CharlieHebdo

As a IUSY Presidium, we are speechless and shocked about the attack against the editorial office of CHARLIE HEBDO in Paris on Wednesday 7, 2015. The attack left 12 people dead. As well, we are grieving for the victims during the hostage-taking at the Kosher grocery who were preparing for Shabbat. Our condolences are expressed to the families and friends of the victims.


The tragic occurrence at the editorial office of CHARLIE HEBDO was not only an attack on an editorial magazine. It was an attempt to weaken democracy and solidarity in society through aiming to attack the freedom of speech. We will never allow this to happen. The answer must therefor be more freedom and more democracy.


The attempt of the political right wing to exploit the violent incident in Paris leaves us angry and furious. Front National in France, as well as numerous other right-wing forces around the globe, seek to gain political capital out of this situation. They abuse the tragedy in Paris in order to justify their racist and islamophobic positions. With this behaviour the right-wing shows clearly that they have very much in common with the assassins: Both positions root in intolerance and hatred. As IUSY, we reject any hierarchisation of people, no matter whether if it is constructed with religion or origin, gender identity or sexual orientation.


Fundamentalism and extremism are always rooted in unjust circumstances people have to live their lives in. Their lost trust in a future in dignity. Only with fighting inequality, we can reach a future with mutual trust. Stigmatizing the Muslim community and excluding them from participation in society would only push, especially young people, into the hands of fundamentalists.


Whether in France, Syria or other parts of the world- in these days, our solidarity is with everyone suffering from religious fundamentalisms. We thus refuse all attempts to trivialize, exclude and villainize everyone of Muslim believe or the Muslim community as such. As a movement, we are working all around the world for an end of the spiral of exclusion and oppression, which is only strengthening religious fundamentalisms and therefor leading to attacks such as in Paris.


Our everyday work is about outlining an alternative vision of how we want to live together. Especially now, we have to oppose to all forces of oppression, religious fundamentalism and racism, through a strong vision of a future in equality. We will not be intimidated. We will stay even stronger together. All around the world and every day.