IUSY World Congress 2014 – Call for Nominations

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IUSY is happy to receive nominations of candidates for the XXX IUSY World Congress! All full member organizations of IUSY – that have fulfilled the obligations to IUSY (paid their membership fee) – have the right to make nominations.

» President
» Secretary General
» Vice Presidents (18)
» Chair of Control Commission
» Members of Control Commission (4)

In accordance with the Presidium suggestion on Statutes, Working Groups Coordinators will be appointed within the Presidium and not elected. Please note that Gender balance (at least 50% women representation) must be reached within each region.

Nominations must include:
» Letter of motivation from the candidate, which should include a political project for the period.
» Letter of support from the leadership of the candidate’s organization
» Presentation with short CV and picture of the candidate
» Passport copy of the candidate


Deadline for nominations is the 12th of February 2014. After the deadline all nominations will be made public.

» Submit your Nomination