Call for Registrations: Global Seminar 2019 3-6 October 2019


What:             IUSY Global Seminar

When:            3-6 October 2019

Where:           Stockholm, Sweden


Overview of the event

The Olof Palme International Centre’s Global Project finances the IUSY Global Seminar. The IUSY Global Seminar 2019 will gather together IUSY member organisations and representatives from the districts of the Swedish Social Democratic Youth League (SSU). New to this year is that the second day will be spent having a joint programme together with IFLRY, The International Federation of Liberal Youth. The aim of the seminar will be to provide to the Member Organisations and to the SSU representatives a platform to discuss and come up with ideas on how we can battle shrinking civil society space and support civil society organisations and activists across the globe. A secondary aim is also to strengthen collaboration with IFLRY on topics that we agree on. The seminar will be an opportunity for us to learn and reflect upon new ideas and partnerships in our work for a fairer and more equal world.


A cornerstone of a democratic society is an empowered and independent civil society. Civil society organiations (CSOs) are the voice of the people and ensure that decision-makers make policies that respond to the needs of its citizens. In the last couple of years civil society has been under attack. CIVICUS has documented that civil society space is attacked in 111 countries and that only four per cent of the world’s population live in countries where our fundamental civil society freedoms such as freedom of association, peaceful assembly and expression are respected. The shrinking space has presented itself as restrictive legislation, restricted access to funding for CSOs, and attacks such as threats, violence and murders have been committed to human rights defenders and civil society representatives and organisations. The Global Seminar will tackle the topic of shrinking civil society space and the role of political youth organisations. Together we will learn more about the attacks on civil society but also discuss what our roles are as political youth organisations in a more democratic world by ensuring that we have a free and independent civil society.

For more information about the state of civil society during 2018 read CIVICUS 2019 report.

For any questions or remarks please don’t hesitate to contact the IUSY Secretariat at, put Global Seminar 2019 in the subject line.

With best regards,

Johanna Ortega                                                Ana Pirtskhalava

IUSY President                                            IUSY Secretary General

Participation Profile & Selection Process

Each member organisation may register up to one participant for the meeting.
The selection criteria will be based on
1. The questions listed in the application form

  1. Gender Balance (both IUSY statutes and the global project require gender balance)
  2. Regional Balance

Participants must be able to attend the entire programme of the seminar.

It’s preferable that participants have an interest in working with civil society and has knowledge about the threats against civil society today as well as previous experience working with liberal youth.

All participants must be aged 18-35 years old, with no exceptions.

How to apply

Participants must apply by filling in the registration form that you can find here. Or copy paste it to your browser:

Please note that a thought out answer to the questions are required as it is part of the selection process.

The deadline for application is 05 of August.

Participation fee

The participation fee for the event is 50€ per person and must be paid with bank transfer by Wednesday 15th September 2019.

Please note that you will have to be selected before you pay the participation fee.
The participation fee will cover accommodation, meals, refreshments and programme for the duration of the event. Any additional nights’ accommodation must be arranged and paid for by participants.

Payment should be via bank transfer to IUSYs account.

Once you have made the bank transfer, please send a payment receipt to Please be aware that IUSY cannot take responsibility for any bank fees.


The IUSY Secretariat will support visa applications for the event. Please note that the Secretariat will support you with a visa invitation letter. Participants themselves must apply for the visa and book appointments with the embassies/consulates.

Travel Reimbursement

Travel reimbursement is available up to a fixed reference price. Only economy tickets will be reimbursed. Please note that as this event is open to all IUSY’s regions the amount of Travel Reimbursement available to the different organisations will become available after the selection process has finished.


Each organisation whose participant withdraws after the 25th of September without a valid reason will be charged the participation fee.


Amanda Lilliefeldt or / +4369913532970

Call for Registrations: African Committee Leadership Conference 2019!



What:             Regional committee meeting for members of the African region

When:             12-15 September, 2019 (including travel dates)

Where:           Gaborone, Botswana

Age/gender: 18-35 years old and gender balanced delegations only

Size:               2 participants per member organisation

Deadline:       1 July 2019



The African Committee Leadership Conference 2019 will bring together the young leaders of IUSY member organisations from the African region. The AFC will be organised in partnership with our member organisation Botswana Congress Party Youth League. The aim of the meeting is to strengthen the partnership among IUSY member organisations and enhance the cooperation in the region. The meeting will offer a platform to discuss current political situations in the region, give space to engage in a dialogue on common struggles and obstacles, and work together to come up with strategies to enact political and social change. Participants can look forward to getting involved in political debates and discussions, sharing experiences and ideas and building up their regional network. There will also be an added focus on skill building. Committee Meetings are the most important platforms for the regions in between the IUSY Congresses and Councils.

