IUSY World Congress 2014 – Call for Nominations

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IUSY is happy to receive nominations of candidates for the XXX IUSY World Congress! All full member organizations of IUSY – that have fulfilled the obligations to IUSY (paid their membership fee) – have the right to make nominations.

» President
» Secretary General
» Vice Presidents (18)
» Chair of Control Commission
» Members of Control Commission (4)

In accordance with the Presidium suggestion on Statutes, Working Groups Coordinators will be appointed within the Presidium and not elected. Please note that Gender balance (at least 50% women representation) must be reached within each region.

Nominations must include:
» Letter of motivation from the candidate, which should include a political project for the period.
» Letter of support from the leadership of the candidate’s organization
» Presentation with short CV and picture of the candidate
» Passport copy of the candidate


Deadline for nominations is the 12th of February 2014. After the deadline all nominations will be made public.

» Submit your Nomination


JSE declarations in favour of women’s right to choose

The past 20th of December, the Government of Spain approved in its Council of Ministers a draft of a law that threatens the right of women to choose and looks to push them towards maternity without taking their wishes into account.


The Draft of the “Organic Law for the Protection of the Life of the Conceived and the Rights of the Pregnant Woman” is the most serious attack on Spanish women in the last 30 years. The Popular Party looks exclusively to satisfy its most retrograde and conservative electorate, a veritable fundamentalist lobby willing to do whatever it takes to quench their sectarianism. The right to choose and sexual and reproductive rights are fundamental rights that should be defended and promoted through an egalitarian education. The Government, instead of prioritizing the general interest and coexistence within the constitutional framework, has adopted the unacceptable attitude of legislating on the basis of religious morality, undermining the decision-making capacity of women.

After many years, in 2010, Spain managed to distinguish itself in the defense of civil rights with a pioneering Law on Deadlines on a global scale. A law that managed to generate a wide consensus in Parliament, with the exception of the Popular Party, as well as among health and legal professionals for its support of sexual and reproductive education and for its advances in its treatment of women within the democratic system. This broad consensus was superseded by a draft law that the Government has only agreed upon with the Episcopal Conference.

The actual Law on Deadlines is based on basic principles like the respect for women and their life – with specific support provided by professionals specialized in the subject matter from infancy to maturity. It is a preventative law, with legal and health guarantees for women, does not discriminate on the basis of economic capacity, and the immense majority has not asked for its reform. On the contrary, the draft law segregates on account of the need to pay for travel to other countries in order to achieve what is denied at home, or provokes clandestine and unsafe abortions, and places us at a disadvantage with respect to the legislation of our European neighbourhood.

Repealing the Law on Deadlines is a social regression and a risk for us. The regulation that they want to impose not only will not reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies, but will also increase the suffering of women who find themselves in this situation. The PP government wants to convert into a crime for all what is simply a sin for some. In 1995, the United Nations in its “Action Platform of Beijing” declared that the human rights of women include their right to exercise choice and decide freely and responsibly with regards to their own sexuality, including their sexual and reproductive health. It called on all countries to elaborate legislation guaranteeing these rights. Contrary to this, the new “Law for the Protection of the Life of the Conceived and the Rights of the Pregnant Woman” only permits then interruption of pregnancies in two cases, rape and risk of death for the mother. Where is the power to choose if it is the correct moment to be a mother? Currently, laws specifying deadlines exist in Germany, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, the Netherlands, Italy, Sweden and Portugal. Europe today looks to Spain scandalized by a counter-reform that supposes an incomprehensible restriction of liberty and a return to situations prior to the Law of 1985.

For all these reasons, and on account of this latest blow, the Socialist Youth of Spain declares:

  • Our volition to defend liberty and the right of women to choose over their own body and motherhood. We will not accept that they be once more treated as citizens incapable of deciding after so many years of struggle. Women are qualified to decide in a free society and we will not permit that this right be taken away.
  • We will not give our consent to the Partido Popular continuing to interfere in the autonomy of women, looking exclusively to return them to their homes. We fight for a dignified society, living together in equality, and without part of the citizenry being submitted to the dictates and decisions of the other part.
  • We defend the right to choose of women and support the current Law on Deadlines, which is being applied with total normality. Its repeal does not respond to a social demand, but rather to sectarian and exclusionary interests.
  • We will promote our oppositin to this draft law within the international community, especially in Europe, asking our comrades, deputies, and European leaders to disseminate news of this unreasonable attack on liberties that our country is suffering.
  • Ultimately, we will exhaust all the means that are necessary to demand the justice with which Spanish women deserve to be treated and to block this frontal and direct assault on their autonomy. We will not stop until we have deterred all those operations that seek to develop a tyrannical model based on their archaic ultraconservative thought.

