The European Committee of the International Union of Socialist Youth calls for the protection of Doñana’s Natural Park

The European Committee of International Union of Socialist Youth calls for the protection of Doñana’s Natural Park, as well as other European parks that face the same issues, as a generational duty.

The Doñana Natural Park, located in southern Spain, is one of the most valuable ecosystems of European biodiversity. This environment is home to unique and seriously endangered species, as well as a transit, breeding and wintering enclave for a significant number of European and African birds.

The situation caused by the climate emergency and the irresponsible attitude of political forces of the Spanish right and extreme right are generating an ecological disaster in a space classified as a priority by national and international legislation. The deterioration suffered by the national park could be irreversible for the rich biodiversity that they host and that is disappearing at a forced march, as denounced by the scientific community.

The Doñana Park houses an aquifer of 2409 square km, essential to maintain the lagoons of this natural space. Irrigation has increased by more than 30% in less than 10 years, with a large percentage of illegal and unauthorised water collections. Consequently, the proliferation of more than 1,000 illegal wells in the aquifer is overexploiting the reserves and accelerating the disappearance of a large number of flora and fauna, generating the elimination of amphibians, native turtles, insects, fish, and aquatic plants.

The popular party (EPP) and Vox (European Conservative and Reformist Party) have approved in the regional parliament of Andalusia (Spain) to regularize and institutionalize this unsustainable practice and expand the irrigated area with the terrible consequences that will further deepen the problem. The CSIC, WWF, the Government of Spain and the European Commission have questioned this new legislative reform that threatens the ecological balance of an environment declared a World Heritage Site and recognized internationally.

For all these reasons, from the European Committee meeting of IUSY in Berlin on April 20, 21 and 22, 2023 we demand:

1. That the Andalusian regional government stop this bill that is harmful to European biodiversity and only responds to the lack of commitment in the fight against the climate emergency that we are already suffering.

2. That the European Commission and the Government of Spain protect the environment of Doñana, as well as other European important spaces for the environment, with more actions, making impossible future laws aimed at destroying a very important reserve for the continent.

3. That our organizations intensify awareness of the climate emergency and the duty to protect biodiversity as a generational task.

Challenges of Security in the Western Balkan region

Meeting of the Balkan Round Table Organisations ; 3-5.03.2023
The Podgorica Declaration

IUSY member organizations from the BRT Committee gathered in Podgorica from 3 to 5 March 2023, to discuss the topic “Challenges of security in the Western Balkan region“.

Western Balkans are an important partner to all the world and European powers, due to its geostrategic position. Precisely for this reason, as well as because of the specific history that this region has, and the new circumstances caused by the war in Ukraine, the states of WB are facing different influences and security challenges. 

The topic of security have been always, but especially now important for maintaining peace and stability in the region and among the top priorities of our countries. Security policy of Western Balkans has in­creasingly come into focus since the beginning of the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine. The war in Ukraine has become a security threat across Europe, including the Western Balkans, where there are still open conflicts that could follow the “Ukrainian scenario” and create problems. 

Bearing in mind that in the long term we should foster all processes of reconciliation, resolving current disputes and forgetting the wounds of the past is a top priority and demands urgent action.

Therefore, it is important to act immediately and to guarantee security in the region, reduce existing tensions (mostly of ethnic or religious character) and promote stability. This process shall include three key stakeholders who play an especially active role: (1) the neighboring countries in the region, (2) the international community and the EU, (3) the young people from the region. 

Youth participation in the prevention and resolution of disputes is essential for building sustainable peace.  As young political leaders closest to the youth in our countries,  we believe that young people have a key role in dealing with conflicts and contributing to solutions, because on the other hand they are the ones most affected by the conflicts themselves. For this reason, the IUSY member organisations of the Balkan Round Table are committing to initiate the process of implementation of political and civic education in the respective educational systems of the Western Balkan countries.  

For us as young leaders, it is very important that people in our region start to feel safe, to trust in the state and its institutions and that the stability of the system is restored. It is important to mention that this is actually one of the main reasons that influence the decisions of young people to stay living here, or to continue their life abroad.

In the 21st century, it must be a priority for all of us to preserve peace and stability, to lead a policy that will bring prosperity and economic development to our countries and meet their goals of advancing on the European path. The EU must stop neglecting the Western Balkans and use the geopolitical moment to accelerate the accession process of the countries of the region.

IUSY condemns Azerbaijan’s continuous policy of ethnic cleansing perpetrated against the Armenian population of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh)

Since the 12th of December 2022, Azerbaijani so-called environmentalists blocked the only highway, known as the Lachin Corridor, connecting Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) to the outside world. Many of these “protesters” have been identified as members of the Azerbaijani military and government posing as civilians.

