Donald Trump’s hate speech is a threat to the world


IUSY condemns the expressions of discrimination of the new president of the United States of America, Donald Tump, which represent a setback in the struggles for equality and the union of the peoples of the world. The violence expressed in both his speeches and his proposed policies against immigrant groups, the African American community, the LGBTI community, and women are the doorway to intolerance and hatred.

We – the International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY) – are concerned by such proposed policies that would mean a setback in the hard-won rights, therefore we strongly encourage the unity of the progressive actors against the conservative advance represented by President Trump, and the strong defense of the liberties accomplished. Furthermore, his denial of climate change is also concerning, posing a huge obstacle to the implementation of global agreements to build a world that is environmentally, economically and socially sustainable.

We cannot but condemn Donald Trump’s white supremacist discourse, racism, and passivity in stopping his followers’ hateful actions against various ethnicities in the United States. We firmly believe that a more just and egalitarian world can only be built from tolerance and plurality.
Finally, we are baffled to notice the stands taken by Michael Pence, Vice-President of the United States, against the LGBTI community and against the right of women over their own bodies, as well as his closeness to ultraconservative fractions during his office as Governor of Indiana.

We stand in solidarity with the progressive actors who have demonstrated and fought the rise of the right-wing in the United States, with all the comrades who marched on the Women’s March on January 21, and especially with our YDS colleagues. We call on the progressive organizations of the world to stand together and establish joint actions in light of the role of the United States in the international agenda as one of the global leaders.
Together we will win.

American Committee ’16 Statement on the Region [EN & ES]

The American Committee Leadership Conference ’16 took place in Santiago, Chile from the 17 to the 20 of November. In the programme we had the opportunity to discuss important issues such as the difference conflicts active in the region, meet the President and other important political figures of the country and the region.

We also had the chance to discuss on the current state of the different countries and organisation on the region in a session facilitated by the Pool of Trainers in cooperation with the Vicepresidents of the region. Another of the main sessions was on the socialist vision of socialism in America.
At the end of the meeting a work plan was drafted so you will be hearing more news about the upcoming work in the region.

All this issues and more are reflected in the statement released by the committee, check it out!



American Committee ’16 Statement

The American Committee of the International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY) met from 17 to 20 November 2016 in the city of Santiago de Chile with the aim to reflect on the current situation in our region and the challenges of socialism in complex moments for the progressive proposals in our countries.

On a global stage of deepening of the capitalist economic system we see how in America the wave of conservative governments threatens the political and social transformations conquered. This is accompanied by a general discredit of traditional politics, deepening in individualizing story and an estrangement between parties and their social bases.

Worrying in turn is the growth of right-wing populist speeches that, showing racist positions, macho, xenophobic; they are the ultimate expression of the anti policy. Manifestation of this is the promise of construction of the wall that separates the United States of Mexico.

We oppose the violation of the guarantee of due process in the political judgment made to the Chairperson Dilma Rousseff and the use of the institutional channels by the groups in power for the dismissal of a Government legitimately elected by the people.

We note with concern the increase in the inequality, poverty and unemployment in Argentina that has increased since the last change of national government. It is, to all lights, a indisputable reality that this government of the new right, Argentina has accentuated the policies of exclusion, marked by the benefit to the privileged sectors at the expense of the work and the effort of the medium and low social sectors.

It is alarming the advance of organized crime in the region where the networks of drug trafficking and trafficking demand the coordination of policies, of international cooperation in the defence and guarantee of human rights. Special mention should be made of the situation in Mexico with thousands of women exploited and killed on a daily basis.

IUSY welcomes the announcement of the new agreements between the Government and the FARC, which constitutes a new opportunity for reconciliation between Colombians, configuring a crucial moment not only for Colombia, but also for the region. We hope that progress will be made soon on the ratification and implementation of the agreements, for the consolidation of a stable peace, lasting, to ensure the protection of human rights in order to achieve a more equitable nation.

