América unida en socialismo y democracia! [Decláracion final del Comité Americano IUSY 2017]

El Comité Americano “Unida en socialismo y democracia” de la Unión Internacional de Juventudes Socialistas – IUSY, por sus siglas en inglés – se reunió entre el 26 al 29 de octubre en la ciudad de Santo Domingo con el objetivo de reflexionar en torno a la unidad del socialismo y la democracia en América,

conociendo las situaciones actuales que se producen en cada uno de nuestros países y sus procesos y desafíos colectivos, donde juntos podemos realizar propuestas y atender luchas que nuestros pueblos llevan en pos de la justicia, la democracia, la igualdad y la libertad.

En un contexto global en que se profundiza el capitalismo en sus formas más sofisticadas, vemos como en América la ola de gobiernos conservadores sigue avanzando en sus programas, promoviendo una situación general de deslegitimación de la política partidaria y agravando un relato privatizador de las problemáticas sociales.

Se ha realizado un análisis estructural de las diferentes organizaciones miembros del Comité Americano y del rol que han tenido ellas en IUSY. A partir de ello, se determina que es necesario realizar acciones más efectivas y eficientes que permitan cumplir los objetivos del Manifiesto Global a través de la construcción de la paz, justicia y solidaridad, partiendo de la reflexión crítica que debemos tener como Juventudes de manera interna y externa sobre nuestra capacidad de cumplir en la práctica lo que fundamenta nuestros principios ideológicos.

Se hace una llamada a las organizaciones a ser agentes de cambio en el ámbito nacional e internacional, siendo conscientes de las necesidades que se presentan en cada país, con tal de determinar soluciones por medio de mecanismos reales de participación y liderazgo político juvenil.

Preocupa el refuerzo de los discursos de derecha que promueven posiciones misóginas, xenófobas, racistas, belicistas y contrarias a la realidad del cambio climático, condensadas en la figura del Presidente de los Estados Unidos Donald Trump, lo cual condenamos totalmente. Como jóvenes socialistas, socialdemócratas y laboristas llamamos a combatir ello con mayor democracia, el respeto a los derechos humanos, la participación de las organizaciones populares y generación de acuerdos de paz.

En Argentina gobierna una coalición que lidera el Presidente Mauricio Macri, dirigente de un partido de centroderecha afiliado a la Unión Demócrata Internacional. A casi dos años de su asunción aumentaron los niveles de pobreza y exclusión, que ya delineaban una situación preocupante durante el periodo kirchnerista. Cuestionamos de la gestión de Macri el intentó de condonación de deuda millonaria a un familiar del Presidente y la utilización por parte de cercanos del mismo de una ley de blanqueo de capitales. Se destaca, sin embargo, el avance de la justicia en el esclarecimiento de causas de corrupción en el periodo kirchnerista. Esperamos que el Poder Judicial actué con la misma firmeza en cualquier caso de corrupción por parte de miembros del Estado argentino, ya que no hay espacio para parcialidades en ese aspecto. Ante esta realidad, se hace necesario impulsar políticas públicas que respondan al ideario socialdemócrata, una reforma impositiva que permita al Estado contar con los recursos para los derechos básicos de cada ciudadano, a la vez de favorecer la inclusión, la distribución equitativa de ingresos y el desarrollo social.

La desaparición del joven Santiago Maldonado en el contexto de un procedimiento represivo de la Gendarmería y su posterior aparición sin vida nos lleva a exigir el pronto esclarecimiento de las causas de su muerte, así como el enjuiciamiento y condena de sus responsables.

Saludamos el proceso que ha desarrollado la Presidenta Michelle Bachelet en sus cuatro años de gobierno en Chile, la cual ha cambiado el consenso neoliberal imperante durante décadas en ese país para posicionar una agenda de derechos sociales mediante la educación gratuita, ampliación de la salud pública y una seguridad social solidaria. De la misma manera, celebramos medidas como el impulso de una ley de aborto en causales específicas, matrimonio igualitario con adopción homoparental y el respeto a la identidad de género. Finalmente, respaldamos el proceso constituyente iniciado para lograr una nueva Constitución nacida en democracia que termine la herencia dictatorial de Pinochet.