The Lachin corridor serves as a vital lifeline which connects Nagorno-Karabakh with the Republic of Armenia and the only way to supply Artsakh with basic needs. Moreover, starting on 13 December Azerbaijan shut off the gas supply to Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) during freezing winter temperatures.

The Azerbaijani blockade has created a humanitarian disaster, stopping food and medical supplies and desperately needed medical care from reaching the region. At the same time, Azerbaijan is repeatedly violating the trilateral declaration of November 9, 2020, namely its obligation to guarantee the secure movement of citizens, vehicles, and cargo in both directions through the corridor. These acts will inevitably lead to serious humanitarian consequences and undermine the fragile peace in the region. 

Since the 44-day War in the latter part of 2020, Azerbaijani authorities have carried out policies aimed at ethnic cleansing Artsakh of the native Armenian population, using various methods, including military provocations and psychological terror. The current provocation is clearly a manifestation of that policy.

These actions, targeting civilians, highlight the plight of the indigenous Armenian population to secure their fundamental human rights and self-determination within their homeland.

IUSY strongly condemns the ethnic cleansing policies by Azerbaijan against the indigenous Armenian population of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) and its violations of the trilateral declaration of 9 November 2020.

IUSY calls the Azerbaijani authorities to immediately and unconditionally cease the blockade of the Lachin corridor.

IUSY calls on the international community and its international partners to take concrete measures to immediately and unconditionally end the blockade of the Lachin corridor and ensure that these incidents will not be repeated in the future.

IUSY supports and recognizes the right to self-determination of the indigenous  Armenian population of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh).

IUSY calls for the international recognition of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) to ensure the fundamental rights of the indigenous Armenian people of Artsakh in order to stop ethnic cleansing.


Nowadays, the world faces different types of international and local conflicts. There are currently more than 40 international conflicts around the globe that are shaping today’s synergies.  Across all continents, the world is now facing an unprecedented scenario where the post-World War II multilateral institutions play a decisive role.

The members of the International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY) believe that in the peaceful process of dispute settlement, the younger generation, intercultural dialogues, and solidarity among them do have key roles. For that reason, the IUSY Congress 2021 approved the implementation of the Peace Thematic Network (PTN). 

Since that decision, IUSY Presidium has decided to involve Member organisations in the network’s approach and to choose a local coordinator, to guarantee the sustainability and development of the Network in the future years. As such, the Network’s aim is to organise international events that should be joined by representatives of conflict parties and experts, guests, and civic sectors to discuss the peace process and to raise awareness among young members of the IUSY parties. 

Georgian Dream hosted the opening project of the Peace Thematic Network in Tbilisi from 20-23 September 2022. The three-day visit of IUSY included official meetings with the speaker of the Parliament, and Municipal representatives of Tbilisi and with Georgian Dream Party leadership. During panel discussions, the PTN covered regional challenges, the importance of peace and future steps of the network. 

The participants visited the conflict area in Shida Kartli region where, even 14 years after the 2008 war the occupation continues. Unfortunately, the 12 August 2008 Ceasefire Agreement has continued to be violated by the Russian Federation. 

We, young representatives of IUSY member organisations present in Tbilisi, reiterate the call on the imperialist Russian Federation to stop its interference in regional stability and to end its illegal invasion and war in Ukraine. 

Secondly, we highlight the importance of the 12 August Ceasefire Agreement fulfilment by the Russian Federation in Georgia. As such, the IUSY will further foster advocacy campaigns for the respect of international law in Georgian territories.

Moreover, the Peace Thematic Network emphasises the need for peaceful resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict according to the OSCE Minsk Group principles, as well as reiterates its support for the territorial integrity of Armenia.

The PTN also received information about the current socio-political situation in Nicaragua under the dictatorship of Daniel Ortega. The country’s institutions are deeply under attack due to the permanent interference of powers and authorities. And, until today, more than 190 opponents of Ortega’s regime have been imprisoned. Finally, more than 200,000 Nicaraguans had fled to Costa Rica and Honduras since the beginning of Ortega’s dictatorship in 2018.

The Peace Thematic Network will further develop all possible work for the establishment of the IUSY Political School for Peace and Democracy under the scope of United Nations Democracy programs.

Furthermore, future hosts should be encouraged to engage with all interested parties in the conflict to participate in any event related to the Peace Thematic Network. 

Social Justice after the Pandemic


We live in a time where the class society is getting bigger with each passing day. The time before the pandemic was already severe for young and marginalized groups in Europe. The effects have therefore also hit these groups hardest, not least those who were already economically oppressed.It is a heavy reality and the hope for a future and the possibility of a good life is incredibly low. It is a failure for which politics must take responsibility. Europe must be a place for young and marginalized groups to be able to grow and free themselves from inequality. But for this to be possible, class divisions and injustices must be stopped. This can only happen with a progressive policy where solidarity and equality are given priority. That is why we want to see an EU that takes responsibility for the aftermath caused by the pandemic, but also for the challenges that already existed before the pandemic. 