The theme of the Committee Meeting in 2019 “Youth opportunities in Africa & How We Can Guarantee Decent Work for Youth”

Unemployment is a global phenomenon whereby eligible workforce of a nation is disengaged in the service of the nation. It is not only a serious economic issue but has social implications that affect almost all countries and all people either directly or indirectly. It causes social disquiet and is the harbinger of the spate of crimes, perennial youth unrest and unstable socio-economic structure that has bedevilled several nations.

Africa indeed is a very rich continent with a potential youth percentage and while security is the key factor to stability and economic growth, unemployed and the luck of descent work for youth in Africa is a big drive to violence and instability across the continent, how can we as socialist youth address this issue and contribute to right policies toward a better and adequate work opportunities for youth in Africa?

For any questions or remarks please don’t hesitate to contact the IUSY Secretariat at

We are very much looking forward to seeing you!

With best regards,

Johanna Ortega                                                                    Ana Pirtskhalava

           IUSY President                                                                IUSY Secretary General


Participant profile

Each member organisation in the region may register up to two participants for the meeting. Please note that delegations MUST be gender-balanced and a delegation cannot consist of two men. All participants must be aged 18-35 years old, with no exceptions. IUSY statutes as well as the Global Project require gender balance in order to be able to participate in the meeting. Participants must hold a leadership position in their organisation and member organisations will need to approve all applications.

Participants must be able to attend the entire programme. The working language of the meeting is English and French. Translation between French and English will be provided.

How to apply

Participants must apply by completing the online registration form latest by 1 July, 2019. All applicants will receive the outcome of their application within 1 week of the application deadline. Click here to fill in your registration or copy paste the link to your browser:

Participation fee

The participation fee for the activity is 30€ per person and must be paid by 22 August 2019. The participation fee will cover accommodation, meals, refreshments and programme for the duration of the event. Any additional nights’ accommodation must be arranged and paid by participants.

Once you have made the bank transfer, please send a payment receipt to Please be aware that IUSY cannot take responsibility for any bank fees. If you are unable to make a bank transfer in advance you must inform us before 22 August 2019.

Outstanding membership fees and/or debts

Please note that only organisations without outstanding membership fees or debts are entitled to receive travel reimbursement. Therefore, we would ask for organisations to transfer their outstanding fees or debts by bank transfer as soon as possible.

If you are unable to pay your membership fee and/or debt, please contact the IUSY Secretary General Ana Pirtskhalava ( and IUSY President of Control Commission ( to discuss possible options.

Travel reimbursement

Travel reimbursement is available up to a fixed reference price. Only economy tickets will be reimbursed. Kindly note that only gender balanced delegations are entitled to the maximum amount of reimbursement.

All travel reimbursements will be made in euro via bank transfer after the meeting. No travel reimbursement will be available in cash on the event without prior agreement at least one week in advance of the event. This applies to very exceptional cases and should be discussed with the Secretariat.

Please note that IUSY can only reimburse cost of travels proven by original documents. Therefore, do not forget to keep and hand in to the IUSY Secretariat ALL of the following documents at the meeting:


  1. Booking confirmation, itinerary and ticket (emailed in advance to
  2. Original boarding passes for all flight segments (given to the Secretariat on arrival)
  3. Local travel tickets, where relevant (given to the Secretariat on arrival)
  4. Your bank account details (please make sure you bring them with you)


  1. Booking confirmation, itinerary and ticket (emailed in advance to
  2. Original, stamped tickets for all journey segments (given to the Secretariat on arrival)
  3. Local travel tickets, where relevant (given to the Secretariat on arrival)
  4. Your bank account details (please make sure you bring them with you)


  1. Origin address and route map (emailed in advance to
  2. At least one gas/fuel receipt (given to the Secretariat on arrival)
  3. Your bank account details (please make sure you bring them with you)

Reference prices for travel reimbursement

Travel reimbursement will be offered to participants up to the fixed reference price below and upon proof of the requested documents above. Visa costs are included within this reference price. The reference prices below are for two delegates. If one delegate will be attending the meeting only half of the reimbursement will be made.

Country Organisation Travel Reimbursement
Angola J MPLA €150,00
Benin J PSD €280,00
Botswana BCP €0,00
Burkina Faso PDP/PS €150,00
Burkina Faso UNJ/MPP €150,00
Cape Verde J Do PAIC €250,00
Central Africa MLJC €250,00
Chad M3F €200,00
Democratic Republic of Congo Ligue Des Jeunes De L’Union Pour La Democratie Et Le Progres Social €200,00
Equatorial Guinea CPDS €200,00
Gabon MJU €200,00
Gambia YUDP €250,00
Ghana NDC YL €150,00
Kenya LPK YC €150,00
Mali JADEMA €200,00
Mali UJ-RPM €200,00
Morocco IY €200,00
Namibia SWAPO €100,00
Niger OJT €200,00
Senegal MNJS €200,00
South Africa ANCYL €80,00
Swaziland SWAYOCO €80,00
Tanzania CCMYL €180,00
Togo CDPA €180,00
Tunisia JCD €180,00
Uganda UYD €180,00
Western Zahara UJSARIO €250,00
Western Zahara UESARIO €250,00
Zimbabwe MDCYA €100,00
Zimbabwe PDP €100,00

Please note that this amount might change when the participant group has been selected.


