Stop Jammeh! A call for Democracy in the Republic of The Gambia

IUSY shows its deepest concern about the unfolding political situation the Republic of the Gambia. IUSY condemns the dramatic change of heart by the incumbent President Yayah Jammeh who has announced that he no longer accepts the national election results. He dully conceded defeat on December 2, 2016 to opposition coalition leader Adama Barrow. The people of the Gambia rejected the rule of Jammeh in the election that were held on December 1, 2016. Jammeh is popularly known for his undemocratic conduct as he attacked his political opponents and curtailed fundamental freedoms. The authoritarian rule of Jammeh started when he assumed power 22 years ago, through a military coup.

The sudden turn of events by Jammeh refusing to accept the election results makes democracy a mockery and cannot be tolerated. It is an attack on democracy and the will of the people to elect their own leaders. The people of the Gambia have spoken loud and clear by choosing their preferred candidate. IUSY and all democracy loving people of the world expect a smooth transfer of power to the new President elect Barrow.

IUSY calls for the people of the Gambia to remain united in this turbulent period as they find an amicable solution to the political impasse caused by Jammeh. Young people and democrats must stand in solidarity with the Gambian people at this dark moment.

IUSY calls upon on the international bodies, the ECOWAS, African Union, and the UN security council to stop the action of Jammeh and allow the President elect to assume office as mandated by the people. The UN security Council must respond immediately before there is blood shed in the Gambia. Let democracy and justice prevail in the Gambia.