Stand Up Against Racism – Every Day!

International Day against Racism on March 21st: IUSY FIGHTS RACISM EVERY DAY!

Today is International Day against Racism. Racism still hits a huge amount of people, all round the world. Some of them every day. Some of them deadly. In some parts of the world we even see how it spreads and brings with it war and inequality.

The International Day against Racism is important to help making daily discrimination more visible. But in fact: as IUSY we say no to racism every day! As IUSY we want zero tolerance against racism! We raise our voice against it, against the extrem-right. Against racism in asylum- and migration policies and against racism in everyday life. It is about firmly standing for our ongoing struggle: against racism and fascism.

Dividing lines between groups of the society are not cultural or ethnic ones, but social and economic ones. Racism is often described as a phenomenon at the margins, but in fact it is quite the opposite. Racism has been and is becoming part of the political discourse and is thereby seen as a “valid political opinion”. We can find it in the whole society, at all levels -whether speaking about laws, institutions or our work environment. Whether we are walking on the street, watching TV or reading newspapers.

As socialists and social democrats, we will never accept a shift in the political debate to be about hierarchies between groups. We must tackle the roots of the problem. We believe that these include social injustice, inequality, unemployment and segregation as part of a capitalist system.

As IUSY we believe in diversity. And we are fighting racism all over the world. In single steps, one after the other. We will not succeed on one single day. Maybe not until tomorrow and maybe not even until the day after. But every single day, we are making a difference.  STAND UP AGAINST RACISM – EVERY DAY!



The Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan stated his intention to block Twitter —”We’ll eradicate it” — hours before cutting if off. 

For us as an organization fighting for democracy and human rights the developments in Turkey continue to be alarming.  Democracy requires peace and freedom, but these cannot be ensured as long as fundamental human rights are violated.

We, as the biggest youth organization of socialist, social democratic and labour organizations all over the world appeal to our mother parties and also to the international community to stand up for democracy and demand ending those developments.

Peace and democracy require all people’s freedom!


Every Day Is The Eight of March

The yearly International Women’s day took place eight of March, just six days after the IUSY World congress in Copenhagen, Denmark. In the same city, but 104 years earlier and a few month later in august, the second socialist international held their meeting which ended up in a deceleration of what one can call a predecessor to the International Women’s day.

Every year the same date the whole world stands up together to fight discrimination and to promote gender equality. The struggle for equality is deeply rooted in the Social Democratic ideology. It is our firm believes that no person is free before all people are free. It is in the end also an issue of democracy. No person or group must be forced into a life of exclusion and be deprived from their rights just because of their gender. Women have during long time sadly been deprived of exactly these rights and the power has been concentrate in the hands of men.

Still, 104 years later, we haven’t come far. International reports shows that around the world at least every third woman has faced some kind of violation against her rights. Violation against women is a fact that can’t and must not be neglected. In many societies around the world we also see that men earn more than women for the same job. Women are being treated as second class citizens. Socialist and Social Democratic governments have fought for equal right between the genders through harder discrimination laws, good child care system, adequately paid parental leave and women’s right to her own body. The latest struggle and victories we see is in among others Tunisia where the Tunisian Social Democratic party ETTAKATOL managed to, after the revolution and the fall of their dictator Ben Ali, push for a progressive constitution that guarantees women and men the same right.

At the same time other countries are taking the opposite road back in time. In Spain the conservative government Partido Polular (PP) wants to deprive women their right to their own body through very restrictive abortion laws. The proposal for a new law called “Law for the Protection of the Life of the Conceived and the Rights of the Pregnant Woman” only permits interruption of pregnancies in two cases, rape and risk of death for the mother. This doesn’t give women the right to choose when they feel is the right time to become a parent. Instead parenthood is being forced upon them and conservative moral values belonging to the middle age deciding for them.

