AKBAYAN in the Philippines

In the Philippines, the number of undernourished people has grown by two million in just two even as the numbers in neighboring countries have declined greatly. These statistics on hunger combined with the fact that 2.8 million Filipinos are unemployed and 8.5 million underemployed are painting a dim picture of the supposed strong economic growth in the country.

The government’s insistence on economic growth without the implementation of social policies represents a critical failure on the part of the government. It seems that very little has changed in this country since the rule of the oligarchic F. Marcos.

Our member organization in the Phillipines – the AKBAYAN Youth – is dedicated to building a socialist future. Decades of misgovernance, tremendous social inequality and poverty is forcing people, especially the youth, to turn towards a real solution to the real problems affecting the country.

» Learn more about the AKBAYAN Youth