Manifestamos nuestro apoyo a la continuación del proceso de paz que se está desarrollando en Colombia, tanto en la plena implementación del acuerdo entre el gobierno y las FARC, así como en la culminación transparente y óptima del proceso de paz con el ELN. Llamamos a que se brinden garantías de apoyo a las víctimas del conflicto y a las guerrillas desmovilizadas en su reincorporación social y laboral. Sentamos postura en manifestar nuestro apoyo a quienes continúen la política de paz territorial y sin condicionamiento de los acuerdos en el marco de la próxima elección presidencial.

Lamentamos que en Costa Rica se viva el caso de corrupción más grande de su historia, donde se han visto inmersos tres de los cuatro poderes de la República -Legislativo, Judicial y Ejecutivo-, lo cual ha generado un gran descontento en la ciudadanía por la falta de transparencia de la política del país. Esta situación viene a generar una gran incertidumbre en el proceso de elecciones que se avecinan el próximo mes de febrero del 2018 donde se elegirá Presidente y Diputados de aquel país.

Condenamos la política injerencista de Estados Unidos en Panamá, con sus nuevas modalidades de colonialismo, patrocinando al gobierno de la derecha de aquel país mediante la utilización de la lista Clinton para cerrar medios de comunicación, quebrar empresas de opositores y perseguir políticos adversarios con el objeto de debilitar la figura de quienes se oponen al oficialismo.

Vemos con preocupación la avanzada conservadora en Paraguay, impidiendo la implementación de políticas de educación sexual integra y con perspectiva de género. Condenamos la discriminación a mujeres y a miembros de colectivos LGTBIQ+ por parte del Estado de Paraguay, debido a la presión de grupos conservadores y solidarizamos con compañeras y compañeros que luchan por la igualdad y la no discriminación. Además, apoyamos la lucha de las mujeres paraguayas que presentaron un proyecto de ley de paridad democrática y esperamos que el mismo sea aprobado por el legislativo para que pronto Paraguay cuente con un Congreso equitativamente representado.

Saludamos el dialogo que sostienen distintas organizaciones políticas y sociales de la Republica Dominicana en relación a la ley de partidos políticos y la reforma del Código electoral dominicano. Respaldamos el reclamo de la juventud para que se le otorgue una cuota de participación del 25 por ciento de los puestos de elección popular, así como el ánimo de diferentes grupos y organizaciones para que se logre la paridad de género en los puestos de elección popular. Apoyamos la propuesta de organizaciones políticas y de la sociedad civil dominicanas de que el aborto sea despenalizado para permitir el ejercicio del derecho que le asiste a la mujer de decidir sobre su propio cuerpo.

Reiteramos nuestra preocupación por la crisis política, económica y social que se profundiza en Venezuela, deseando que se promueva el dialogo plural entre los distintos actores políticos del país, buscando soluciones concretas donde se garantice la supervivencia de la democracia, el respeto a las instituciones y la convivencia política.

Apoyamos las candidaturas que desarrollaran nuestras organizaciones en las elecciones que se realizaran durante 2018 en Costa Rica, Colombia, Paraguay, México, Brasil y Venezuela, esperando que tengan el mayor éxito en ello para volver a un avance de la izquierda en el continente.

En ese mismo sentido, celebramos la candidatura del senador Alejandro Guillier de cara a las elecciones presidenciales de Chile, deseando su triunfo en diciembre próximo como continuador de la obra progresista. A su vez, apoyamos las acciones que ha realizado el candidato Antonio Alvares Desanti con el tema de la corrupción y la transparencia en Costa Rica, así como el apoyo a la juventud en la generación de fuentes de empleo y la educación.

El Comité Americano extiende un saludo afectuoso a la organización anfitriona por las actividades realizadas.

