Call for Applications: Training of Trainers 2019

Dear Comrades,

We are glad to invite you to the 3rd edition of the Training of Trainers of IUSY Pool of Trainers which will take place in Mollina, Spain from the 15th to the 22rd of September, 2019 (including travel dates).

In this Training for Trainers we aim to provide active members of IUSY the chance to acquire and develop training and facilitating skills, knowledge on non-formal education and youth work. Together we will explore non-formal education methods and discover how it can improve our activities. in addition, we will also strengthen the network of trainers to help us deliver future IUSY activities and promote non-formal education within IUSY and its member organisations.

Training of Trainer of IUSY Pool of Trainers will take place within the framework of University of Youth and Development (UYD) which is an activity organized by the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe (NSC).

Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the IUSY Secretariat at

Kind regards,

Johanna Ortega                      Ana Pirtskhalava                          Agustina Rodriguez

IUSY President                      IUSY Secretary General                 IUSY PoT coordinator


What: Training of Trainers of IUSY Pool of Trainers (PoT)

When: 15th – 22nd September 2019 (including travel days)

Where: Mollina, (Malaga), Spain

Age: 18-35 years

Deadline to apply: 21st July, 2019


IUSY is part of UNMGCY (major group on youth and children) and member of ICMYO constantly working not only with its member organisations worldwide, but also with other organisations in the global level tackling issues related to young people and youth rights. In this scope, the SDG number 16 is particularly relevant to the work of IUSY that promotes youth empowerment and active youth participation.

In different regions of the world where IUSY works, access to justice is unequal. This applies to many groups, in particular young people. This situation creates obstacles to youth engagement, active participation in political and social life. With this activity, which is a Training of Trainers we want to provide a space and opportunity to reflect on the topic of Youth and Justice as an important element to youth empowerment and participation where justice is equal for all and ensures protection of the society. The activity will focus on the theme partially from human rights perspective, partially through peace education which will allow diverse group of participants to build bridges that will make real and tangible the relation between all young people who want to contribute to the construction of peace, solidarity and social justice.


  • To introduce the topic of non-formal education from the perspective of justice, peace education and human rights
  • To promote the concept of non-formal education as a working tool among the participants and, as an extension, their member organisations
  • To provide participants with knowledge, tools and confidence to pursue training in their local organisations
  • To bring the global perspective to the local level by providing training and facilitation skills to the participants
  • To train members on the concepts that are relevant for youth political activism/campaigning training in order to be multipliers in their organisations (such as advocacy, speech drafting, communication skills, etc.)
  • To develop the IUSY Pool of Trainers by improving the training capacities of young activists and youth organisations

The workshops will be facilitated based on the core values of participatory non-formal education/learning and on the basis of global education. The programme will promote critical analysis and be tool-oriented to improve the capacities of young activists and youth organisations at the national and local levels.


This activity is not aimed towards the leadership of IUSY member organisations, it is addressed to youth activists. Please note that this is an educational activity therefore it is required that the participants stay for the whole activity duration and also to contribute to IUSY activities after the training.

Participants should:

  • Belong to IUSY member organisation.
  • Be aged 18-35
  • Experience or strong interest in non-formal education, training and facilitation
  • Have a proficient level of English (the only working language during the activity)
  • Availability to contribute to IUSY activities and IUSY Pool of Trainers

Since we expect to provide all regions with trainers for their events, we’re aiming for participants from all regions and from a variety of member organisations.

According to the IUSY statutes, we’re also looking to achieve a gender-balanced training so we reserve the right to select participants based on gender criteria if needed.


Due to limited space of 10-12 people, there will be an application process. To apply you must complete the registration by 21st of July.

Click here or follow the link below to complete the application form

NOTE: No registration will be accepted after the deadline.


Day of arrival is the 15th of September 2019. Departure is set for the 22nd of September 2019. Please make your travel arrangements accordingly and do not forget that IUSY will not be able to cover accommodation or any other additional expenses for participants who need to stay additional nights. Transfers will be organised only on the day of arrival and departure.


IUSY will cover your flight ticket up to a fixed reference price. The maximum amount for travel reimbursement will be sent to you together with a confirmation letter.

Please note that you should not buy any flight ticket before your application is approved!!!


The IUSY Secretariat will support visa applications for the event. If you require a visa, please send a copy of your passport to as soon as possible, so the secretariat can draft a visa invitation letter for you.

If your participation is confirmed we ask you to contact the Spanish embassy/consulate in your country as fast as possible for visa appointment.


Details on the meeting venue, hotel and pick up will be communicated after your participation is confirmed. Please note that accommodation and meals are fully covered by IUSY. Airport transfers from Malaga airport to the venue and back will be provided only on the dates of arrival and departure. 


The participation fee is set for 50 Euro and should be transferred to IUSY bank account before the activity starts. Bank details will be sent along with a confirmation letter.


There will be a 50 Euro cancellation fee charged to each organisation whose participant withdraws after 20th August and without a valid reason.


Should you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact the coordinator of the project at the IUSY Secretariat:

Gohar Ghandilyan

IUSY Project Manager


Phone: +43 699 135 32 960

IUSY Secretariat


We are looking forward to receiving your application!