The IUSY Secretariat will support visa applications for the event. If you require a visa, please send a copy of your passport to as soon as possible, so the secretariat can draft a visa invitation letter for you. Please note that you have to arrange the appointment with the consulate/embassy yourself.


Arrivals and Departures

Day of arrival for the IUSY African Leadership Conference is 12 September and the day of departure is the 15 September. Please make sure to arrange your travel accordingly and do not forget that IUSY will NOT be able to cover accommodation or any other additional expenses for delegates who need to stay additional nights in Botswana.

How to get to the hotel

Details on the how to get to the hotel and venue will be provided at least two weeks before the event. Please note that to be able to get an airport transfer you need to send us your travel details by the 22 of August.

Accommodation and meeting venue

Detailed information about the hotel and meeting venue will be sent to all participants nearer the time, at the latest two weeks in advance of the event.


There will be a 30€ cancellation fee charged to each organisation whose participant withdraws after 22 of August, 2019 without a valid reason.


Amanda Lilliefeldt

IUSY Project Manager

Email: or

Phone: +43 699 135 32 970                         

We are looking forward to receiving your registrations!

IUSY Asia Pacific bares plans for 2019, passes resolutions on democracy and human rights

Asia Pacific member organizations of the International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY) approved their annual activity plan and resolutions on democracy and human rights during their committee meeting in December last year.

IUSY members in the region passed the following resolutions unanimously:

  • A resolution on the minorities, marginalized and displaced peoples in Asia

  • A resolution resolve the Bhutanese refugee situation in Nepal

  • A resolution calling for the liberation of Tibet

  • A resolution supporting people’s call for democratic elections in Thailand

  • A resolution calling for justice for Nirmala Pant, a young woman murdered and raped in Nepal

The member organizations also identified key skills and knowledge for future training designs including management and leadership, public speaking, campaigning, organizing, networking, international law and other topics.

IUSY-APC will also have human rights campaigns with special focus on regional concerns such as climate change, ending gender inequality and violence against women, and curbing corruption.

The plans include expansion of members to youth organizations in SAARC, student groups in the Philippines, political parties in the SEA region, and women’s organizations in Nepal.

Participating organizations include Akbayan Youth in the Philippines, Nepal Students Union and Nepal Tarun Dal, Youth for a New Society in Burma, Young Progressives for Social Democracy in Thailand, Tibetan Youth Congress, Youth Organization of Bhutan, and Pergerakan Indonesia.

Statement in relation to the electoral situation in Paraguay

Elections in Paraguay: we ask to recount the votes

From the International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY) we note with concern the accusations of fraud in the electoral process of Paraguay, denounced by the opposition forces.

The legitimacy of the electoral process is vital for the proper functioning of democracy, and the publicly made allegations showed that various irregularities may have been made by members of the right wing National Republican Association and by members of the Superior Court of Electoral Justice (TSJE) .

We call the electoral authorities of Paraguay to respect the popular will, and count the votes of all citizens properly.


Comunicado con respecto a situación electoral en Paraguay

Pedimos para una recuenta de los votos de las ultimas elecciónes de Paraguay

Desde la Unión Internacional de Juventudes Socialistas (IUSY) observamos con preocupación la acusaciones de fraude en el proceso electoral de Paraguay, denunciado por las principales fuerzas de la oposición.

La legitimidad del proceso electoral es vital para un buen funcionamiento de la democracia, y las denuncias hechas públicas demuestran que varias irregularidades podrían haber sido realizadas por miembros del partido de derecha Asociación Nacional Republicana como por miembros del Tribunal Superior de Justicia Electoral (TSJE).

Llamamos a las autoridades electorales de Paraguay a que respeten la voluntad popular, y que los votos de todos los ciudadanos sean debidamente contabilizados.


IUSY rechaza represión de la que son víctima jovenes en Nicaragua

Manifestante de Nicaragua

Desde la Unión Internacional de Juventudes Socialistas (IUSY, por sus siglas en ingles), expresamos nuestra gran preocupación por los últimos acontecimientos que se vienen dando en Nicaragua, donde se ha desatado la represión los últimos 3 días por parte del gobierno de Daniel Ortega en contra de las manifestaciones que se han levantado por su intención de reformar la seguridad social.

