Statement of the Progressive Alliance delegation visiting Malaysia

The seven members of the Progressive Alliance delegation (which IUSY was part of) that visited Malaysia
Download the Statement in PDF
Download the background paper on Malaysia

This is the statement of a seven-member delegation of the Progressive Alliance that visited Malaysia to assess and demonstrate solidarity in support of democratic processes in the run-up to the 2018 General Election.

The delegation attempted but failed to meet the Speaker of the Parliament of Malaysia, but was successful in meeting political leaders from several parties, leaders of civic organizations and visited communities in Kuala Lumpur (capital city of Malaysia).

The delegation included:

We are concerned to learn from reports and discussions with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs) active in Malaysia as well as various institutions, political and community leaders about the following issues:

  • Reports of disenfranchisement of opposition supporters through re-delineation and gerrymandering in favour of the ruling party of Malaysia, taking into account anticipated political allegiances and ethnicities. This includes the reported proposal to create 13 “Super constituencies” with over 100,000 voters each, mostly in opposition-held, non-Malay areas;
  • Concerns over mismanagement of voter records;
  • Reported tampering with voter registration;
  • Reported inaccessibility of electronic data of the draft supplementary electoral roll;
  • Concerns that expansion of postal voter categories may facilitate fraud;
  • Reports of infringements on freedom of assembly and association of Malaysian citizens and arrests, charges against and convictions of activists, artists, politicians, and non- affiliated citizens under draconian laws, as well as denial of legal status to opposition political parties;
  • Potential negative impact of high inequality and corruption on equal participation in elections;

In light of the above observations, we call on the Federal Government of Malaysia to ensure that the Election Commission adheres to due impartiality, there is no gerrymandering or malapportionment of electoral districts and that voter registration takes place in line with international standards. Respecting and upholding the social, human, civic, economic rights and advocacies of Civil Society Organisations, Nongovernmental Organisations, and organized groups goes to the core of free and fair elections; citizens of Malaysia need to be able to inform themselves about the general election and respect freedom of assembly, association and expression. It furthermore is vital that inclusive policies upholding the rights of all members of Malaysian society – regardless of gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic background, age and political affiliation – are institutionalized.

We encourage authorities of Malaysia to invite international electoral observation missions to ensure that democratic processes are improved upon and adhered to.

Any democratic elections must be nothing less than an enabling mechanism for its electorate to bring change. In view of the social, political and economic inequalities that are rife in Malaysia, far-reaching and wide-ranging institutional reforms must be front and centre of the next government’s agenda to ensure the economic inequalities, systemic flaws of governance, and a deficit of democratic rights are addressed for all Malaysians.

We, in the Progressive Alliance, are committed to closely monitoring the situation.

For democracy and social justice, the international community unites!

Upcoming Event: Study Visit in Israel and Palestine, 9th-13th of January

IUSY is planning a study visit to Israel and Palestine together with our member organizations Young Meretz, Fatah Youth, Willy Brandt Center and Olof Palme International Center, in order to learn more about the current situation in and between the countries.


The Study Visit will contain of meetings with IUSY Member Organisations Young Meretz, Young Labour, Fatah Youth and Al Mubadara. Furthermore, we will have meetings with NGO‘s and representatives from different parties and organisations in both countries. 

We are now launching this open call to our Member Organizations in case you would like to participate in the Study Visit. Please note however, that IUSY will only be able to cover costs for accommodation, meals and transports in the countries during the study visit.


The visit is programmed for 9-13 January 2014; arrival foresee for Friday 9th (since we will start early on Saturday the 10th) and departures foreseen on Tuesday 13 January. 


Should you be interested in participating, let us know via before the 5th of January at the latest. 


For more information, don‘t hesitate to get in touch with us.

IUSY delegation on Study Visit in Paraguay

A IUSY delegation with the President, Secretary General and representatives from IUSY Member Organisation Nuevo Espacio (Uruguay) is right now in Asunción, Paraguay, for a study visit together with the Member Organisations JPS and JRF.


The aim of the study visit is to learn more about the current situation and violations of Human Rights in the country with a special focus to the Curuguaty case.