Statement by NSF on Violence Against Women

IUSY is publishing a statement by the National Salvation Front (NSF), in which the Egyptian Social Democratic Party (ESDP) is a member, about the escalation of violence against women in the country in the last few months. The struggle for women’s rights is taking place all over the world and we encourage progressive forces to stand in solidarity with this struggle.

24 March 2014

The last few months have witnessed an unprecedented escalation in the severity of assaults on women and their rights in Egypt.  While violence against women is part and parcel of the violence meted out to Egyptian citizens now by a brutal regime bent on aborting the revolution and breaking the spirit of protesters using all means possible, it is nevertheless pertinent to address the attacks directed against women in particular as it is practiced on more than one level and manifested in various forms, namely:

1- The marked increase in the frequency and level of physical violence against women, which reached its peak on the 25th of January 2013, when a large number of women were subjected to sexual assaults in the vicinity of Tahrir square. The violence continued against women and women activists, the last case being the assault on the activist, Mervat Moussa who was attacked in front of the headquarters of the Muslim Brotherhood.

2-The deliberate marginalization of national structures that uphold women’s rights, using all different means, the targeting of distinguished national figures with malicious rumours with the aim of spreading confusion and unrest, and last but not least, the launch of  initiatives that undermine existing national structures.

3-The loud calls for withdrawal from international conventions and treatises ratified by Egypt, particularly as regards conventions that protect women’s rights, a direction with potentially grave consequences for women and a direct negative impact on the regional and international standing of Egypt.

4-The dissemination of discourses that incite hatred and resentment against women and that rupture the fabric of society, while the perpetrators enjoy impunity as the ruling regime turns a blind eye.

Therefore, the National Salvation Front

1- Condemns all forms of violence against women and considers all such acts as systematic crimes against all Egyptians.

2-Pledges solidarity with all Egyptian women who are victims of all forms of assaults.

3-Commits to taking measures to prosecute perpetrators of violence before Egyptian courts as well as international courts.

4-Calls on the President of Egypt and state institutions to assume their responsibility in protecting men and women.

5-Rejects the initiative entitled “supporting Egyptian women’s rights and freedom” launched by President Mohamed Morsi today.

6-Rejects all attempts by the regime to withdraw from Egypt’s commitments to international conventions and treatises, particularly as regards women and human rights.

7-Announces the establishment of a permanent committee in the NSF to defend women’s rights and to counter the violence directed against them.

Long live Free Egypt.