IUSY wants to see an EU that really prioritizes young people. Social injustice is a major problem for young people. In several EU countries, there are tax laws that cause division and economic inequality. That kind of tax system needs to be stopped. Flat tax is unacceptable as it provides great benefits to already rich people while those who are poor have to bear the great cost to society.

Young people in the labor market are all too often exploited by rogue employers. this is not least noticeable among industries in the gig economy. The pay gap between men and women is also a major problem and must disappear. Regardless of who you are, you should be entitled to the same salary for the same work. Anything else is unacceptable.

Mental illness among young people is a major public health problem in the EU. The numbers of suicides have increased in connection with the pandemic. It’s a problem. As a young person, you should have the right to care for your mental illness. It should not be your wallet that decides if you can get help. That is why the EU must work for policies that prioritize the well-being of young people.

Conditions for parental leave must also be equal. Today, unfortunately, the reality for young parents is not equal. In some EU countries, women are discriminated against by the system. They are forced into parental leave through rules on compulsory maternity leave. This creates a backlog for the woman which means that she is forced into a financial dependence on the man. not least, her opportunity for a good pension is affected. Parental leave must be equal and possible for both parents to take.

The housing situation is perhaps the industry where class society is most evident. The possibility of a good home for a young person is very low. The prices for rent are far too high and the efforts to buy are only for rich people. We want to see the EU create opportunities for banks to lend money to young people with favorable interest rates and low fees. You should not be forced to live just to survive. The social democratic idea is that the individual should be freed from oppression, therefore it is important that the interests of young people are prioritized in the housing market in Europe.

Statement on Ukraine

The IUSY European Committee once again condemns Russia’s unprovoked invasion and war in Ukraine. We strongly condemn Putin’s violations against human rights as well as international and territorial integrity. We note with bitterness that, in particular, the west’s appeasement policies and impunity towards Russia in the previous years paved the way for these aggressions.

This war is not only against the Ukrainian people but also an attack on the law based international system. It is an attack on our core values of freedom and democracy.The bombing of civilians and non-military infrastructure is terror against the Ukrainian people. Helpless civilians are exposed to human rights violations by brutal acts like in Bucha, Mariupol, Borodyanka and other cities. The international community is responsible for the protection against any violence of human lives and refugees such as human trafficking. 

In times of multiple crisis in the world and in Europe, the social justice, security and safety in the EU and its neighborhood is endangered. Its is therefore vital that young perspectives are heard and discussed. We as the young generation in Europe cannot let Putins and other autocrats  tyrannize our generation. We cannot let the feeling of hopelessness and economical dependencies to form our way of course of action. Each and every human being live needs to be ensured in dignity, freedom and peace.

It is now all the more crucial that Europe and the European Union defines a path for a common and binding security policy, which recognizes the needs of all states in the region. This includes nuclear-weapon  disarmament. For an all-encompassing security policy, a sustainable new green energy in the neighborhood and less energy dependency must be strengthened.

European Union and its partners  need to prove and defend its common values in order to guarantee young and future generations a peaceful and just Europe. Today it is also all the more important to strengthen the European neighborhood.

The IUSY European Committee therefore demands direct support for the Ukraine, more resources for  humanitarian aid and further econonomical sanctions on Russia such as:

  • Full boycott of oil/gas from Russia and pulling out all investments from Russian companies
  • European wide coordinated, state led system for a fair refugee distribution in cooperation with UN and UNHCR
  • Set up of social/health system registration
  • Set up of system for human trafficking prevention 
  • decisive action against russian propaganda and european wide education in and on social networks
  • immediate banning of Russia from international sports.

As socialists and social democrats from all of Europe we are particularly committed to the future of young Ukrainians. We therefore demand to provide them all necessary  means in order to help building a future and perspective, especially with regard to creating opportunities for recognition and of complementation of degrees by Ukrainian pupils and students. Furthermore, every state should be committed to provide options for fast track complementary courses if necessary.

Peace is only possible through a real and honest dialogue. The IUSY European Committee therefore calls on the European Union and Commission to push forward to further negotiations and above all an immediate ceasefire and real humanitarian corridors to prevent further innocent civilians from death. We ask both forces to be committed to peace and demand justice to strike on the war-criminals at the human-rights court in Den-Haag.  

