Mediterranean Committee ’16 Statement on the Region

The Mediterranean Committee Leadership Conference ’16 took place last week in Athens, Greece. In the programme we had the opportunity to discuss important issues such as the difference conflicts active in the region, the refugee crisis and its consequences not only in the region but  also in Europe.

We also had the chance to discuss on the relation between Feminism and Socialism followed by the Women’s Role in the Middle East. There was also time for debating on the current economic crisis that so many countries are going through.

All this issues and more are reflected in the statement released by the committee, check it out!

MC’16 – The current situation in the region

IUSY is concerned about the escalation of human rights violations in Turkey after the coup attempt in July. We strongly believe that there are fundamental rights that should never be infringed upon. Accordingly IUSY condemns the absence of due process (legal procedure of arresting a person), arbitrary arrests and collective punishments. IUSY expresses its proximity to its two Member Organizations present in the area, CHP youth and HDP youth, whose members have been subject to arbitrary violence and persecution. We stand in solidarity by our friends and comrades of CHP Youth and HDP Youth in their battle for social justice and democracy, and we will use all peaceful measures in our hands to protect their basic democratic rights in compliance with fundamental principles of international law.

IUSY stresses its ongoing support for the Kurdish cause and the right of the Kurdish people for self-determination. We view some rights as fundamental and indispensable, primarily freedom of speech, freedom of association, freedom of movement or even expressing their collective rights that are given to minorities. We commend the struggle of the Kurdish people against extremists and call the international community to take serious measures in order to assist them. We especially condemn the treatment of Kurdish political prisoners, which has amounted on several occasions to enforced disappearance.

IUSY continues to strongly support the right of Western Sahara people to freedom and self-determination. IUSY strongly condemns the Moroccan violation of the seize-fire at Gargarat area and we urge the UN to decide on a date for a referendum, which would determine the fate of the Sahrawian people. We are calling the international community and the UN Security Council to take concrete measures to prevent any escalation of violence. We call both sides to refrain of the use of force and utilize diplomatic and peaceful methods to prevent any additional crisis.


IUSY affirm it’s fully support for the Palestinian peaceful struggle towards freedom and the right of the Palestinian people for self-determination and their struggle for independence. We support the peace camp in both sides and their efforts to contribute to the realization of the two states solution based on the 1967 borders. IUSY believes that the only way to achieve a long lasting peace is through non-violent ways. We also call for immediate release of Fatah youth movement members who are currently on an ongoing hunger strike and are in severe health condition and all the Palestinian political prisoners. We call the international community to support the Palestinian international diplomatic steps.

As Under the current situation in the MENA region thousands of children women youths and elderly people crossing the Mediterranean Sea escaping from violence, wars economic crisis and extremism grows, and the way they need to pass on the way to a safe life becomes even more dangerous, we demand the international community to support those people in their struggle against the extreme violence and the dictators in their countries. IUSY calls the EU to take direct measures and to adopt policies and regulations, which guarantee stable life for all the people who are fleeing to Europe, seeking for security peace and dignity. We believe that the policy of the close borders will never achieve security or stability, cooperation and just policies are the only way to solve this humanitarian crisis.

It’s our responsibility all as social democrat youth in the middle east to struggle for building societies based on our principles and values in the different fields. Therefore, struggling for more environmental policies, strengthening of the social democratic economies, equality, solidarity and freedom should be always in the top of our priorities all of us to work hand in hand for better region and better world.

IUSY looks with concern at the increased militarization in the Middle East and North Africa and its detrimental repercussions on the stability of the region. We should always remember the price that was paid in order to effectuate the UN charter. Accordingly, we stress the need to refrain from the use or the threat of the use of force, in compliance with the Charter. We progressively observe how the abuse of the ultimate power at the disposal of certain nations in the Security Council has contributed to the aforementioned end. We view a need for reform in compliance with standards of social democracy and the principle of equality of nations.


Prevalent gender stereotypes increase the vulnerability of women worldwide; accordingly, women are disproportionately affected in times of war and conflicts. We commend ongoing efforts to protect women from violence and sexual abuse within the umbrella of the “women, peace and security” agenda, starting with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325. We also believe that in order to effectuate it, the big bulk of effort should be concentrated on regional implementation mechanisms in view of the sensitivity of perceptions of infringement of State sovereignty and in light of the different dynamics that inform the process. Nonetheless, the IUSY stresses that this does not by any means suggest that we view that equality of women has been achieved, and encourage individual countries and regional mechanisms to advance this end. It is worth to mention that the feminist struggle is one of many other struggles and accordingly, the IUSY reiterates its support to other struggles including but not limited to LGBTQ struggle and the struggle against racial discrimination.