IUSY World Council 2013

8-9 May 2013, Dortmund, Germany


More than 100 delegates from 65 organizations from all around the world gathered in Dortmund for the IUSY World Council 2013. The World Council was marked by intense discussions on recent political events, updates to our political agenda and membership recommendations to the upcoming IUSY World Congress 2014.

After intensive and fruitful discussions the delegates at the Council adopted a series of political resolutions hightlighting the IUSY standpoint on important global challenges of today.

For the first time in the history of the organization, the Council unanimously passed a joint resolution put forward by the UJSARIO (Western Sahara) and the Ittihadia Youth (Morocco) calling for a peaceful and just solution to allow for the self-determination of Western Sahara through the implementation of a UN-supervised referendum. A study visit to both organizations and countries is also planned for September 2013. Another joint resolution put forward by comrades from Germany, Israel and Palestine and unanimously adopted gives unequivocal support for the two-state solution and an end to Israeli settlements in Palestine as the basis for allowing a peace and stability to take hold in the region.

» Check out the photos here


Workers Youth Festival

The IUSY World Council was connected to the Workers Youth Festival that took place in Dortmund, Germany, from 9 to 12 May right after the Council. The Festival brought together more than 3000 young political activists from Germany, Europe and the World to celebrate 150 years of workers movement in Germany and gave inspiration to our movement for the future.

Check out the Video and the Pictures from the Festival.


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» Full Report

» Political Report by the IUSY President

» Organizational Report by the IUSY Secretary General

» Financial Report by the IUSY Control Commission

» Adopted Resolutions

» Membership Recommendations
