IUSY Asia Pacific Committee Meeting

The IUSY Asia Pacific Committee held their meeting in Kuala Lumpor, Malaysia, 19-21 December, hosted by IUSY Member Organisation DAPSY Malaysia. The theme of the meeting was “Green Governance: The Urgent Task of Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation”.  


Member Organisations from all around the region took part in the discussions and addressed issues related to their respective countries, their region and global challenges. One of the most urgent issues addressed was the Taliban’s Brutal Massacre of Pakistani School Children, which the meeting adopted a resolution on.  


Organisations attending:

DAPSY Malaysia
Pergerakan Indonesia
Tibetan Youth Congress
Nepalese Student Union
Social Democratic Party Japan
Young Labour New Zealand
Akbayan Phillipines
YPSDM Thailand
Voters Party India
SCAP Phillipines



A Resolution by International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY) Asia Pacific Committee Condemning the Taliban’s Brutal Massacre of Pakistani School Children


The Taliban massacre that killed at least 148 people, mostly children, at a military-run school in northwestern Pakistani city left a scene of heart-wrenching devastation, pools of blood and young lives snuffed out.


The attack at the Army Public School and College in the city of Peshawar on Tuesday was the deadliest slaughter of innocents in the country and horrified a nation already weary of unending terrorist assaults.


The currently convening IUSY-Asia Pacific Committee states that;


We believe in the dignity of human life and fights all forms of injustice and disrespect of human life and therefore is against all forms of terrorism especially those targetting innocent civilians including the youth;


We recognise the need to hold accountable, not only the Taliban, but also the Pakistani government for its perilous policy of aiding Taliban and other Taliban-like groups in an attempt to preserve its hold on political power;


Also recognise that the escalating tensions in the region is also a product of the United States’ attempt to establish military and economic hegemony in the area in tandem with its “pivot strategy” in Asia. Its unilateral drone strikes in Pakistan led by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) allegedly designed to target holdouts of the Taliban and other extremist groups has also resulted in hundreds of civilian casualties and only served as a recruitment tool for the different extremist and terrorist groups.


Now therefore, IUSY APC resolves that;


We join the Pakistani people in calling for justice and accountability for the victims of the massacre and stand in solidarity for Pakistan’s struggle for a free, democratic, open and peaceful society.


We condemn the barbaric act of the Taliban against innocent civilians, most of which were students, as well as the United State’s military excursions in the region which further escalates hostility and conflict.


We support a people-centered approach to real and meaningful regional peace and stability not anchored on narrow geo-political interests but on people’s genuine participation and empowerment.