XXX. IUSY World Congress 2014 – Adopted Statutes & Resolutions


②  WE CAN MAKE POVERTY HISTORY! | Our 15 Actions to Eradicate Poverty in 15 Years.







Young Political Movements Unite across Ideologies

Following recent events, where IYDU has been questioned regarding its independent existence by its own parent parties assembled under the IDU – IUSY, GYG and IFLRY, the young socialists, greens and liberals of the world, unite in the struggle for independent and free voice of youth within all our political families.

Independent and free youth organisations are essential in the struggle for a strong and autonomous voice of young people which in turn encompasses the great essential principle of participation in democracy. The youth have for many decades faced obstacles when trying to raise their voices. Major strides have been achieved over the last decades and progress made both on international as well as local levels to make sure that these voices are not restricted in any manner.

We, IUSY, GYG and IFLRY recognise the sacrifices made by young people across the globe to participate in forums of political decision-making. We recognise the decades of clamour to be accorded equal opportunities and to freely and responsibly participate in the betterment of our societies. In the wake of developments aimed at stifling these strides, we unite, now more than ever, to condemn any marginalisation or condescension of our counterparts in the different political families. Indeed, democracy demands better.

The youth have suffered marginalisation in various facets of life; social, economic, cultural and political. The Independence of Youth Political Organisations as shall be demonstrated below will be under threat if the world endorses the untoward acts of marginalisation and condescension now threatened by IDU upon the IYDU.

The international umbrella organisations for political ideologies should normally not interfere in each other’s work. However, this time we stand together in stating that youth across political spectrums should unite for their independent existence reinforced by a mutually respectful and empowering relationship with their parent parties. Consequently, the Youth must be able to run youth-led and independent organisations to its parent parties. This is the only way youth can meaningfully engage and provide input. Political parties are no exception. In fact, their responsibility is greater as they provide a model for society to reflect upon.

IDU has called an IYDU statutory meeting in London from 18-20 June 2014 without the approval of the IYDU Executive. This is despite the IYDU being an independent national registered non-governmental organisation, with its own statutes and rules of procedure. Statutes are in place to legally guide and lead NGOs worldwide. An organisation, whichever this may be, can never overtake another organisation’s name and scope against this organisation’s statutes. The IDU measures to hold an IYDU meeting without the latter’s approval is illegal and against international, regional and national law.

IUSY, GYG and IFLRY therefore call upon the IDU to desist from taking these illegal measures against its affiliated youth parties assembled in the IYDU.

”We don’t have a unanimous meeting of ideologies, however, we stand up for each other’s right to exist independently and thus providing a true youth perspective in the frame of our different ideological families. The youth unite us and for them we must stand together against oppression.”

We the undersigned endorse this common call on the 12th Day of June 2014
The IUSY Presidium, the GYG Steering Committee and the IFLRY Bureau


For more information:

IYDU – International Young Democrat Union

IUSY – International Union of Socialist Youth:

GYG – Global Young Greens

IFLRY – International Federation of Liberal Youth


Elaboration of the Post 2015 Agenda

 The International Union of Socialist Youth participated in the meeting of civil society youth organizations that was organized by the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), “ECOSOC Forum on Youth 2014: #Youth2015: Realizing the future They want”. The meeting was held the 2nd and 3rd of June in the headquarters of the United Nations, in New York.

The meeting was led by the UN Secretary General’s Envoy of Youth, Ahmad Alhendawi, and the President of ECOSOC, ambassador Martin Sajdik. Representatives from social and political youth organizations from all over the world were present to discuss the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and the post-2015 Agenda, with the main focus being on labor right and education.

During the meeting, the document “The Global Youth Call: Prioritizing Youth in the post 2015 Development Agenda” was signed, that calls for all Member States to give priority to the youth in the elaboration of the Post-2015 Agenda. The meeting manifested its concern and called for the UN Member States to consider the voices of the youth in the area of education, health, peace, personal security, governance and youth participation; themes that were also the main topics of this document.[1]

Since IUSY’s 30th World Congress, where the resolution “15 Actions to eradicate Poverty in 15 Years” was adopted, IUSY seeks to increase its impact on the post-2015 Agenda, since ours it the generation that mostly will suffer from the consequences of the decisions that are taken today for the coming years. Therefor, IUSY strongly demands a political analysis that breaks with the system that has been created the last centuries and allows us to move towards a new economic, social and political model that is based on the principles of solidarity, equality and social justice. The United Nations must open new doors for reflection and dialogue between different actors. The moment is now and we the youth must play a leading role in this.