Tenemos confianza en que la Juventud Revolucionaria Moderna sabrá profundizar la agenda política progresista en la Republica Dominicana para alcanzar un mayor bienestar de su hospitalario pueblo.

¡Si a la Paz!
¡Ni una menos!
¡En todo el mundo para cambiarlo!

Comité Americano de IUSY ’17
Santo Domingo, República Dominicana
28 de octubre de 2017

OPEN CALL | Stories of women : Giving a voice to the unheard

The IUSY Feminist working group is starting the implementation of its roadmap developed during the last meeting (September 17-24 2017, Mollina, Spain).

The first planned activity is to create a quarterly thematic journal on feminism and related themes. The first edition is planned to launch on November 25th, 2017 on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.

We would like to collect stories/articles on the theme of gender based violence. We want to speak up about the issue by sharing our stories, celebrating those who have survived and connect to each other by working together for transformation and peace. The power of storytelling is valuable as a strategy for raising awareness, empowering and inspiring change.

IUSY Feminist working group is calling for submission of stories from feminist activists from IUSY member and partner organisations from Africa, South and North America, Asia-Pacific, Mediterranean, Europe (Balkans and Black Sea Cooperation Area).

We are seeking stories that respond to this prompt as a strategy for shedding light on:

  • The value of women in the movement to end gender-based violence,
  • The strength and perseverance of feminist activists and advocates in the face of challenging times

Submission guidelines:

  • Stories should be written from your point of view (first person/ “I” statements),
  • Stories should be between 2-4 pages including the photo of the author(s).
  • We encourage everyone who has a story on the topic to submit them especially individuals from traditionally marginalized and oppressed groups, including advocates of color, non-English speaking, immigrant, indigenous, Deaf, trans-identified, gender nonconforming, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and living with disabilities.
  • Creativity in storytelling is welcomed!

Submissions are due 10 November, 2017 in Word format via email to: with the subject line “Stories of women_full name”.

Authors of submitted stories will be informed about the selection results within a week after the deadline. Selected stories will be published in IUSY website, social media and shared among IUSY member and partner organisations. Stories will lead IUSY Feminist working group in drafting a resolution on gender based violence for the next IUSY Congress that will take place in the beginning of January 2018.

We are looking forward to receive your story!

IUSY Feminist working group

IUSY calls to a productive and constructive work for the future of Catalonia and the whole Spain

In light of the political situation in Catalonia, IUSY wants to express the following:

  • IUSY affirms that, in all cases, its political positions are always coordinated with its Member Organizations; in regards to the political situation in Catalonia, IUSY expresses its agreement with the opinions and initiatives undertaken so far by the Joventut Socialista de Catalunya (JSC-Spain), the Juventudes Socialistas de España (JSE-Spain), and the views expressed by the Partit dels Socialistes de Catalunya (PSC), the Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE), the Party of the European Socialists (PES) and the S&D Group.
  • IUSY believes that freedom of expression, democracy and the rule of law must always be ensured in any actions, measures or initiatives pursued by any government.
  • IUSY believes that any form of verbal or physical violence and bullying has no space in today’s political life, and shows its support to all the comrades and local representatives that have been harassed in the past days in regards to their views on this matter.
  • IUSY believes that a political problem such as that of the relation between Catalonia and the rest of Spain must be addressed from the political perspective and by ensuring that the voices of all actors are heard and taken into consideration.
  • IUSY believes that the respect of the rule of law and the political institutions is an indispensable condition for any political initiative.
  • IUSY believes that the approach taken by the government of Rajoy is wrong and counterproductive, since his extreme delegation into the judiciary is only contributing with more and growing tension to the political life in Catalonia.
  • IUSY believes that the unilateral path to the independence that the political forces in power in Catalonia have taken, with disrespect to the rights of the opposition and violating the current legal framework and the Spanish Constitution is not going to lead to any solution for the problems that the Catalans have.
  • IUSY believes that only a true, honest and sincere effort of dialogue, re-building bridges between Catalonia and the rest of Spain, reducing tensions and eventually reaching an agreement for a constitutional reform that respects all the political sensibilities and that is voted by all the citizens is the wisest procedure to provide a solution to this matter.

