Resolution of IUSY African Committee Leadership Conference 13-14 September 2019

The IUSY African Committee Leadership met from 13-14 September, 2019, at Gaborone, in Botswana. The conference was held under the theme Youth Opportunities in Africa & How We Can Guarantee Decent Work for Youth was officially opened by Ms. Motsei RAPELANA, BCP Chairperson and UDC Executive member and the conference was chaired by Benedicta LASI (IUSY Vice President).

During the two days, delegates from IUSY organisation members discussed:

  1. The correlation between Youth Unemployment and the rising Crime rate in parts of the continent. Participants have identified unemployment as the main causes of the high rate of crime. Furthermore, they identified among others, corruption, poor quality and lack of education, lack of materials and infrastructure as causes of youth unemployment.
  2. Participants also asserted that Corruption is the main cause of unemployment in Africa, and corollary poverty and inequality. Faced with all ills, participants have identified the continent underutilised opportunities and youth who makes around 60% of the continent’s population as a force capable to bring solutions and change the trend. Among the continent’s opportunities identified are the transformation of natural resources and development of tourism and agriculture. Along with these opportunities, they also stated the need to consider the fourth industrial revolution and knowledge economy as emerging ideas that required attention of African governments. Participants, also, stressed on the need for youth political participation. They urged youth to lead from all positions – academia, business, politics, etc.
  3. Participants reflected on decent work for youth. Each organisation highlighted some challenges and has proposed solutions being short, medium and long-term to identified challenges. For:
  • Botswana Congress Party (BCP): Slow economy growth, lack of infrastructure, resource-led economy and corruption are main challenges to decent work.
    The party has proposed investment into and modernisation of infrastructure such as roads and railway lines; implementation of labour intensive and public programmes and; robust development of SMEs and of informal sector as solutions to decent work challenges.

  • National Democratic Congress – NDC (Ghana): High rates of corruption and nepotism within the current government has stalled equitable economic development within the country. This has caused high rates of unemployment and the quality of work has also been impacted negatively. The party advocated for an aggressive fight against corruption and the advancement of progressive policies that will guarantee development not just for the rich but for the indigent.
  • People’s Democratic Party – PDP (Zimbabwe): Autocratic regime and corruption have been identified as challenges to decent work for youth. As regards to solutions to these challenges, the party recommended democratisation of the country, Zimbabwe, and the creation of Anti-corruption Commission.
  • SWAPO Party (Namibia): Highlighted resource-led economy as the main challenge and they recommended industrialisation and development of agriculture.
  • SWAYOCO (Swaziland): Corruption and nepotism have been identified as challenges to decent work for youth. Democratisation of Swaziland is seen as the solution for decent work by the party.
  • UDPS (Democratic Republic of Congo): Corruption, outdated education system and poor education quality and mineral resources-led economy are challenges to decent work for youth.The party has proposed as part of the solutions;
    Concerning Corruption: Payment of good salary to public employees; Asset Declaration Bill; and the Creation of an independent Anti-corruption Directorate. As regards to Education; Review of educational curriculum according to economic needs; Improvement of teachers’ living conditions. Economic diversification with development of labour intensive sector such as agriculture and tourism; Creation of youth funds; Entrepreneurship promotion and Crowd funding have also been identified as solutions to decent work.
  • UJSARIO: Current Moroccan occupation, the plunder of natural resources by Morocco and the Status of refugee imposed to Western Saharan people are main challenges to decent work for youth.
    As solution, the party has requested the support and advocacy to the campaign about the plunder of Western Sahara’s natural resources with the slogan STOP THE PLUNDER.
  1. As regards the AU policy on enhancing youth employment, H.E. Malainin Mohamed MOH-FADEL, Ambassador of Western Sahara in Botswana, said unemployment is not the problem that the continent is facing, it is rather the symptom of the many problems that are lack of adequate infrastructure, corruption and poor quality of education lacking innovation.

Many policies, programmes and strategies have been developed by AU since 2007 but however, none of them has been implemented.

He has further stressed the necessity for youth to educate themselves about AU policies and strategies such as, for instance, the TVET Continental Strategy and Youth Decade Plan of Action that focus on 5 key priorities areas namely: Educational and Skills Development; Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship; Governance, Peace and Security; Youth Health and Sexual Reproductive Health Rights and lastly; Agriculture, Climate Change and the Environment.

Concerning the contribution of socialist movements, His Excellency, has pledged among others to Left parties to go back to the socialist principles, raise awareness among young people regarding the AU’s policies since they are very socialistic. He also urged young people to political engagement.

  1. IUSY AFC organisation members raised concerns about funding challenges for political activities of youth wings of political parties on the continent. They also recommended, as strategy to raise political interest among youth as well as strengthening governance, the engagement of young persons, under 18 as they form the foundation of the next generation of leaders and it was imperative to preparing them for leadership and as change agents for their community as done by SWAPO Party Youth league – SWAPO Party Pioneers Movement.
  2. The IUSY AFC requested organisation members to set up 6 working groups namely:
    1. Economy and Trade Working Group
    2. Education Working Group
    3. Politics, Rule of Law and Governance Working Group
    4. International Relations and Partnerships Working Group
    5. Youth Empowerment Working Group; and
    6. Women Empowerment Working Group

Organisation members are requested to report on activities of these working groups or Networks and communicate to IUSY AFC leadership names of their representatives. The deadline for this is set for 31st October 2019.

  1. The IUSY AFC inform member organisations about the Decent work for Youth Campaign and requested them to engage in the campaign by providing pictures, videos and statement where party’s logo and that of IUSY should be shown. The campaign would be held in October 2019.
  2. The IUSY AFC condemn the arrest of Mr. Gift Ostalos SIZIBA, Secretary General of MDC Alliance of Zimbabwe, on 12th September 2019 at the Zimbabwean airport who was on his way to attend this Africa Committee meeting in Gaborone. We call for the case instituted against him by the Government be dropped and his passport handed over to him. The AFC considers this an onslaught on democracy and fundamental Human Rights and condemns it in no uncertain terms.


Gaborone, Botswana, 14th September 2019