Desde IUSY condenamos que los jovenes sean asesinados, reprimidos y perseguidos por un gobierno que se niega a respetar los derechos fundamentales, actuando incluso mediante el Ejército en ciudades como Estelí (Nicaragua) para acallar las protestas.

Las cuatro víctimas mortales que ya se cuentan, todos ellos jóvenes, los numerosos heridos y golpeados, los daños a instalaciones universitarias y el despojo de instrumentos de trabajo y las agresiones a periodistas, la censura a medios de comunicación independientes, son el fruto de la estos actos de intolerancia antidemocrática del gobierno de Ortega.

Nuestro reconocimiento a los estudiantes, la juventud y el pueblo de Nicaragua que están manifestándose de forma cívica en rechazo a la decisión unilateral de reformar el sistema de seguridad social, despojando de sus derechos adquiridos a miles de trabajadores y hace caer el peso de los costos de la corrupción sobre los más pobres.

IUSY is ready to do its active part to facilitate the work of ngos and youth for the inclusion of refugees

Study session for an inclusive society for Refugees - Budapest - at the European Youth Center - 23/27 April 2018

The International Union of Socialist Youth is ready to welcome 22 participants from 18 countries to the European Youth Centre of the Council of Europe in Budapest for a 5-day Study session to empower youth in the hard work to create more open and fairer societies for refugees, from the 23rd to the 27th of April, 2018.

The Study session, organised by IUSY in cooperation with the Council of Europe, aims to facilitate the participants in exploring the roots of discrimination, empower them in their efforts to work with and for young refugees to help with the development of their full personality and their social inclusion.

Participants will explore the concepts of identity, discrimination, with a particular focus on refugees and Internally Displaced People.

Participants will be asked to share both their best and worst experiences from their home countries, in an effort to come up with an online platform that aims to help youth organisations to get in touch with NGOs and vice-versa. The aim of the platform is to improve the coordination in organising events at the local and national levels with the hopes to sensitise and engage their local communities in the active inclusion of refugees.

ZITA GURMAInewly elected member of the Hungarian parliament and PES women President will open the Study Session on Monday – the 23rd of April, at 9:30 am.

Participants will be helped in their work by high-level speakers who will participate in a special Panel debate on Wednesday the 25th of April, at 11 am, focusing on the role of the different stakeholders in the field:

  • Marja Bijl – Vice-president of PES women (Party of European Socialists’ women network). Ms. Bijil is a managing director of an NGO working to combat human trafficking (a situation many refugees, both women and men face when they arrive in Europe). She is well known in her home country (The Netherlands) for the organisation of local-network to combat human trafficking;
  • Michaela PobudovaDirector of Mareena. Ms. Pobudova has a long history of working with refugees and migrants and is currently the director of Mareena. Mareena is a Slovakian NGO working for inclusion of newly arrived refugees and migrants through courses and workshops that facilitates the promotion of the full personality of people, helping them to not be “just refugees”;
  • Neil ArunJournalist and Editorial consultant. Mr. Arun has been shortlisted twice for the European Press Prize. He has worked with local journalists in the Balkans and Iraq, specialising in investigative journalism. Mr. Arun has also been a mentor in the Refugee Journalism Project. Neil Arun has his work published on The Guardian, the New Statesman, The Atlantic, and The Independent among others.

The speakers will give participants an insight into the relationships between politics, civil society and journalism when it comes to working with and portraying the so-called “Refugee crisis”.

Amanda Lilliefeldt | IUSY Project
Matteo Cervi | IUSY External consultant on

We support the PASOK Youth demands for the release of two soldiers of Greece detented in Turkey

Greece - we demand the immidiate release of the 2 greek soldiers in Turkey

The aggressive rhetoric President Erdogan and the Leadership of Turkey have adopted in the past months against their neighbours, especially against Greece and Cyprus, constitutes an outrageous escalation of offensive behaviour that is not in accordance with the principle of good neighbourliness.

Furthermore, in the past few months, Turkey has increased the frequency of daily violations of the FIR of Greece, resorting to unacceptable actions in the Greek and Cypriot EEZ.

Recently, a Turkish patrol boat rammed a vessel off the coast guard of Greece, some nautical miles away of the Imia.

These actions demonstrate an escalating pattern of Turkish defiance of fundamental European and International treaties, as well as principles of the Rule of Law.

The imprisoning, on dubious and unfounded charges, of two Greek soldiers for more than 45 days in Turkey constitutes a climax of Turkish aggressiveness.

The Greek soldiers accidentally strayed across the borderline while routine patrolling, under poor weather conditions.

The established approach for relevant incidents, practised in the past by both Greece and Turkey, involved the on-site resolution of the issue between the local military authorities.

IUSY always support the peaceful resolution of all issues, following the established diplomatic ways and respect for International Law.

We unambiguously condemn the provocativeness of Turkish leadership and we demand the immediate release of two Soldiers of Greece.