We support the PASOK Youth demands for the release of two soldiers of Greece detented in Turkey

The aggressive rhetoric President Erdogan and the Leadership of Turkey have adopted in the past months against their neighbours, especially against Greece and Cyprus, constitutes an outrageous escalation of offensive behaviour that is not in accordance with the principle of good neighbourliness.

Furthermore, in the past few months, Turkey has increased the frequency of daily violations of the FIR of Greece, resorting to unacceptable actions in the Greek and Cypriot EEZ.

Recently, a Turkish patrol boat rammed a vessel off the coast guard of Greece, some nautical miles away of the Imia.

These actions demonstrate an escalating pattern of Turkish defiance of fundamental European and International treaties, as well as principles of the Rule of Law.

The imprisoning, on dubious and unfounded charges, of two Greek soldiers for more than 45 days in Turkey constitutes a climax of Turkish aggressiveness.

The Greek soldiers accidentally strayed across the borderline while routine patrolling, under poor weather conditions.

The established approach for relevant incidents, practised in the past by both Greece and Turkey, involved the on-site resolution of the issue between the local military authorities.

IUSY always support the peaceful resolution of all issues, following the established diplomatic ways and respect for International Law.

We unambiguously condemn the provocativeness of Turkish leadership and we demand the immediate release of two Soldiers of Greece.