We also insist that the dialog process in Venezuela needs to be plural and address the underlying problems that are the cause of the political crisis in the country today. The way out to this conflict must be through constitutionally established democratic processes, therefore we see with concern the deliberate lock in the recall process on the part of the government.

We believe it to be more than necessary to forge closer links with the grassroots social organizations, promote new forms of citizen participation that will contribute to the strengthening of institutions and the democratization of our societies. For all this is essential to consolidate the unity of the left movements throughout the continent.

The American Committee extends a greeting to host organizations for the activities organised, as well as many successes to electoral processes that are approaching in Ecuador and Chile. It also supports the candidacy of former President Fernando Lugo in Paraguay, driven by the front Guasú, with a view to the elections of 2018.

YES to peace in Colombia 2
Ni Una Menos!
Vivas nos queremos!
All Over The World to Change It!


IUSY American Committee ‘16, Santiago, Chile 19th November

AC Resolution [en]
Resolución CA [es]



IUSY reitera su llamado al diálogo plural en Venezuela

Please find attached the press release of IUSY VP’s and American Committee Coordinator Jesús Tapia:

Venezuela's flag with seven stars

Desde la Unión Internacional de Juventudes Socialistas – IUSY, por sus siglas en inglés- expresamos nuestra preocupación antes los últimos acontecimientos que se han producido en Venezuela, producto de la ausencia de espacios de diálogo y entendimiento entre los distintos actores del país.

La polarización y el conflicto se han incrementado en Venezuela de manera acelerada, lo que ha hecho más vigente la necesidad de un proceso de diálogo, negociación y acuerdos tendentes a la solución de la problemática política causante de las dificultades económicas y sociales que viven los venezolanos y venezolanas. Desde IUSY recomendamos que el proceso de diálogo venidero sea inclusivo y participativo, enfocando su esencia en los valores de la democracia y la solidaridad.

Como organización juvenil internacional, hemos estado presentes en diversos procesos políticos y sociales que ha enfrentado la sociedad global y es por ello que deseamos pueda en Venezuela darse espacio para el entendimiento y el diálogo,  donde sean estos las razones para que los distintos actores promuevan soluciones en beneficio de todos y todas.


25 de octubre de 2016

Conferencia de Liderazgo del Comité Americano de IUSY


Que:                      Reunión del Comité Regional para los miembros de la Región de American
Cuando:               17-20 Noviember 2016
Donde:                 Santiago, Chile
Edad:                    18-35 años
Tamaño:               2 participantes por organización miembro
Fecha Limite:      21 de October 2016 (23:59 CET)


El Comité American reúne a jóvenes líderes de las organizaciones miembro del Comité Americano de IUSY con el objetivo de fortalecer las organizaciones y su cooperación en la región. Juntos vamos a discutir la actual situación política en la región americana y elaborar estrategias para afrontar nuestros retos.

La Conferencia girara alrededor de la temática: ‘Procesos y desafíos del Socialismo en América”. Algunos de los objetivos de la conferencia serán conocer, analizar y debatir los diferentes hechos recientes en la región. Como el estado de los resultados del referéndum en Colombia, las destitución de Dilma en Brasil, las recientes incidentes en Paraguay, la escalada de violencia en México entre muchos. Debido a todos estos acontecimientos y el desarrollo general de la región en el Comité Americano de IUSY creemos que ahora es mas importante que nunca discutir sobre los valores socialistas y social-democráticos en la región.


“Procesos y desafíos del Socialismo en América”

El Programa tendrá lugar durante dos días, el viernes 11 y el sábado 12. Un borrador del programa sera enviado antes del inicio de la actividad.

Perfil de Participantes

Cada organización miembro en la región puede inscribir hasta 2 participantes para el evento.
Tengan en cuenta que las delegaciones deben tener equilibrio de género, una delegación no puede consistir de dos hombres. Los participantes deben ostentar una posición de liderazgo dentro de la organización, las organización deberán aprobar las inscripciones.

Los participantes deben ser capaces de poder atender la duración total de seminario. Todos los participantes deben tener una edad comprendida entre 18-35 años, sin excepciones. Las organizaciones de IUSY que tengan una deuda o no hayan pagado su cuota de membresía del 2016 (sin acuerdo previo con la Comisión de Control) no tienen acceso al reembolso.

