Call for Applications

Vetted Roster of Experts on GEPA

UNDP’s Democratic Governance Group and Gender Team have developed a Global Initiative on Gender Equality in Public Administration (UNDP GEPA initiative).

As part of that initiative, a roster of vetted experts on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in Public Administration is being established, in order to provide demand-driven advisory services, access to knowledge, and technical backstopping to UNDP country offices, regional service centers and other offices.

Applications are solicited until 30 June 2014, from highly-qualified experts and experienced individuals (not firms) to be considered for inclusion in this new thematic expert roster. We are looking for a diverse group of people in terms of expertise, skills, languages and seniority.

Interested experts should review the announcement and apply only if they meet the minimum requirements as specified in the call for applications. Candidates are welcome to apply in the UNDP working language they wish (English, French or Spanish).

The Gender Equality in Public Administration Vetted Experts Roster announcement is available in English | French |SpanishPlease note that this call for experts is not linked to other UNDP rosters or to a specific UNDP recruitment opportunity. You may send an email to for any questions or clarifications.