Rise Up For Equality- March 8

The International Women‘s Rights Day on March 8 is an important reminder of the struggle for gender equality. It started with a mass protest in New York, 1857. Later Clara Zetkin demanded the introduction of an International Women‘s Day. Socialist feminists then started to engage protests all over the world. Demanding equal rights and an end to their exploitation as workers.


March 8 became a symbol for global resistance of women struggling every day for their human rights, equality, recognition and respect. It sets in the context of an oppressive world that hits women even worse while a few profit.


The fight for gender equality needs to continue as it still has not reached its goals. Whether we look at equal pay, women suffering gender-based violence, sexism or the constant attacks on abortion rights.


On March 8 we celebrate everything that has been achieved. And with standing together we will achieve even more! This toolkit is made for all of our member organizations to give inspiration for engaging in the activities of this important day.

No socialism without feminism!


IUSY TOOLKIT- English Version


IUSY TOOLKIT- French Version


IUSY TOOLKIT- Spanish Version