International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY) invites you to take part in the online event titled “Afghanistan – We stand in solidarity”. The event will take place online on the 23 of November 2021 at 18:30PM CET (via Zoom platform).
During the event, we would like to discuss the current situation in Afghanistan with the focus on women and children and other minority groups (for example, queer community) with invited speakers. We envision to conclude the discussion on how we as global community can support and what are the actual needs and expectations from the international community by engaging in group work and discussion.
Flow of the event
The event will consist of two parts: panel discussion with speakers and groups work, sharing and exchange with the participants.
We will send the information on the speakers and facilitators as soon as we have all the confirmations.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Welcome and introduction by Ana Pirtskhalava, IUSY Secretary General
Panel discussion Giulia Daniele, researcher and guest assistant professor at the Centro de Estudos Internacionais of the Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (CEI-IUL).
Moderator: Ana Pirtskhalava, IUSY Secretary General
About speakers
Giulia Daniele
Giulia Daniele is currently a researcher and guest assistant professor at the Centro de Estudos Internacionais of the Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (CEI-IUL). She completed her Ph.D. in Politics, Human Rights and Sustainability under a co-tutelle agreement between the University of Exeter (UK) and Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies (Italy) in April 2012. Since 2005 she has conducted fieldwork research in the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Israel and Tunisia. She also acquired useful experience with her involvement in the International Election Observation Mission for the Palestinian elections in January 2006, in the international cooperation project called EPIC (European, Palestinian and Israeli Cities for Health and Social Partnership) sponsored by the World Health Organization in December 2006, and when she was a research intern at the Office of the Vice President of the European Parliament in Brussels in Autumn 2008. Her main research interests broadly cover the following fields: Middle East politics (focusing on Palestine/Israel), women’s political activism in the Middle East and North Africa, social movements, gender and feminist studies, conflict resolution and ethno-national narratives. Her first book is entitled Women, Reconciliation and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: The Road Not Yet Taken (Routledge, 2014).
Marta Musić
Marta Musić is a queer, decolonial, feminist activist-researcher from ex-Yugoslavia. Her work as a transnational movement organizer mainly consists of building bridges between struggles, movements and initiatives and creating networks of solidarity between them through spaces of exchange, learning and collaboration. She is a co-founder of the Global Tapestry of Alternatives, one of the organizers of the World Social Forum on Transformative Economiesand currently works as a consultant for FRIDA | The Young Feminist Fund. Inspired by these processes of articulation of alternatives – she dedicates her PhD Thesis to exploring the Zapatista concept of Pluriverse (a world in which many alternative worlds fit) from a decolonial feminist perspective as a way to generate new ways of theorizing and fostering alternative economic systems that can ensure the sustainability of life whilst decolonizing knowledge and power. You can read some of Marta’s publicationsabout feminist movements against the G20 in Argentina here:
The world today faces a multitude of crises. Countries are dealing with the COVID-19 global pandemic and are bracing themselves for economic repercussions, and this critical situation has made the world witness to worsened issues of state repression, racism, and inequality. Various social movements have become increasingly prominent, such as the Black Lives Matter movement and the Hong Kong Democracy protests.
The growing progressive movements present essential perspectives on grassroots empowerment and solidarity across cultures and identities. These events amplify and further push the intersectionality of struggles such as class, race, and gender into global public discourse.
With this, as socialist feminists, we recognise the integral role of women in building and sustaining movements and society as a whole. On top of carrying multiple burdens and struggling against systems of patriarchy in everyday life, women of all classes and identities are undeniably part of these massive movements for justice and democracy.
This webinar on “Women* and Social Movements” is part of webinar series on Intersectional Feminism organized by the IUSY Feminist Working Group.
This webinar aims to open international discussions on feminism and its relevance to social movements with the objectives to discuss the intersectionalities of movements and emphasize the significant role of women* in social movements around the world.
IUSY MC and EC online meeting regarding the COVID-19 situation in MENA and EC regions. The call will take place on April 3rd at 19:00 Jerusalem time (18:00 CET) via Zoom Meeting
Below is the link for the meeting:
Meeting ID: 710 073 790
Topics discussed will be:
What are the most recent updates from our countries?
What did the governments do to counter this pandemic?
What measures that took place in your countries can we benefit from?
What did your party or youth organization do to fight the pandemic?
What lessons can be learned?
Please feel free to join the meeting and also to spread it among your members.
IUSY informs that in the light of COVID-19 and after an official communication from the Government of Panama regarding the suspension of massive international events; the IUSY World Congress is postponed.
We are expecting to communicate to you updated information by 1st of April.
We thank you for your understanding and we call to all our member organisations to be in solidarity with those in need. Stay safe!
If you have further questions do not hesitate to contact us at