For us Socialist and Social Democrats there is no time for rest. We need to reconquer the struggle our precursors started. We need to stand up even higher today and demand all people’s rights. Social democracy and feminism is not something to be taking for granted. Only when our voices are not high enough inequality will prevail. But as long as we together stand up, resist and show that we have the solutions of today and the future we will manage to make a change.

An equal world can’t wait. Eight of March is every day.

Published in Debatti by the SONK Finland
Article written by:

p_evinEvin Incir, SSU Sweden
IUSY Secretary General [/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]

p_victorVictor Moratinos, JS Spain
IUSY Vice President [/ezcol_1half_end]

Do you want an Open or Excluding Europe?

On 25th of May it is time for the European elections. It is an ideological election. An election that affects us all, but unfortunately fails to persuade too many citizens to use their right to make their voice heard. When people, the defenders of democracy, is not those who sets the political agenda by taking advantage of their voting right we find ourselves in a democratic crises.

In the European elections 2009 the turnout in Sweden was only 45.53 percent. Note then that Sweden was not the country with the lowest turnout. In some countries in the European Union, such as Romania, Poland and Lithuania, barely 30 percent voted. The European Members and our parties have an obligation to engage people by informing and showing the difference between the different political alternatives. It for sure matters if one votes Social Democracy or Conservative.

With almost 15 years of right-wing majority in the European Parliament they have failed to achieve growth at the same time as the gaps between people as well as countries has widened. The consequences of right-wing policies are devastating.

It is clear that neoliberal policy´s has failed. We Social Democrats have for long called for an end to austerity measures and want to instead invest us out of the crises. Investments must be done, for example in infrastructure to build Europe together and facilitate environmentally friendly transport. Furthermore, we must make sure that implementation of the European Youth Guarantee is taken seriously.  This is the only way to reduce the frightening high youth unemployment.In a time of deep economic crisis, the right winged majority succeeded to deepen the crisis through aggressive austerity measures which led to an increasingly high unemployment. Today, almost 26 million European citizens are unemployed. 6 million of them are young people. Meanwhile, the costs of unemployment has increased in country after country, conservatives have dismantled social safety nets.

Investments for sure assume good economy and finances which are in order. But a good economy is not achieved by increased income inequality´s and people in alienation. The answers are more and secure jobs and a good education system. Many countries in Europe are already on the verge of losing a generation to unemployment and hopelessness. If we don´t turn this trend soon, the consequences will be even more far-reaching and the possibility of recovery will become more difficult than it already is.

One of the most obvious side effects of a Europe torn apart is racist and populist parties gaining more ground in country after country. In Sweden, for example, the Sweden Democrats exercised many people’s alienation by putting various groups against each other. The European election is a choice between an open or excluding Europe. In the end, the question is whether we want a Europe that puts the need of the people or the need of the market first?


Article written by Evin Incir, IUSY Secretary General
» Check out the original article here


For a peaceful solution of the crisis in Ukraine

After 3 months of protests of Ukrainian citizens and the forming of a transitional government the political situation is very instable and fragile.

IUSY remembers the victims of the past months’ protests and condemns any further use of violence that could lead to a reescalation of the situation, especially the use of military force.

IUSY calls upon all actors as for example Russia and the European Union to respect Ukraine’s national sovereignty and to support the citizens of Ukraine to address the internal political challenges through peaceful, democratic and anti-fascist means and internal political processes.

The New IUSY Presidium

IUSY is happy to announce the new IUSY Presidium members elected on the IUSY World Congress in Copenhagen:


Felipe Jeldres
, JS Chile

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Evin Incir
, SSU Sweden





Mikael Baguin, JPDP/PS Burkina Faso
Samuel Muyizzi, UYD Uganda
Senia Bachir Abderahman, UJSARIO Western Sahara


Johanna Ortega, JPS Paraguay
Lucia Zapata, JSU Uruguay
Sebastian Melchor, JS Argentina
Zac Mukuy Aracely Ramirez, JPRD Mexico