IUSY President statement on Northern Rakhine

NORTHERN RAKHINE : Rohingya people

It is with relief that the IUSY welcomes the ceasefire announced by the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA).Yet, it is shocking and disturbing to find the Myanmarese government snubbing the possibility of a reciprocation. IUSY sternly calls for an immediate end of any violence, especially on the innocent and young civilians.

This seemingly one sided ceasefire will hopefully bring the month-long insurgency in the Rakhine State of Myanmar to a temporary trough. This is reportedly to allow for aid and humanitarian assistance to be channeled to the thousands in need. IUSY calls for the Myanmar government to reconsider reciprocating the ceasefire for the sake of ordinary Myanmarese of all ethnicities and religions, including the Rohingya people.

The violent slaughter that took place in Myanmar’s Rakhine state, especially of the Rohingya people, is abhorrent and must immediately cease. For years, the Rohingya people have been systematically repressed and abused. Since the attack on 25th August, when the Myanmarese Government activated its military forces to curb the influence of the ARSA, thousands have fled to Bangladesh, while thousands of those stuck in Rakhine have been massacred.

The Rohingya humanitarian crisis is not one isolated within Myanmar, but a regional one with its toxicity over spilling far and wide across South-east Asia. The killings and continued alienation of the Rohingya people has profoundly far-reaching political, social and/or economic implications, felt even in Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand.

Extraordinary circumstances call for extraordinary actions; ‘the ASEAN way’ of non-interference has proven futile in ensuring national challenges remain within national borders. ASEAN governments should start bilaterally engaging the Myanmar government in stating a clear demand for the state-sponsored violence to immediately stop. No government should be silent when atrocities are being committed against the innocent and helpless civilians.

Whilst marches and rallies in solidarity of those affected have the utmost support from the IUSY, The respective Foreign Ministries should exercise leadership, and immediately step up several gears in mobilising their leaders and leverages within the UN, especially during the General Assembly on 19 September. These countries should also use its influence within the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (ASEAN ICHR) to urge Myanmar and its government to put an immediate stop to the senseless killings.

IUSY is mindful of Bangladesh’s acceptance of Rohingya refugees.

According to the UNHCR, before the recent refugee influx, there were already up to 500,000 undocumented refugees in Bangladesh. The situation is precarious and has reportedly reached a “breaking point”. Staff capacity and resources are insufficient. With the overflowing camps unable to accommodate the new arrivals, thousands are now cooped up under emergency tents, in makeshift camps or lying out in the open. An adequate supply for all refugees can no longer be ensured. The current floods in the area are complicating the situation even further. To address the urgent needs, the government has planned to set up new camps and if necessary to expand already existing ones.

For the Bangladeshi government, one of the most disconcerting issues is religious extremism and its instrumentalisation and victimization of refugees (i.e. refugees being recruited and trained by local extremists). The Bangladeshi government has called on the international community for immediate support – namely to put pressure on the Myanmar government to recognise Rohingyas as citizens. IUSY urges the international community to also channel aid to the Bangladeshi government to alleviate the pressures of the current crisis.

We commend Indonesia for having taken on an active role in assisting the Rohingya people, it’s time that Malaysia does her share in the name of humanity. As a human race, we must unite in actively condemning those who have and are perpetrating any form of violence towards any group of people, regardless of race or religion. Hatred, oppression, and violence should not have a place in any country, and all self-proclaimed government should ensure that they stands tall and live up to their reputation as champions of human rights.

IUSY does not only condone any act of violence committed by any groups or governments. We also condemn the words and actions of those fanning the flames of hatred and polarisation, by accrediting the violent actions of a few to an entire ethnic group and/or the believers of an entire faith. Our only concern is for the safety and well-being of civilians regardless of race or religion.

