IUSY Political School: Learn and Share!

 18th-22nd February 2015 – Cape Town


Complementary to the different regional committees, IUSY believes that one of the best ways to achieve an active and continuous strengthening of our youth organizations is to empower young people providing them with concrete and stronger tools for spreading organizational d evelopment and promotion of our values and principles.


In this context IUSY is now bringing to Sub-saharan Africa the youth capacity building project; IUSY Political School: Learn and Share! And we are happy to invite you to the third action of this project that will take place in South Africa with the support the Labour Party UK.


For more information about the activity and its content, contact the IUSY Secretariat to receive more information.


Please save the date of the meeting – 18th – 22nd of February 2015.


Each organization can send up to two participants. Please note that this activity is not specifically addressed to the leadership of the organization and that the overall group we will also ensure gender balance.


We kindly ask your organization to disseminate this invitation amongst your members.


All applications need to be sent to iusy@iusy.org by Wednesday 28th November at the latest. See registration from attached.


For any questions or remarks, do not hesitate to contact the IUSY Secretariat (iusy@iusy.org).


Best regards,


Felipe Jeldres                        Evin Incir                            

IUSY President                     IUSY Secretary General