Invitation to Balkan Round Table Leadership Conference ’16

The Balkan Round Table Committee gathers young leaders of IUSY member organizations in the Balkan region with the aim to strengthen the organizations and the cooperation in the region. Together we will discuss the current political situation in the Balkan region and elaborate strategies to face the challenges that lie ahead. The main theme for the IUSY Balkan Round Table Leadership Conference 2016 will be “Democracy and the Fight Against Right Wing Extremism”. Some of the aims and objectives of the Conference will be to understand the causes of extremism and the consequences. Mapping the extremism phenomena in the Balkan region and finding connection between them.

The participants can look forward to discussions, sharing of experiences and ideas, workshops, political actions and of course building networks and making friends!

The Conference will take place in Podgorica, Montenegro hosted by our member organization Democratic Party of Socialist of Montenegro Youth Council. Please save the dates 28-31 of July and register as soon as possible no later than 24th June.

Invitation Letter in the link below:
Invitation BRT 28-31st July 2016

Registration Form in the link below:



We would want to inform you about the availability to apply for becoming coordinator for the following working groups:

– Feminist Working Group

– Pool of Trainers Working Group


The coordinators main role is to plan (together with the IUSY presidium) and conduct the work of the working group. The Coordinators will have a close contact with appointed Vice Presidents who will be responsibility for the groups and the coordinators will also be invited to the IUSY Presidium meetings. However, IUSY will not be able to provide any travel reimbursement for the coordinators for the presidium meetings.

To apply for becoming coordinator you should send us:

1. Letter of motivation where you describe why you are interested and your ambitions for the working group you want to coordinate. Furthermore, we would also like you to provide us with your previous engagement in the area of interest, since we would very much be interested in previous experience on the fields.

2. Nomination letter from your national organization.

Deadline for application is set for 1st July. Send your application to **Please share widely**

Invitation to IUSY Global Seminar 2016

IUSY Global Seminar 2016 – the future of global social democracy

14-17 July 2016 – Gothenburg, Sweden

What:                      Political gathering for leadership members of IUSY MOs and SSU districts
When:                     14-17 July 2016
Where:                    Gothenburg, Sweden
Age:                         16-35 years
Size:                         1 participant per IUSY member organisation or SSU district
Deadline:                Sunday 12 June 2016 (23:59 CET)

Participant profile

Each IUSY member organisation may send one participant and each SSU district may send one participant to the seminar. These persons should hold a leadership position in their respective organisation/district, as they must be able to take back what they have gained from the seminar to their organisation/district and use the outcomes to enact change nationally or regionally.

How to apply

Participants must apply through the online registration forms by Sunday 12 June 2016 at 23:59 CET. There are separate application forms for IUSY member organisations and SSU districts.

Follow this link to complete the registration form for IUSY member organisations.

Follow this link to complete the registration form for SSU districts.

IUSY member organisations can only get one application approved after sending in application. SSU districts are only able to send one participant each. Therefore it is essential that organisations and districts agree who will be the participant rather than allowing multiple members to apply.

More information

You can view the detailed information by following this link to the full invitation. 

You can join the Facebook page for the IUSY Global Seminar 2016 here.

IUSY World Council 2015- An Equal World Is Possible

Dear Comrades,


We have the pleasure of inviting you to the forthcoming:




– An Equal World Is Possible

Yerevan, Armenia – 7th May to 10th May 2015


“Peace is something more than the absence of war, although some nations would be thankful for that alone today. A durable and equitable peace system requires equal development opportunities for all nations.”

    – Willy Brandt


2015 is an important year for the future of international development. The UN Special Summit on Sustainable Development, the UN Climate Change Conference, and the European Year for Development are just a few landmarks that will outline the work of the international community on the struggle for peace, equality and sustainable development in the upcoming years.


It is also the time for us to discuss together the challenges of today and tomorrow in order to propose our solutions for a more equal and fair world. Together we will make an equal world for all possible!


Please make sure to save this date. More information will follow in a few days.


We are looking forward to meeting you all again to enjoy both: fun and politics. Our hosting organization, AYF in Armenia, is happy to welcome you all in Yerevan.


With Socialist Regards,


Felipe Jeldres             Evin Incir                                 Sarkis Megerdichian

IUSY President          IUSY Secretary General       AYF Secretary General

UYD 2014: Our Future Our Say!

In the framework of the 15th University on Youth and Development, from the 21st till the 28th of September YES and IUSY gathered European organizations in Mollina and took the chance of this event for a week of training, learning and political debates.

The University on Youth and Development is a space aim at taking affirmative action in Global Youth Cooperation. It is jointly organised by the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe, the Spanish Government (INJUVE), the European Youth Forum (YFJ), the Spanish Youth Council (CJE) and other international youth organisations. Since its first edition in 2000, the University takes place once a year bringing together representatives of youth organisations and youth movements from all over the world who gather in the CEULAJ (Euro-Latin-American Youth Centre) to discuss, train and be trained as well as to take political action around the main issues on the global agenda. 

The topic of this year’s edition was “Youth Opportunities” and IUSY/YES participated in the programme with a training activity titled: “Advocating our space in the post-2015 agenda: our future, our say” Following the 2012 Summit Rio+20 and the new focus on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) IUSY and YES believe that our organizations should play a greater role in following up the Post-2015 agenda. While we consider sustainability goals and a higher focus on environmental protection as well as climate change to be crucial and essential for human well being, our organizations should also be strong and advocate in this process that this should not lead to reduced, lowered or fading efforts to eradicate poverty completely.

The group developed a deeper understanding on youth advocacy in the global agenda and were provided with tools and practices to be more influential when putting forward their political demands. At the same time – in the context of the University and in connection to other partner organizations – the group developed a better understanding of their belonging to a wider global youth movement, beyond their political affiliation. They also developed a proposal for a global campaign in the framework of the post-2015 agenda.

This activity was jointly organized by the Young European Socialists (YES) and the International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY) with the support of the Progressive Alliance (PA)

IUSY World Festival 2014


A week of friends, fun and politics – that is the promise the IUSY World Festival holds. This year about 1000 young activists from around the world came together on the beautiful Island of Malta.  It was an unforgettable week at the IUSY World Festival 2014 in Malta. We engaged in discussions, we experienced international solidarity, we made new friends and we did not forget about the fun. We left the Festival with new motivation, new inspiration and also a lot of new friendships.

Our thanks go to the Maltese comrades from FZL Malta 
who were a great host for the socialist youth from around the world.

We will never forget!

22nd of July 2011 was a day we will never forget. Our comrades of AUF in Norway were brutally attacked during their summer camp in Utøya where 69 activists died. They were ruthlessly attacked and murdered by racism and the hatred it brought with it. One person might have conducted the terrorist attack, but a whole ideology is responsible for it.

As Socialist, Social Democrats and Labour Youth Organizations our struggle for a world of freedom, democracy, equality and social justice will continue until the day we reach it. The hatred and fear Racism, Fascism and Xenophobia are trying to spread, will never succeed. The human urge for equality and freedom is our antidote and it will ensure a peaceful world.

We will never be afraid. We will continue to organize ourselves and to make sure that we are many together walking hand in hand in the struggle. Silence is the best friend of evil. During this time when right wing extremism is growing, it is especially important that we firmly stand up against it. Only when we are many and we unite our voices; freedom, equality and human dignity will prevail.

We will remember our comrades forever. Their struggle is our struggle. And the struggle continues.