IUSY joins the international community’s call to end the senseless killings of the Rohingya people, and other innocent civilians caught up in this bloody conflict in Myanmar and for the latter’s government to stop the state-sanctioned military attack in Rakhine and instead focus its efforts in ensuring the safety of the survivors of the massacre.

In the interest of upholding the truth, with the cooperation of the Progressive Alliance, IUSY have compiled some well-researched key findings and verified facts.

The Rohingya in Myanmar have been for years, and continue to live in dire conditions favourable to extremism. The Rohingya are probably one of the most persecuted minorities in the world. The conflict between the group and the Myanmar government has historic, religious and ethnic roots; though the current conflict is largely a military-led expulsion resulted by a militant group claiming to represent the entire ethnicity. It is exacerbated by systematic discrimination and the portrayal of the group as an economic burden as well as a security risk. As a result, an increasing number of Rohingyas have fled to Bangladesh.

Reliable information is scarce. As of now, international journalists have had no access to the area. Therefore, any facts and footage have to be treated with extreme caution. The unprecedented solidarity wave in the Muslim world means that a lot of fake footage is spreading through social media. Other footages and pictures depicting Buddhists being treated violently are used by those countering that narrative. There is a spiral of hatred and violent propaganda that is driving a fabricated Rohingya versus Buddhist narrative that is growing rampantly.

Militant Extremism by a small minority of Rohingya is real. It is unclear to what extent the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) is supported by Rohingya civilians. But they have proven their capability to stage coordinated attacks, spread propaganda and recruit fighters. ARSA’s activities could indicate a renewed Islamic militancy among Rohingyas. However, as ARSA is ill-equipped and primitively armed, the excessive counteractions of the Burmese Army might either eradicate the group or trigger a counter propaganda campaign leading to a surge in recruits.

Militant Nationalism and religious hatred towards Muslims and Rohingya stoked by some small groups of Buddhist monks is equally real. Though not entirely related to this bout of violence, it is sure to capitalise on it to further fan the fires of fear and polarisation. U Wirathu is a firebrand Bhuddist monk, known to some international media as the ‘face of Buddhist terror’ – he is synonymous with the Organization for the Protection of Race and Religion (Ma Ba Tha) which is well known for their provocative anti-Islam pronouncement. U Thuzana is a charismatic monk in the state of Karen linked with armed Democratic Buddhist Karen Army (DKBA). The alignment of U Wirathu and U Thuzana through anti-Muslim Buddhist activism is heightening religious tensions across the country – including with Christians. U Thuzana and his armed men will capitalize on renewed conflict in Rakhine in the service of their own politico-religious projects. The rising confluence of armed groups and nationally prominent Buddhist monk extremists introduces a disturbing new dynamic to Myanmar’s religious-political conflicts that, despite official efforts to curb the Ma Ba Tha and its message of hate, seem likely to get worse before they get better.

An international commission led by Kofi Annan recently published a report on the situation. Their main finding is that without fixing the 1982 citizenship law and even bringing back Rohingyas to Myanmar (as happened after previous clashes with international support) would not prevent but merely delay the next cycle of violence.

Myanmar’s transition from military dictatorship to democracy is far from over. The country is dealing with a transition to civilian rule, a market economy, functioning statehood and bureaucracy, open society, capitalist consumerism and sustainable peace. The military elites are still the strongest political force. Aung San Suu Kyi focuses on consolidating domestic support and evades any conflict with the military establishment.

Some 290.000 Rohingya have arrived in Bangladesh since 25 August, according to a spokesman for the UN refugee agency. Around 27.000 Buddhists and Hindus have also been displaced by ARSA attacks. Fear and violence stalk Rakhine state as communities turn on each other and villages continue to be set alight.

The situation in the Bangladesh Rohingya camps has reached a breaking point. Resources and staff are insufficient. Thousands are living in emergency tents, makeshift camps or in the open. Without international support, a humanitarian catastrophe will ensue.

