IUSY is concerned about actions against democracy in Venezuela

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The International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY) expresses its concern about the actions taken by the Venezuelan government against its democratic system.

The young socialists of the world have followed all the political processes that are taking place in Venezuela, their consequences and the current economic, political and social crisis affecting the Venezuelan people.

We have done a study visit more than a year ago where we were able to representatives of the country from all fields: political, economic, social, and even with the internationally renown study houses.

The political irrationality, the disrespect to the separation of powers, the confrontation between them, as well as the powers that are granted to the President of the Republic in civil, criminal and administrative matters by the Supreme Court of Justice, are actions that break the Political and democratic coexistence.

The serious political confusion, including political violence between the main political actors of the country, are of great concern for the international community. As the largest youth political organization in the world, we have objectively appraised this whole process, where the call to plural dialogue and respect for democratic principles have been our main expression and unbelievable position.

We believe that the latest actions promoted by the Venezuelan government deepen the crisis. As the main political actor in Venezuela, the government must promote a space of plural dialogue, including all political and social sectors, where the common points are the elements to initiate and achieve progress for the good of all.

We reiterate the call for plural dialogue, and we urge the main political actors of both the government and the opposition to the cessation of political violence, we also hope to respect the institutions and ask for the recognition of the entire Venezuelan people.

We express our willingness as an international youth organization to promote and foster spaces for plural dialogue in Venezuela, where young people have much to contribute and build.

At IUSY we are all over the world to fight and promote solidarity, equality, and democracy.