University on Youth and Development

We’re in this together!
Youth of the Crisis- Jointly for societies of opportunities for all!
22-29 September, Mollina (Spain)

In the framework of the University IUSY was organizing a training with a view to to equip young people with a deeper understanding of the circumstances in which they are living and to help them formulating responses to the main common challenges, explore ways for (joint) action, and discuss best practice examples (e.g. existing campaigns, etc.).

 Youth is at the front line of the global economic and financial crisis, facing the immediate consequences of austerity policies and bearing the brunt of the crisis. The result is a loss of prospects for young people due to high rates of youth unemployment, precarious working conditions, the reform of social security systems – and hence a loss of autonomy. This not only leaves increasing numbers of young people disenchanted with politics but at the same time this situation favours the receptiveness for seemingly easy solutions to the crisis – often coming in form of right wing populism and re-nationalization of the political debate.

This training was addressed to IUSY young activists with a view to strengthen their capacity and efficiency – providing the participants with the knowledge and a common strategy participating in the political process and public debate in their societies and in our shared political spaces on regional and global level.


» Check out more pictures here

Solidarity with the Greek People


Avanti Europe is leading a campaign called Solidarity with the people of Greece: for a revision of austerity policies. We encourage everyone to act to prevent the situation in Greece from becoming a humanitarian catastrophe and make sure that the same remedy is not applied to other weak economies.

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» Sign the online petition: Avanti Europe. On 9 May 2013, the results of the petition will be submitted to the “Troika.” [/ezcol_1third_end]

European Youth for Freedom in Belarus!

IUSY is one of the signatories of the following document about the unfair elections and state of human rights in Belarus.

“On 18 March 2013, on the occasion of the 7th unfortunate anniversary of Lukashenka’s condemned election victory, we, representatives of European youth, denounce the persisting human rights violation in Belarus.

The last presidential elections on 19th of December 2010 ended in mass detentions of protesters, with leaders of opposition being imprisoned, independent media cracked down, and Internet users reported by their service provider for visiting opposition websites… Ever since coming to the power in 1994 the president of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenka, has oppressed the freedom of his people and ignored their voices.

We decry Europe’s last dictatorship and want to show support for the suppressed Belarusian people lacking even basic human rights taken for granted by Europeans elsewhere today. In particular we want to show solidarity with the young people in Belarus and empower them to fight for their rights and make them aware that the European youth civil society is fully supportive of their cause.

We demand abolishment of death penalty, respect of human rights, democratic elections and freedom of press, assembly and association and a clear attitude of the European Union towards Belarus. Deeply appalled by the on-going human rights violations in Belarus, we recall the historic achievement of the European integration project which brought peace and democracy to our continent. That’s why we call the EU and its Member States to strictly enforce sanctions such as travel and visa restrictions against high officials as well as restrictive measures like the freezing of assets, in order to increase the pressure on Lukashenka.

At the same time the EU should look for ways of supporting the young people in Belarus directly via democratic and youth-led organisations operating both within the country as well as in the diaspora. Making Belarus and cooperation in the field of youth and education a priority within the Eastern Partnership could be a way of giving a helping hand to those who need it, supporting democracy movements in Belarus while isolating the regime and putting ever more pressure on it. Young Belarusians should have the right to move freely around Europe to meet and exchange with their peers and enjoy equal opportunities of benefiting from European mobility programmes.

We invite all European youth to speak up for freedom and democracy in Belarus and we call European politicians and people all over the world to join us in a global call for freedom, democracy and respect of human rights in Belarus.”

» Learn more at BelarusAction

Peaceful Resolution to the Macedonian Crisis

IUSY is publishing the full statement by the Social Democratic Union of Macedonia (SDUM). After months of of protests triggered by the ejection of opposition parliamentarians from the National Assembly, the SDUM has reached an agreement with the governing party for their readmission to National Assembly.

This victory has been achieved by the struggle still continues. The events of Black Monday will not be forgotten!

» Statement by the SDUM on the latest political developments