In view of the above, the IUSY urgently calls for:

  • Immediate cessation of military activities in Northern Rakhine
  • Immediate re-admission of UN Agencies and INGOs into the crisis area
  • Immediate additional funding to first responders and humanitarian workers in Bangladesh
  • Access of the UNHCR fact-finding mission to Rakhine
  • Continued dialogue between Bangladesh and Myanmar. Setting up of a Joint Border Management
  • Admission of international press to cover the situation in Northern Rakhine
  • International Conference on the proposals of the Advisory Commission on the Rakhine State
  • International Conference on Regional Implications of the Kofi Annan report by receiving cross-partisan delegations from regional countries esp. Bangladesh, but also India, Thailand, Indonesia, Australia, Malaysia.
  • A global solidarity action on social media. Leaders or activists holding placard with hashtag #freedom4rohingya #justice4rohingya #solidarity4rohingya

Howard Lee
President of the International Union of Socialist Youth

#IUSY110: Apply to take part at the IUSY Global Seminar 2017

#IUSY110 - logo

Dear comrades, we are happy to invite you all to the upcoming IUSY Global Seminar 2017 ” #IUSY110 collective prospectives for our political commitment”.

The Global Seminar #IUSY110 is organised together with Swedish Social Democratic Youth League within the framework of the IUSY/SSU/OPC Global Project. It will be held in Stockholm (Sweden) from the 5th to the 8th of October.

The IUSY Global Seminar #IUSY110 will gather together the leaders of IUSY member organisations and representatives from the districts of the Swedish Social Democratic Youth League (SSU).

The aim of #IUSY110 will be to provide to the Member Organisations and to the SSU representatives a platform where discuss how to rethink our political commitment in this difficult historical moment for the left.

We have major issues affecting our world that are marginalising a growing number of people. How can we become more efficient and more influent in the decisional processes at local, national and international level?

Each IUSY member organisation may send one participant to #IUSY110.

Every applicant must register through the application below providing all of the requested information.

Participants must apply below using the online registration forms by Friday 15th September 2017 at 23:59 CEST. Participants must be able to attend the entire programme of the seminar. All participants must be aged 16-35 years old, with no exceptions. The participants will be gender balanced, therefore IUSY reserves the right to ask organisations to identify an alternative participant if the overall participation in the seminar is not gender balanced.

Please find attached the Invitation letter and the first version of the technical details.

Apply here to participate to #IUSY110:

IUSY World Festival condemn heavy verdict against 24 Western Sahara’s activists

In the early hours on June 19, the Moroccan court in Sale pronounced heavy sentences against 24 Saharawi political prisoners, ranging from 4 years to life in prison.

The group was arrested in November 2010, after clashes erupted in the Western Sahara when Moroccan security forces dismantled Saharawi camp of Gdeim Izik, where thousands of Sahrawis were protesting for political, social and economic demands.

The entire group had been originally condemned in February 2013 by a military tribunal, based on testimonies obtained under torture, as documented by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch.

Most were given harsh sentences ranging from 20 years to life imprisonment.

On 27 July 2016, Morocco’s court of cassation ruled that the Gdeim Izik prisoners would be granted a civilian retrial before the Rabat court of appeals. Most of the group have already served more than six years in prison.

Saharawi political prisoners had conducted several times hunger strikes to protest against their arbitrary detention and unfair trial.

International organisations, as well as the families of the prisoners, had on several occasions requested a fair trial in accordance with the international law on this issue.

Earlier on the last 17th of July, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch called in a joint statement “Morocco’s judicial authorities should ensure that upcoming verdicts in a mass trial are not based on confessions or statements implicating other defendants obtained under torture or other ill-treatment during police interrogations”.

