Progressive Alliance Parliamentarian Conference on Decent Jobs and Education

IUSY Secretary General, Evin Incir, took part in the Progressive Alliance Parliamentarian Conference on Decent Jobs and Education in Lisbon, Portugal. The conference was arranged by Progressive Alliance and Socialist & Democrats Group in the European Parliament.


Parties from all round the world gathered to discuss how to invest in equal opportunities for all through decent work and quality education.


IUSY Secretary General addressed the conference and highlighted the importance of education and jobs to make possible for everyone to change the world and change their own lives to the better and to fulfil their dreams. Furthermore, she highlighted the importance of pushing for a strong Post 2015 Agenda in UN, where the issue of jobs and education should be high up on the agenda.


Finally, she stressed that it is of importance that all Socialist, Social Democratic and Progressive voices stay united to be an influencing power that is relevant. For this it requires a continued work for pushing for reformation of SI- Socialist International.