IUSY Presidium statement on the deportation of PES Deputy Secretary General Giacomo Filibeck

Giacomo Filibeck in the Philippines, October 2017

We condemn the detention and deportation of Giacomo Filibeck, the Deputy Secretary-General of the Party of European Socialists (PES), in Cebu, Philippines, on Sunday.

Filibeck was on his way to join the Congress of Akbayan Party, a sister party of PES, where he was invited as a guest.

Filibeck was blacklisted by the Philippine government for joining an international solidarity mission on October 2017 where they, together with Progressive Alliance, have denounced the campaign against drugs by President Rodrigo Duterte where thousands were killed, including young people and children.

This is an alarming case of silencing the strong voices for human rights.

Filibeck was in the Philippines in solidarity with the Filipino people in their campaign for justice and human rights.

The unfair deportation of Giacomo Filibeck shows that Duterte is closing the doors for cooperation with the international community to stop the killings in the Philippines.

We stand in solidarity with our comrades in the Philippines in their campaign for justice, democracy and human rights as the Duterte government is unfolding into an authoritarian regime.

IUSY and YES joint statement of solidarity with the people of Syria

Mediterranean - Syria

The International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY) and Young European Socialists (YES) jointly address the military strike in Syria 

We strongly condemn the use of chemical weapons by the government of Syria of last week and mourn the victims of such horrific attacks.

The situation of oppression of the Syrian people by its government has been lasting for far too long and led to one of the biggest humanitarian crises of the 21st century.

We call for urgent international humanitarian aid to the Syrian civilians and for an independent investigation from the UN on the use of chemical weapons in the area to be led.

IUSY and YES are deeply concerned by the possible escalation of the situation in Syria.

We regret the lack of alternatives to a violent intervention and we will always privilege interventions in respect of international law and within the United Nations Framework.

We condemn the lack of respect of international law and the disregard for internal democratic procedure in the intervention’s decision-making.

However, we recognize that the escalation of the situation is aggravated by the structural system of the UN decision-making process, which allowed Russia to veto a legal intervention.

We call for a structural reform of the process, allowing more efficient resolving of international conflicts and a better protection of civilians.

We call for the United Nations Security Council to retrieve influence on the situation and to organize in order to release the tension built up in the area and to start a peaceful resolution of the conflict.

We commonly call for an immediate cease-fire in the region from all parties involved and strive for the organization of democratic and transparent elections.

Both IUSY and YES call their respective national governments to respect the ban on weapon-selling in the region, and condemn all international actors that take part in the use of violence on the people of Syria by its government.

IUSY statement on the elections in Hungary

Hungary - elections 2018: We are with the people who wants a progressive change

On the elections of Sunday, the 8th of April, Viktor Orbán, current Hungary’s Prime Minister and leader of the political party Fidesz, has won a two-thirds majority in the Hungarian Parliament. Although the elections were far from being democratic, the current government has secured the majority of the votes, which cannot be ignored.

We, socialist youth all over the world, are deeply saddened by the results of the elections in Hungary, as it shows again that the century-old political-toolkit of the populist far-right is still working. Moreover, it seems to be unstoppable in spreading hatred and tearing apart people, societies, regions and international communities.

In moments like this, it might seem impossible to stop the spread of far-right populism. However, this unfortunate turnout of the Hungarian elections must encourage us even more not to give up, but to unite our forces in Hungary, Europe and all over the world.

We know that the fast changes that are happening around us frighten many people. This is the fear that was used against people of Hungary and this is the fear that other far-right parties try to exploit as well. We must listen to the fears of people and together turn it into hope and essentially into a system that is based on trust and inclusion instead of fear and hate.

The International Union of Socialist Youth stands next to the people of Hungary and especially the youth who desperately want a progressive change in their country. We will work closely with them and help to realize the change our community needs.

Declaración del Presidium de IUSY sobre la situación de Democracia y Derechos humanos en América Latina

Por democracia y derechos humanos - En América latina y mundialmente

IUSY expresa la su profunda preocupación por una serie de situaciones que han ocurrido en América Latina en los últimos días, los cuales han afectado la esencia de la democracia, el derecho humano a migrar y el normal desarrollo de los procesos eleccionarios, todos principios y elementos que consideramos relevantes para la construcción de sociedades con mayor justicia social a nivel global.


El primer evento que ocurrió en América Latina y que observamos con indignación el quebrantamiento democrático que sufre Brasil.

