The International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY) Addresses the Bahrain Summit:

We stand strongly against any effort that does not propose a solution to the political and humanitarian crisis happening in Palestine. The economic development of the region cannot hold priority over resolving the issues of occupation, illegal settlements, breaches of International Law, and humanitarian crimes. Even more so, it is necessary for Palestine to hold the decision-making authority over what investments are made and how they are to be made in its land and country.

IUSY remains largely alarmed by the misplacement of priorities in the process of building peace in the Middle East.

We regret the approach taken on by respective authorities of presenting economic development as a means to ending a historic dispute instead of addressing the core issues relating to the situation.

We refuse the attempt of trading between financial incentives and the Palestinian cause.

We believe that a true reform and peace-building effort will take the form of mediation and dialogue.

Finally, we suggest the introduction of a new mediator between the parties in conflict and discontinuing mediation led by the Trump Administration to ensure an objective and non-biased process.

With that said, IUSY reiterates its stance as being one with the strengthening of means to bring about social justice and eliminate attacks on human rights and international conventions wherever they may occur. Moreover, IUSY stands with the two states solution to  supports the end of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.