IUSY’S Campaigns:

Stories of Women*
Day 1. Stories of Women*: I am a Survivor not a Victim
Day 2. Stories of Women*: Untitled
Day 3. Stories of Women*: Untitled
Day 4. Stories of Women*: Why parental leave is (also) a male issue
Day 5. Stories of Women*: Untitled
Day 6. Stories of Women*: The Pink Tax
Day 7. Stories of Women: As a Woman in Engineering
Day 8. Stories of Women*: How long will we be oppressed by men?
Day 9. Stories of Women*: Untitled
Day 10. Stories of Women*: The “F” Word
Day 11. Stories of Women*: Untitled
Day 12. Stories of Women*: Biografías politizadas y la porfía del sur feminista
Day 13. Stories of Women*: Untitled
Day 14. Stories of Women*: A story about abortion from the Faroe Islands
Day 15. Stories of Women*: Untitled
Day 16. Stories of Women*: Untitled
Day 17: Stories of Women*: Women’s Rights Are Still Under Attack – We need to continue to mobilise
Stories of Women* 2

IUSY Feminist Working Group Video Campaign

In March 8, 1911, International Women’s Day took place for the first time in celebration of the economic, political and social achievements of women all over the world. The women’s movement has since come a long way from the fight of the suffragettes for their right to vote to fighting for equal pay today. The Women’s Month Celebration is in commemoration of the history of our fight for women’s rights, for equality. That in celebrating it, is essential and indispensable heritage from which women draw pride, comfort, courage and long-range vision. As we celebrate women’s history month this 2019, IUSY Feminist Working Group is running a video campaign on women’s struggle and successes all over the world. This campaign highlights women’s stories and how it is to be a woman in different parts of the world. As these struggles and achievements in the women’s movement are brought to light, we use the hashtag #WomenResist to show that women have had enough of society telling us what we can be and we stand up as women* from all over the world to fight for equal rights and social justice.
Women*Resist published in IUSY youtube channel