[1]More information about the document and the Global Youth Call

Call for Applications

Vetted Roster of Experts on GEPA

UNDP’s Democratic Governance Group and Gender Team have developed a Global Initiative on Gender Equality in Public Administration (UNDP GEPA initiative).

As part of that initiative, a roster of vetted experts on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in Public Administration is being established, in order to provide demand-driven advisory services, access to knowledge, and technical backstopping to UNDP country offices, regional service centers and other offices.

Applications are solicited until 30 June 2014, from highly-qualified experts and experienced individuals (not firms) to be considered for inclusion in this new thematic expert roster. We are looking for a diverse group of people in terms of expertise, skills, languages and seniority.

Interested experts should review the announcement and apply only if they meet the minimum requirements as specified in the call for applications. Candidates are welcome to apply in the UNDP working language they wish (English, French or Spanish).

The Gender Equality in Public Administration Vetted Experts Roster announcement is available in English | French |SpanishPlease note that this call for experts is not linked to other UNDP rosters or to a specific UNDP recruitment opportunity. You may send an email to for any questions or clarifications.

End criminalization and discrimination of LGBT all over the world

On the International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHOT), the International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY) would like to express our solidarity with lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people all over the world who are facing criminalization and gender discrimination.

Today, homosexuality is considered a crime in 83 countries around the world. This unacceptable statistics tells us that many LGBT including young LGBT people are facing every day struggles with regards to their sexual orientation or gender identity and expression.

On the International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia, we call to end criminalization and discrimination all over the world and demand our member organizations to comply with the principle of non-discrimination. We also demand the United Nations to pass the legally-binding human rights instruments for LGBT rights promotion and protection including the establishment of the United Nation Special Rapporteur on LGBT rights.

IUSY reaffirms the foundation principle that all human beings are born free and equal. No one should be criminalized and discriminated based on their sexual orientation, gender identity and expression.

Ayuda para Valparaiso


El viernes 11 de abril, se inició en la ciudad de Valparaíso, Chile, un incendio forestal que y ha consumido miles de hectáreas de bosque nativo, y más de 2000 casas, dejando a más de 8000 personas sin hogar y sin ninguna pertenencia personal. Varios días después, el incendio continúa con fuerza, y no ha podido ser controlado por bomberos y organismos de emergencia.

La cifra de familias sin hogar aumenta, así como las víctimas fatales. Al momento de este comunicado, 12 personas han perdido la vida por el incendio, y varias otras se encuentran desaparecidas.

Valparaíso es una de las ciudades más antiguas de Chile, declarada patrimonio de la humanidad por UNESCO, y uno de los principales puntos de atracción turística del país. Pero también, es una ciudad con grandes sectores de pobreza y hacinamiento urbano, lo que ha generado que el incendio avance con rapidez y fuerza, convirtiéndolo en el más grande de la historia de esa ciudad.

En solidaridad, para quienes deseen colaborar con las víctimas de esta catástrofe, se han abierto las siguientes cuentas bancarias para depositar la ayuda:

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On Friday April 11, in the city of Valparaiso (Chile) a forest fire broke out destroying thousands of hectares of native forest and more than 2.000 houses, and leaving over 8,000 people homeless and without any personal belongings. Several days later the fire continues strongly, and still cannot be controlled by firefighters and emergency agencies.

The number of homeless families is increasing, as well as fatal victims. At the time of this statement 12 people have been killed by the fire and several others are missing.

Valparaiso is one of the oldest cities in Chile, declared Humanity World Heritage by UNESCO, and one of the main tourist attractions of the country.

But it is also a city with large areas of urban poverty, overcrowding and human segregation, which has generated the fire advancing with speed and strength, making it the biggest fire in the history of that city.