Como Inscribirse

Los participantes deben inscribirse completado el formulario digital antes del 21 de Octubre a las 23:59 CET.

Formulario de Inscripción

Invitación Comité Americano de IUSY ’16




The International Union of Socialist Youth expresses the full support for the continuation of the peace process in Colombia. The world is waiting for the successful completion of one of the most relevant peace processes in history.

We must regrettably point out that though IUSY has supported the peace process in Colombia, the referendum held on October 2nd led to a majority in favour of the denial of the agreement, an agreement that aimed to end the conflict and to build a stable and lasting peace.

However, this does not mean the end of the peace process. This is just an opportunity to continue with greater will and greater participation. For this reason IUSY calls for all Colombians to join forces to achieve peace, a peace that will bring development to the country and that is certainly a historic moment for the whole world.

Unfortunately, the turnout of the referendum was staggeringly low. IUSY calls Colombians on realizing that the future development of their country is in their hands and it hopes to see further steps forward in the peace process, in order to leave behind a conflict that has lasted more than 50 years and has claimed more than 8 million victims.

Finally, IUSY calls for all the people who have casted an affirmative or negative vote (49.78% and 50.21% of voters, respectively), and even for those who have abstained (62.6% of the whole population) that this is the time for further involvement and to joining efforts in building a stable and lasting peace.




Invitation to Training of Trainers: Structural Empowering

Dear Comrades,

We are glad to invite you to the

IUSY Capacity Building:


19th – 25th September 2016, Mollina, Malaga (Spain)

In IUSY we organise many international events, whether they are regional committees, seminars or political schools. We regularly meet to debate and discuss, and more often than not we’re the ones facilitating such exchanges and dialogues. Therefore we believe we must have an active role in the preparation, delivery and evaluation of the methodology we use for these events.

We see non-formal alternatives to formal education being increasingly used in our society, in all sorts of different environments. Non-formal education methodology offers us the chance to develop opinions and skills through experiential learning, is inclusive to different learning styles and provides variety in programme. This is why we believe we should mainstream diverse methodologies into the activities of IUSY. Through this training we aim to position ourselves in the challenge zone in order to offer greater diversity on our events and obtain richer outcomes from our meetings and discussions.
In this Training for Trainers we aim to provide active members of IUSY the chance to acquire and develop training and facilitating skills. We’ll think about how non-formal methods can improve our activities, explore the different ways non-formal education can be utilised as a tool in our programmes, and, in addition, we will also create a network of trainers to help us deliver future IUSY activities.

We encourage you to disseminate this call for participants among the members of your organisations. Please be aware it is unlikely that more than one member per organisation will be selected to participate in this event, therefore we would encourage you to discuss internally who to put forward from your organisation before applying. Please keep in mind that the application deadline is Monday 1st of August 2016.

Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the IUSY Secretariat at:

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  • To promote the concept of non-formal education as a working tool among the participants and, as an extension, their member organisations
  • To provide participants with knowledge, tools and confidence to pursue training in their local organisations
  • To bring the global perspective to the local level by providing training and facilitation skills to the participants
  • To train members on the concepts that are relevant for youth political activism/campaigning training in order to be multipliers in their organisations (such as advocacy, speech drafting, communication skills, etc.)
  • To develop the IUSY Pool of Trainers by improving the training capacities of young activists and youth organisations

The workshops will be facilitated based on the core values of participatory non-formal education/learning and on the basis of global education. The programme will promote critical analysis and be tool-oriented to improve the capacities of young activists and youth organisations at the national and local levels.

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This activity is not aimed towards the leadership of IUSY member organisations, it is addressed to youth activists. Please note that this is an educational activity therefore it is required that the participants stay for the whole activity duration and also to contribute to IUSY activities after the training.