Después de días de incertidumbre, se le ha negado por parte del Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) al ex Presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva el derecho de defenderse en libertad hasta la última instancia.

Hemos sido testigos de las presiones y amenazas por parte de diversos actores, en especial la del comandante en jefe del Ejército Eduardo Villas-Boas, interfiriendo en el debate político, al poner a disposición a la fuerza militar para el “repudio de la impunidad y respeto de la Constitución”, recordándonos los peores momentos de los golpes y dictaduras militares in América Latina.

No olvidando la ilegitima acusación que se promovió en contra de Dilma Rouseff, la intervención militar de Río de Janeiro ordenada por Michel Temer, el asesinato de la concejala Marielle Franco y la situación crecientemente peor para el pueblo brasileño en términos de derechos sociales, libertades civiles y respeto a los derechos humanos.

El espíritu de la democracia debe prevalecer. Exigimos que las instituciones brasileñas actúen a favor del debido proceso y de la separación de poderes.


En segundo lugar, el Presidente de Estados Unidos Donald Trump, ha ordenado el envío de la Guardia Nacional para vigilar la frontera con México, en una nueva ofensiva acompañada del discurso contra la inmigración de los pueblos al sur del rio Bravo.

Esto, junto a las presiones al Congreso para avanzar en la construcción del muro, es un insulto no sólo a México sino a América Latina.

La poca civilidad y respeto con que se dirige Donald Trump a las personas que buscan alcanzar el bienestar que en sus países de origen no pueden lograr, se vuelve inaceptable y políticamente intolerable.

Debemos defender el derecho a migrar como una conquista histórica ante las amenazas basadas en la xenofobia y el racismo de Trump. Por ello, condenamos enfáticamente las acciones del gobierno de Estados Unidos.


Finalmente, la caminata del candidato presidencial Henri Falcón fue atacada en la zona de Catia, Caracas, donde resultó gravemente herido un miembro de su equipo de campaña -el diputado de la Asamblea Nacional Teodoro Campos- y se registraron múltiples hurtos y agresiones, en un nuevo hecho de violencia que empaña la campaña electoral.

Los reportes señalan que estos hechos fueron realizados por grupos oficialistas que portaban armas de fuego, arremetiendo incluso en contra de la Policía Nacional Bolivariana.

Exigimos al gobierno de Venezuela liderado por Nicolás Maduro a aclarar estos hechos y al organismo electoral a dar garantías a todas las fuerzas políticas para una participación en igualdad de condiciones de cara a las próximas elecciones.


IUSY Presidium declaration on democracy and human rights situation in Latin America

For democracy and Human rights - in Latin america and worldwide

IUSY expresses its deep concern for a series of situations that have occurred in Latin America in these recent days, which have affected the essence of democracy, the human right to migrate and the normal development of election processes, all principles and elements that we consider relevant for the construction of societies with greater social justice at the global level.


The first event occurred in Latin America we observe with indignation is the democratic breakdown that Brazil suffers.

After days of uncertainty, former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has been denied by the Supreme Court (STF) the right to defend himself in freedom until the last instance.

We have witnessed pressures and threats from various actors, especially by the commander-in-chief of the Army, Eduardo Villas-Boas, interfering in the political debate, by making the military force available for the “repudiation of impunity and respect for the Constitution “, reminding us of the worst moments of the Latin American military coups and dictatorships.

Not forgetting the illegitimate accusation that was promoted against Dilma Rousseff, the military intervention of Rio de Janeiro ordered by Michel Temer, the assassination of Councilwoman Marielle Franco and the situation increasingly worse for the Brazilian people in terms of social rights, civil liberties and respect for human rights.

The spirit of democracy must prevail. We demand that Brazilian institutions act in favour of due process and the separation of powers.


Second, the President of the United States of America Donald Trump has ordered the sending of the National Guard to watch the border with Mexico, in a new offensive accompanied by the speech against the immigration of the towns south of the Rio Bravo.

This, together with pressures on Congress to move forward with the construction of the wall, is an insult not only to Mexico but to Latin America.

The lack of civility and respect with which Donald Trump addresses the people who seek to achieve the well-being that in their countries of origin they cannot achieve, becomes unacceptable and politically intolerable.

We must defend the right to migrate as a historic achievement against the threats based on Trump’s xenophobia and racism. Therefore, we emphatically condemn the actions of the government of the United States.


