IUSY Presidium Statement on the Burkina Faso terrorist attack

Burkina Faso terrorist attack - IUSY Presidium Statement

On last Friday, the 2nd of March, 2018, Burkina Faso was the target of a terrorist attack to the Armed Forces headquarters and the Embassy of France, deploring 8 death in the attackers and 8 deaths in the army and much more injured.

The identity of the group that made the terror attacks is yet to be known, however, the Burkina Faso government stated that it was probably a group of extremism origin.

We condemn with the utmost energy this cowardly and barbarous attack on Burkina Faso and its people, and whatever the identity of the group that made it, they represent the most reactionary and conservative ideas, against which IUSY always fought

We offer our condolences to the President and all the people of Burkina Faso.

IUSY will always fight against fundamentalist extremism, against discrimination and social injustices, and for a peaceful world where all global citizens can develop their lives in a satisfactory way.