The civilian court of Rabat has issued the following verdict:

– Sentenced to life in prison:
Ahmed Sbai
Brahim Ismaïli
Abdalahi Lakfawni
Laaroussi Abdeljalil
Mohamed El Bachir Boutinguiza
Mohamed Bani
Sidi Abdallah B’hah

– Sentenced to 30 years in prison:
Enaama Asfari
Mohamed Bourial
Hassan Dah
Cheikh Banga

– Sentenced to 25 years in prison:
Abdallahi Toubali
El Houssin Ezzaoui
Mohamed Lamin Haddi
Mohamed Embarek Lefkir
Babait Mohamed Khuna
Sidahmed Lemjeyid (down from life in prison as ordered by the military court)

– Sentenced to 20 years in prison:
Mohamed Tahlil
El Bachir Khadda
Mohamed El Ayoubi

– Granted liberty
Deich Daf has been condemned to six and a half years, which is less than the time he has so far spent in prison. Daf had been sentenced to 25 years by the military court.
Larabi El Bakay has been condemned to four and a half years, which is less than the time he has so far spent in prison. The military court had sentenced El Bakay to 25 years.

The IUSY World Festival 2017, which has taken place in Jale, Albania:

  • Condemn the verdicts issued by the Moroccan court of Sale against the group of Saharawi political prisoners of Gdeim Izik.
  • Demand the Moroccan authorities to provide a fair trial for all Saharawi political prisoners and human rights defenders in accordance with international law requirements.
  • Demand the immediate release of all Saharawi political prisoners in Moroccan jails.
  • Urge the UN to accelerate the peace process in Western Sahara by organizing the referendum to bring this long standing conflict to an end.

Gobierno de Venezuela debe respetar las garantías Constitucionales y democráticas

Desde la Unión Internacional de Juventudes Socialistas (IUSY, por sus siglas en Ingles) hemos observado con gran preocupación los últimos acontecimientos que se han producido en Venezuela, donde nos resulta alarmante ver como aumenta la violencia política y el desconocimiento entre las instituciones, lo cual ha terminado de desfigurar el Estado de derecho y la institucionalidad democrática.

La represión por parte de algunos organismos de seguridad, la violación de Derechos Humanos y el irrespeto a las garantías constitucionales, nos hacen manifestar nuestra exigencia al gobierno de Venezuela, en aras de que se garanticen condiciones de respeto a la democracia y derechos fundamentales, que permitan la convivencia y paz en el país. 

De igual manera, rechazamos los últimos acontecimientos de violencia por grupos civiles contra ciudadanos, diputados y dirigentes políticos. Tambien, solicitamos se garantice el derecho a la protesta pacífica y que todos aquellos que han sido privados de libertad durante las manifestaciones, puedan ser juzgados por sus jueces naturales, se les garantice el debido proceso y finalmente, puestos en libertad.

Hemos manifestado en ocasiones anteriores y reiteramos en esta oportunidad ante la crisis política, económica y social que se vive en Venezuela, que debe prevalecer un proceso de diálogo plural, donde puedan estar representados todos los actores, que tengan por fin ultimo la restitución de la democracia y la paz en Venezuela.

Los jóvenes socialistas seguiremos siempre solidarios con los pueblos ante las injusticias y asumiremos las luchas de a quienes se les vulneran sus derechos y sus libertades.

IUSY Feminist and LGBT Working-groups meetings

Dear comrades,
we have the pleasure of inviting you to the forthcoming IUSY Feminist and LGBT* working group meetings “Collective Identities: Political dimension” that will take place in Mollina (Malaga) Spain from 17th-24th September 2017. 

This year’s IUSY Feminist and LGBT* working groups meetings will take place within the framework of the University of Youth and Development (UYD) which is an activity organised by the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe (NSC). This year’s theme of the University is Global Identities. 

Please, find attached the invitation letters for both meetings. Note, that those are two different activities taking place in parallel. We kindly ask you to read the invitations attentively, since it provides a lot of useful information for the participants, criteria for participation as well as the links to the registration. We encourage you to disseminate the call among the activists of your organisation who are engaged with the theme of the working groups. 

The deadline for registration is 28th July 2017.

Should you have any questions regarding the activity, please don’t hesitate to contact the Project Manager in charge of the meetings (Gohar – or the IUSY secretariat (

We are very much looking forward to receiving your applications!

Invitation IUSY Feminist Working group

Invitation IUSY LGBT* Working group