Therefore, and according to the outputs of the European Committee that gathered in Genova, Italy, dozens of young socialist leaders of Europe, IUSY commits, according to its possibilities, to:

  • Promote a special campaign to advocate for a single european hotline to help Ukrainian refugees fleeing from Ukraine;
  • Visit Ukraine with comrades of member organisation SMS;
  • Further develop the work on the post-covid mental illnesses impact on youth.

IUSY Black Sea Area Cooperation Leadership Conference -BSAC (12-14 October)


What: BSAC Leadership Conference 

When: 12-14 October 2021 

Time: 17:00PM CET

Where: Zoom online platform (2-2,5 hours per day) 

Age: 18-35 years

Registration Deadline:  08 October 2021


IUSY BSAC Committee Meeting 2021 will take place online from the 12thto the 14thof October. 

This year’s meeting’s theme is “Promoting Social-Democracy in BSAC Region”.

During this three days meeting we will focus on the teambuilding and organistaional updates of member organisations from the region, go deeper into the topic of the year from different perspectives and we will plan and draft the committee roadmap for the upcoming years. 

What can you expect? 

We will get together for 3 days (about 2-2,5 hours per day) in an informal and formal settings. 

More details on the programme will come soon and all registered participants will be informed of the technicalities and the content of the meeting. 

The meeting will be held online on the Zoom platform. It will be in English and without any participation fee. 

It is important to remember that our events are safe spaces and that we are mindful and respectful towards each other. We will share with you the Code of Conduct together with the programme and technicalities. 

 With best regards,

   Jesus Tapia              Bruno Gonçalves                     Sarieneh Abrahamian

 IUSY President      IUSY Secretary General    IUSY Vice President, BSAC Coordinator                                                   

Who can apply

This activity is aimed towards the leadership of IUSY member organisations from BSAC. Please note that it is required that the participants participate for the whole duration of the activity. 

Participants should:

  • Belong to IUSY member organisation
  • Be aged 18-35
  • Youth leadership of BSAC organisations
  • Maximum 2 participants per organisation. Gender balance is required! 

How to apply

To apply you must complete the following form or by cliking to this link: by the 8th of October 2021. 

Contact information

Should you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact the coordinator of the project at the IUSY Secretariat:

Gohar Ghandilyan 

IUSY Project Manager


Phone: +43 699 135 32 960

We are looking forward to receiving your registration and meeting you online! 

IUSY MC and EC online meeting

IUSY MC and EC online meeting regarding the COVID-19 situation in MENA and EC regions. The call will take place on April 3rd at 19:00 Jerusalem time (18:00 CET) via Zoom Meeting

Below is the link for the meeting:

Meeting ID: 710 073 790

Topics discussed will be:

  1. What are the most recent updates from our countries?
  2. What did the governments do to counter this pandemic?
  3. What measures that took place in your countries can we benefit from?
  4. What did your party or youth organization do to fight the pandemic?
  5. What lessons can be learned?

Please feel free to join the meeting and also to spread it among your members.

IUSY and YES statement on Hungarian Coronavirus Act

With its 2/3 majority, Fidesz passed the Coronavirus Act in the Hungarian Parliament, granting the government unprecedented emergency powers and the most expansive onessince the fall of communism. The new law allows the government to rule by decree for an indefinite period of time. It also introduces a vaguely worded new paragraph to the already existing offence of scaremongering in the Criminal Code.

The coronavirus outbreak has brought pressure on many governments and demands swift and careful action to prevent any further spread of the virus. We understand that necessary measures require temporary & limited restrictions on some of the fundamental rights and freedoms in the name of the collective, but restrictions, should always be proportionate and necessary. A standard which the Hungarian Coronavirus Act manifestly fails to meet. A completely unrestricted mandate to rule by decree is never proportionate nor democratic. No government should get unrestricted power to fight against the coronavirus pandemic.

The adopted new law also introduces prison sentences of up to five years for people thought to be spreading false information that alarms the public or impedes government efforts to protect people. The government will also be allowed to suspend the application of certain laws by decree if necessary and proportional to protect citizens’ health, life, property, rights, and to secure the stability of the economy in connection with the pandemic. Furthermore, no local or national elections or referendums can be held until the end of the state of emergency. These are often uncertain measures, especially for an indefinite period of time which can easily lead to absolute power of Orbán.

We are also surprised that in merely a few hours later, the President of Hungary signed the act into effect, underlining in his statement that the new law is in line with the Fundamental law and does not violate international agreements.

We, young socialists and social democrats, all over the world and in Europe, are alarmed how Orbán is further undermining the democratic principles in Hungary. We, in IUSY and in YES support all necessary measures to fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, but we also stand on the side of our member organisation, Societas Hungary and and all other progressive forces fighting against the erosion of democracy while they continue to fight to protect the fundamental rights of the Hungarian people and Hungarian democracy in these difficult times.