University on Youth and Development

We’re in this together!
Youth of the Crisis- Jointly for societies of opportunities for all!
22-29 September, Mollina (Spain)

In the framework of the University IUSY was organizing a training with a view to to equip young people with a deeper understanding of the circumstances in which they are living and to help them formulating responses to the main common challenges, explore ways for (joint) action, and discuss best practice examples (e.g. existing campaigns, etc.).

 Youth is at the front line of the global economic and financial crisis, facing the immediate consequences of austerity policies and bearing the brunt of the crisis. The result is a loss of prospects for young people due to high rates of youth unemployment, precarious working conditions, the reform of social security systems – and hence a loss of autonomy. This not only leaves increasing numbers of young people disenchanted with politics but at the same time this situation favours the receptiveness for seemingly easy solutions to the crisis – often coming in form of right wing populism and re-nationalization of the political debate.

This training was addressed to IUSY young activists with a view to strengthen their capacity and efficiency – providing the participants with the knowledge and a common strategy participating in the political process and public debate in their societies and in our shared political spaces on regional and global level.

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