Participants should:

  • Belong to IUSY member organisation.
  • Be aged 18-35
  • Have a proficient level of English (the only working language during the activity)
  • Availability to contribute to IUSY activities

Since we expect to provide all regions with trainers for their events, we’re aiming for participants from all regions and from a variety of member organisations.

According to the IUSY statutes, we’re also looking to achieve a gender-balanced training so we reserve the right to select participants based on gender criteria if needed.

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Due to limited space of 12 people, there will be an application process. To apply you must complete the following by Monday 1st of August:

  1. Ensure you fulfil the above criteria
  2. Write a motivation letter, including why you are applying and your vision for the work
  3. (Optional) Obtain a recommendation letter, which outlines your interest in attending the training and/or previous experience
  4. Complete the digital application form by following the registration link.

Follow this link to complete the application form.

Please note you should not buy any flight tickets before your application is approved.

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IUSY will cover your flight ticket up to a fixed reference price. The maximum amount for travel reimbursement will be sent to you together with a confirmation letter.

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The participation fee is set for 50 euro and should be transferred to IUSY bank account before the event starts. Bank details will be sent along with a confirmation letter.

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There will be a 50€ cancellation fee charged to each organisation whose participant withdraws after 7 August and without a valid reason.

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Should you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact the coordinator of the project at the IUSY office:

Eugeni Brigneti
IUSY Project Manager
Tel: 0043 699 1353 2970

11717556_943359802372966_2698645331513406370_o(Picture of a previous edition of the UYD)




Ceasefire deal reached between Colombian Govermenet and Farc

IUSY welcomes the news about ceasefire deal reached between the Colombian government and Farc and we are looking forward towards a permanent peace agreement


Screen Shot 2016-06-24 at 14.55.08



From the International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY) we celebrate the process that is taking place today in Colombia between the  Colombian Government and the FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) , a process that set the road towards a very much needed peace of great importance for America and the world. Dialogue between the parties has been the methodology in order to look for solutions that would give a guarantee of peace and a stop to the conflict.

The government of Colombia and the FARC announced a definitive agreement for the cessation of bilateral fire, including aspects such as laying down of weapons by the guerrillas, security guarantees, the fight against paramilitarismo and persecution of criminal behaviours which threaten peace in Colombia.

The government and the FARC in Colombia have reached a consensus on other key issues such as security guarantees and the fight against criminal organizations, these being breakthrough points.



Desde la Unión Internacional de Juventudes Socialistas ( IUSY) celebramos el proceso que hoy se está presentando en Colombia, entre el gobierno y las FARC ( fuerzas armadas revolucionarias de Colombia) , un proceso que da inicio a una muy necesaria paz de gran importancia para América y el mundo. El diálogo entre las partes ha sido la vía para la búsqueda de soluciones que permitirán la garantía de paz y el cese al conflicto.

El gobierno de Colombia y las FARC anunciaron un acuerdo para el cese del fuego bilateral y definitivo, entre otros aspectos como: el abandono de las armas por parte de la guerrilla, las garantías de seguridad, la lucha contra el paramilitarismo y la persecución de las conductas criminales que amenazan la paz en Colombia.

El gobierno y las FARC en Colombia han logrado un consenso acerca de otros puntos fundamentales como las garantías de seguridad y la lucha contra las organizaciones criminales, siendo estos puntos un gran avance.



We would want to inform you about the availability to apply for becoming coordinator for the following working groups:

– Feminist Working Group

– Pool of Trainers Working Group


The coordinators main role is to plan (together with the IUSY presidium) and conduct the work of the working group. The Coordinators will have a close contact with appointed Vice Presidents who will be responsibility for the groups and the coordinators will also be invited to the IUSY Presidium meetings. However, IUSY will not be able to provide any travel reimbursement for the coordinators for the presidium meetings.

To apply for becoming coordinator you should send us:

1. Letter of motivation where you describe why you are interested and your ambitions for the working group you want to coordinate. Furthermore, we would also like you to provide us with your previous engagement in the area of interest, since we would very much be interested in previous experience on the fields.

2. Nomination letter from your national organization.

Deadline for application is set for 1st July. Send your application to **Please share widely**