In solidarity, for those wishing to work with the victims of this disaster,
we have opened the following bank accounts to deposit the help:


Un techo para Chile
Bank Account: 6518783-3
Banco Santander
RUT: 65.533.130-1

Red Cross
Bank Account 362883
RUT: 70512100
BancoEstado ♦

IUSY World Festival 2014

We are glad and proud to invite you to the

IUSY World Festival 2014
from the 20th to the 26th of August
at the Ghajn Tuffieha Camping Site in Malta

The aim of the World Festival is to gather young political activists from all over the world to shape new politics. It offers a high-profile platform for political youth leaders and policy experts to map out their progressive vision for the future. The World Festival has a long tradition and is the highlight for IUSY, its member organizations and all the young people who come to meet new friends, have fun and discuss politics.

“Overcoming poverty is not a task of charity, it is an act of justice.
Like Slavery and Apartheid, poverty is not natural. It is man-made
and it can be overcome and eradicated by the actions of human beings.”

Many great socialists and social democrats have fought for long for an equal world. One of them was Nelson Mandela has recently passed away and left us with the hope that everything is possible as long as we believe in our strength to achieve it. The World Festival therefor focuses on “15 Actions to Eradicate Poverty in 15 Years”, which we believe is one of the biggest tasks for socialism and social democracy to deal with as one of its struggle for an equal and just world. .


If you have further questions or need support, please do not hesitate to contact us ( Kindly note to start your preparations as soon as possible, since it will make it a lot easier for all of us and cheaper for you.

We are looking forward to seeing you in Malta!

26-03 Huelga General, Paraguay


Desde la Unión Internacional de Juventudes Socialistas (IUSY) manifestamos nuestro apoyo a la Huelga General que se llevará a cabo el 26 de marzo en Paraguay.

La mencionada es la primera Huelga General desde el año 1994 y a la cual todas las centrales sindicales  están adheridas, además de contar con el apoyo de diversas organizaciones políticas, entre ellas las que son miembros de IUSY.

Adherimos a las principales reivindicaciones de la Huelga General, entre las que se encuentran el aumento del 25% del salario mínimo legal, el derecho a la libertad sindical, y la derogación de la Ley de Alianza Público Privada (APP), con la cual el Gobierno de Horacio Cartes busca ceder intereses del Estado paraguayo a manos privadas.

Como organización mundial de juventudes socialistas, socialdemócratas y laboristas, reivindicamos el derecho a huelga como una herramienta válida para luchar por mayores derechos, y en contra de injusticias. Manifestamos además nuestro compromiso con las luchas de los trabajdores y las trabajadoras de todo el mundo.

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From the International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY), we express our support to the General Strike that will be realized on March 26 in Paraguay.

This is the first general strike since 1994. It is supported by all the trade unions, in addition to the support of various political organizations including those that are members of IUSY.

We would like to add to the main demands of the General Strike, amongst which is the 25% increase in the minimum wage, the freedom to union affiliation, and the derogation of the Public-Private Partnership Act (APP), through which the Government of Horacio Cartes will be able to hand over to private hands the interests of the Paraguayan State.

As a worldwide organization of socialist, social democratic and labor youth, we claim the right to strike as a valid tool to fight for greater rights and to combat injustice. We also express our commitment towards the struggles of working people worldwide.

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Depuis l’Union Internationale des Jeunesses Socialistes (IUSY), nous voulons exprimer notre support à la Greve Générale qui aura lieu au Paraguay ce 26 Mars.

Celle-ci est la première Greve Générale depuis 1994. Elle est supportée par toutes les confédérations syndicales du pays, en plus du support de plusieurs forces politiques, y compris celles qui sont membres de l’IUSY.

Nous  adhérons aux principales revendications de la Greve Générale, entre lesquelles nous trouvons la demande d’augmentation de 25% du salaire minimum, la liberté syndicale, et la dérogation de la Loi d’Alliance Public-Privée (APP), avec laquelle le gouvernement d’Horacio Cartes pourra transférer en mains privées  plusieurs intérêts de l’État Paraguayen.

Comme organisation mondiale des jeunesses socialistes, socio-démocrates et travaillistes, nous réclamons le droit a la grève comme instrument légitime pour lutter pour plus de droits et combattre des injustices. Nous exprimons également notre engagement envers les luttes des travailleurs à travers le monde.