Pimisiri Petchnamro, YPD Thailand
Rafaela Mae David, AKBAYAN Youth Philippines

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Alexander Grandt Petersen, DSU Denmark
Ana Pirtskhalva, YS Georgia
Anna Bruckner, SJÖ Austria
Jan Lichtwitz, JUSOS Germany
Roberta Capone, GD Italy
Srdjan Subotic, CSDY Croatia
Victor Moratinos, JS Spain


Nimrod Barnea, Young Meretz Israel
Raed Deby, FY Palestine


Nominations for the IUSY World Congress 2014

We, the International Union of Socialist Youth are happy to announce the following candidates for the XXX. IUSY World Congress 2014 in Denmark:

General Seceretary
Evin Incir (SSU Sweden)

Nimrod Barnea (YMY Israel)
Felipe Jeldres (JS Chile)
Raed Bou Hamdan (PYO Lebanon)

Chair of Control Commission
Stephan Köker (SJD-DF Germany)

Members of Control Commission
Maria Lila Castillo (JR Argentina)
Gloria Reyes (J PRD Domenican Republic)
Martin Clavijo (JNE Uruguay)
German Andreas Henao Ortega (JLC Colombia)

Vice Presidents – Europe
Anna Bruckner (SJ Austria)
Jan Lichtwitz (Jusos Germany)
Srdjan Subotic (CSDY Croatia)
Ana Pirtskhalava (YS Georgia)
Alexander Grandt Peterson (DSU Denmark)
Roberta Capone (GD Italia)
Jack Storry (Labour Students UK)
Victor Martinez (JS Èspagna)

Vice Presidents – Asia-Pacific
Pimisiri Petchnamrob (YPD Thailand)
Rafaela Mae David (AKBAYAN Youth Philippines)

Vice Presidents – Africa
Mikael Baguin (JPDP/PS Burkina Faso)
Abdourhamane Assoumane (OJT Niger)
Senia Bachir Abderahman (UJSARIO West-Sahara)
Samuel Muyizzi (UYD Uganda)
Omayma Achour (J Ittihadia Morocco)

Vice Presidents – Mediterranean
Raed Debiy (FY Palestine)

Vice Presidents – America
Sebastian Melchor (JS Argentina)
Lucas Sebastian Duran (JR Argentina)
Valeria Villegas (JRS Chile)
Juan Diego Gomez (JL Costa Rica)
Jean-Luis Rodriguez (J PRD Domenican Republic)
Zac Mukuy Aracely Ramirez (J PRD Mexico)
Johanna Ortega (JPS Paraguay)
Lucia Zapata (JSU Uruguay)
Guillermo Miguelena (JAD Venezuela)

XXX. IUSY World Congress


Dear Comrades,

We have the pleasure of inviting you to the forthcoming:

 15 Actions to eradicate Poverty in 15 Years

XXX. IUSY World Congress

Copenhagen, Denmark – 28th February to 2nd March 2014

“Overcoming poverty is not a task of charity, it is an act of justice. Like Slavery and Apartheid, poverty is not natural. It is man-made and it can be overcome and eradicated by the actions of human beings.” — Nelson Mandela

 Although the extreme poverty rates have been cut in half since 1990, 1 in 8 people still remain hungry today. As Nelson Mandela said, poverty is man-made and it can be overcome and eradicated by the actions of human beings. So it is now up to us to keep on fighting against poverty and develop concrete actions to achieve a social wellbeing for all. Furthermore we can no longer neglect the link among the economic, social and environmental dimensions of development, achieving social wellbeing for all requires policy making, where social equity, economic growth and environmental protection are approached together.

 Together with you we want to develop an IUSY World Campaign promoting 15 Actions to eradicate poverty in the next 15 years. Together we can and will make a difference! We are looking forward to meet all of you again to enjoy both the fun and the politics. Our hosting organization, DSU in Denmark, is happy to welcome all of you to Copenhagen.


With Socialist Regards,

Viviana Piñero
IUSY President

Beatriz Talegón
IUSY Secretary General

Camilla Brejner Schwalbe
DSU President