17 – 19 December 2013, Lefkoşa (North Cyprus)
Due to a membership application of the CTP Youth IUSY carried out a study visit to the North of Cyprus in order to explore and observe the situation of the conflict on the ground and strengthen the joint work of our organizations in Cyprus. During the visit the delegates had the chance to meet and exchange with various activists and representatives from the CTP Youth and their mother party. The study visit was hosted and coordinated by the CTP Youth of Cyprus interested in becoming a future IUSY Member Organization.
The study visit started on Tuesday evening with a welcoming dinner, where our delegation had the chance to discuss the current political situation in North Cyprus with various members of the parliament from the CTP. On Wednesday morning Urun Solyali held an interesting presentation of the CTP Youth. After a typical Cypriot lunch our delegation met with the Foreign Minister from North Cyprus Özdil Nami. Main topic of the meeting was the current level of the negotiations between the North and South Cyprus. In a following round table with the former President of North Cyprus Mehmet Ali Talat the delegation got to know an historical point of view of the Cyprus conflict. Also the Thursday morning started with an interesting round table with a former member of the Assembly of North Cyprus Mustafa Yektaoglu. The main focus of the discussion was the question if petrol and gas at the Mediterranean are tools for peace or tension. After this fruitful discussion our delegation was received by the Prime Minister Özkan Yorgancioglu. This very interesting study visit was concluded by visiting the Parliament of North Cyprus and having a short coffee break with the former Prime Minister of North Cyprus Sibel Siber. Many Thanks to the CTP Youth for the invitation and this amazing study visit!
As the reception with the Prime Minister attracted media interest,
you can find some press articles (in Turkish) here:
» http://www.basbakanlik.gov.ct.tr/
» http://www.kibrishaber.com/