IUSY Study Visit ‘Western Sahara Conflict’

During the last IUSY World Council in May 2013, IUSY committed itself to carry out a study visit in September 2013 to the Morocco and the Western Sahara territory in order to explore and observe the situation of the conflict on the ground and strengthen the joint work of our organizations.

During the visit the delegates had the chance to meet and exchange with various activists and representatives from our member organizations, political mother parties, local authorities and civil society organizations. The study visit was jointly hosted and coordinated by the IUSY Member Organizations ‘Jeunesse de la Union Socialiste des Forces Populaires’ (J Ittihadiya, Morocco) and ‘Unión de Juventudes de Saguía el Hamra y Río de Oro’ (UJSARIO, Western Sahara).


Starting point of the mission was Rabat, the capital of Morocco, where the delegation went for a series of talks with many Moroccan officials, including the presidents of the National Human Rights Council (CNDH), the Economic and Social Council and the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs (CORCAS) as well as with leaders of the USFP. After Rabat, the delegation visited Laayoune, Dakhla and Boujdour to meet members of local associations, local officials and elected representatives as well as pro-POLISARIO / pro-independence activists and delegates of organizations.

The mission concluded with a visit to the Saharawi Refugee Camps close to Tindouf. During the stay at the refugee camps the delegation had the opportunity to conduct a series of meetings with local authorities, leaders of POLISARIO as well as associations and engaged Saharawi youth. Amongst others the delegation met with Mohamed Abdelaziz, President of SADR and General Secretary of POLISARIO, Ada Ahmim, Governor of Smara, M’hamed Kadad, Member of POLISARIO and coordinator with MINURSO, the UNMS (Saharwi women’s organization), and human rights organizations active in the camps.