1st IUSY Presidium Meeting 2013

21-24 February 2013, Israel/Palestine

End of February the IUSY Presidium gathered for its first meeting in 2013 in Jerusalem. Hosted by the Willy Brandt Center, an international political cooperation project and meeting space in Jerusalem for Israeli, Palestinian and international activists, the framework was set for a highly political and productive meeting. Apart from the immediate Presidium business – monitoring, planning, steering IUSY activities and representation – the political program focused on the Israel/Palestine conflict. Thanks to the joint effort of our member organizations from Israel (Young Meretz, Young Labour) and Palestine (Fatah Youth) the IUSY Presidium experienced the situation on the ground from various perspectives and discussed the political reality with a range of high level political actors.

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IUSY World Council 2013

High on the Presidium’s agenda were the preparations for the upcoming IUSY World Council in May in Germany. Main points prepared by the Presidium concern the Council’s thematic focus, membership decisions, workshops and networking spaces. Logistic preparations are running smoothly, not least thanks to the great help of our German hosts, Jusos and SJD-Die Falken.
The Presidium elaborated the framework for a new IUSY Campaign to discuss at the Council and get the support of the Member Organizations for committed joint action under the theme: “Fighting Global Inequalities, locally”. The campaign idea aims at providing a common frame for IUSY activities in 2013/14, linking the local struggles under this common frame and highlighting their common dimension.

The Workers Youth Festival will be the great bonus treat after this year’s IUSY World Council. IUSY will bring high international participation as well as an international political perspective to the Festival. The IUSY Presidium will organize five Regional Seminars, each highlighting the main challenges in the respective region. Aim is to avoid abstract discussions but allow interested activists from other countries to get directly involved with IUSY activists from sister organizations from the regions on the issues they deal with in their political struggles. In a concluding seminar the regional struggles and topics will be discussed from a global perspective giving an outlook on IUSY’s work on a global level that links and brings together all member organizations from all over the world in their political struggles.

IUSY and the Socialist International

The IUSY Presidium underlined its commitment to the importance of a strong socialist and social democratic movement on a global level in the framework of a reformed SI. At the recent SI Council in Portugal (Cascais, 4-5 February 2013) IUSY’s leadership engaged actively in all spaces possible, continuously pushing for reform and working to strengthen the voice of the Youth. The internal situation of the SI is difficult, and getting worse. Member organizations lost their believe in the Socialist International and are withdrawing their support. IUSY continuous to believe in the SI and stays committed to the SI as its Youth. Because of this IUSY will continue pushing for serious reform of the SI and will and work together with all platforms and networks pursuing this goal. IUSY Secretary General Beatriz Talegón gave a widely received speech to the SI Council calling for reform and action that holds up to our real values. Watch her inspiring speech on the IUSY Youtube-Channel: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVfyIt450EI

Israel/Palestine and the role of the International Community

With our two Vice Presidents, Nimrod Barnea (Young Meretz, Israel) and Hanin Khoury (Fatah Youth, Palestine), IUSY has the direct link to the progressive forces in Israel and Palestine. The two did a great job in bringing the IUSY Presidium together with actors of civil society and decision-makers, providing space for direct discussions, personal encounters and experiencing the reality of the Israeli occupation and its effects on both societies. The red line in all talks and visits was the whole issue-complex of the conflict, the occupation and the question on how to deal with it, both on the ground and in particular what role the International Community could/should play.

In discussions with activists and decision-makers from Israel, e.g. newly elected young Members of Knesset (Israeli National Parliament) Tamar Zandberg (Meretz) and Michal Biran (Labour), Senior Member of Knesset Nitzan Horowitz (Meretz), focus was also on the inner Israeli social and political conflicts, one key issue being the separation of religion and state our partners are fighting for. In the discussions with the Fatah Leadership and PLO foreign affairs and negotiations department the focus was on the continuing Israeli government policy towards creating a ‘One-State reality’ and the current resurgence of the Palestinian Peaceful Popular Resistance movement. The IUSY Presidium especially discussed the role the International Community can play to bring about substantial and tangible changes concerning the Israeli occupation. In a meeting with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, the IUSY Presidium discussed the PLO’s approach towards the International Community and the progress of the ongoing reconciliation talks between Fatah and Hamas. President Abbas thanked IUSY for its support in the successful UN bid officially recognizing Palestine as a state. IUSY stays committed to taking an active role in the peaceful conflict resolution and supports all progressive forces in the region. In line with that IUSY is committed to pressure the International Community and all mother parties to take a decisive approach when it comes to the occupation and human rights violations. IUSY stands with the progressive Youth in Israel and Palestine in the struggle for ending the occupation – for giving all youth a true perspective for a better future.