IUSY condemns the deaths occurred in the Gaza Strip

At least 20 civilians have been killed during a peaceful demonstration in the Gaza Strip at the hands of the Israeli army.

The International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY) emphatically condemns the deaths in the Gaza Strip. We call on the International Community to repudiate the attitude of the army of Israel and to demand an independent investigation.

Shooting unarmed protesters is illegal, therefore Israel has to answer about its responsibilities in the face of such violent and inhuman actions.

We urge the authorities in the area to call for calm in order to avoid further escalation of violence and unjust executions.

The situation in the Gaza Strip is unsustainable, and this tragedy is another reason for the international community to react effectively.

We demand the cessation of violence and the resumption of peace talks in order to reach the solution of coexistence of two States, according to the resolutions of the United Nations and the 1967 borders, this is the only way to ensure a just, safe future and in peace for both Israel and Palestine.