UYD on Youth Opportunities – Call for Participants

The North-South Centre of the Council of Europe is organising the 15th edition of the University on Youth and Development (UYD) on the topic of “Youth Opportunities”, in partnership with the Spanish Government (INJUVE), the European Youth Forum (YFJ), the Spanish Youth Council (CJE) and other international youth/youth serving organisation. The University will take place on 21-28 September 2014.

In this framework, the Centre will organise the 5th African Diaspora Training Course in partnership with the African Diaspora Youth Network (ADYNE). The main aim of this training course is to empower young people, particularly youth leaders and youth workers from the African Diaspora and promote their capacity to organise, take action and foster their political participation in their communities, in the Africa-Europe Youth Co-operation and Global Youth Work, through the development of competences related with project and organisational management.

The course is aimed to young people (18-30 years old), from African origin or working/interested to work directly with the African diaspora youth community, with some qualification or experience in terms of international youth work and project management. The working language of the training course will be English.

» Call for Participants
Application form (to be completed in English).

The deadline for applications is July 15th.