Finally, the walk of the presidential candidate Henri Falcón was attacked in the area of Catia, Caracas, where a member of his campaign team – the deputy of the National Assembly Teodoro Campos – was seriously wounded and multiple robberies and aggressions were recorded, in a new fact of violence that tarnishes the electoral campaign.

The reports indicate that these incidents were carried out by pro-government groups that carried firearms, attacking even against the Bolivarian National Police.

We demand the Venezuelan government led by Nicolás Maduro to clarify these facts and the electoral body to give guarantees to all political forces for equal participation in the face of the upcoming elections.


IUSY condemns the deaths occurred in the Gaza Strip


At least 20 civilians have been killed during a peaceful demonstration in the Gaza Strip at the hands of the Israeli army.

The International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY) emphatically condemns the deaths in the Gaza Strip. We call on the International Community to repudiate the attitude of the army of Israel and to demand an independent investigation.

Shooting unarmed protesters is illegal, therefore Israel has to answer about its responsibilities in the face of such violent and inhuman actions.

We urge the authorities in the area to call for calm in order to avoid further escalation of violence and unjust executions.

The situation in the Gaza Strip is unsustainable, and this tragedy is another reason for the international community to react effectively.

We demand the cessation of violence and the resumption of peace talks in order to reach the solution of coexistence of two States, according to the resolutions of the United Nations and the 1967 borders, this is the only way to ensure a just, safe future and in peace for both Israel and Palestine.

Report from the II Latin-American annual conference (Bogotá – Colombia)

Latin American annual conference of the Global Progressive forum - Empowering youth

Between Thursday the 22nd and Saturday the 24th of March the II Latin-American Annual Conference of the Global Progressive Forum was held in the city of Bogotá, hosted by the Liberal Party of Colombia, with the support of Party of European Socialists and Foundation for European Progressive Studies. The event was coordinated by Maria Cristina Cifuentes, IUSY former Vice-President, and Rodrigo Muñoz Baeza, IUSY Vice-President, took an active part in it.

During the conference, various debates and conversations were held on different topics: the peace agreements in Colombia, the European Union – Latin America and the Caribbean trade agreements, the situation of human right s in Latin America, the struggle for land in the continent, the gender perspective in the globalization, the LGTBI agenda in globalization and the empowerment of youth in access to politics.

IUSY participated within the framework of the panel on the struggle for land in Latin America (moderated by Rodrigo) and in the panel on the empowerment of youth in access to politics (moderated by Maria Cristina and with the participation of Rodrigo as one of the panellists).

We highlighted the work that has been done in IUSY regarding the political training of young people from various Countries around the world. We stressed the importance for Political Parties of working in cooperation with youth to make influential decisions for the development of our Countries. Young people can provide valuable knowledge and new action strategies to generate social transformations and common welfare.

International training activities such as those offered by IUSY (Seminars, Study visits, Political festivals, Regional committees meetings, Thematic workshops, among others) are efficient instruments to develop youth involvement at the local and national levels. If we participate we can understand the good practices that are developed in other Countries and we can put them in practice in ours.

The leaders of the political parties must value the knowledge acquired by the young people in the participation in international activities, and they must provide spaces for the presentation of innovative ideas which promote the creation of new policies and effective action strategies.

In this event three experiences were presented:

  • personal experience in the PS Chile,
  • political participation in general in Latin America (especially the alarming low participation in elections, the decrease confidence in democracy as a political system versus dictatorships, and the class bias in political participation)
  • and the empowerment of Youth in Mother parties (sure that through organization, contestation and attitude political spaces will open, taking as an example Jusos, the youth organisation of the Social-democratic party of Germany, and its strong position against the formation of a new government of great-coalition in their Country).

We also had a private meeting to discuss the political situation in Venezuela, in which the representatives of the parties Acción Democrática and Voluntad Popular, as well as the former Attorney general Luisa Ortega, were invited to report the institutional, humanitarian and economic crisis that the Country is experiencing.

In this occasion, and representing IUSY, pointing out the political positions of the Organisation through the statements of the IUSY American Committee (“We reiterate our concern about the political, economic and social crisis that deepens in Venezuela”) and of the IUSY Presidium, citing that “IUSY 1) calls for plural dialogue, and 2) we urge the main political actors of both the government and the opposition to the cessation of political violence. We also hope that 3) the institutions are respected and 4) that they bet on the recognition of all the Venezuelan people” and that “IUSY 1) requests the right to peaceful protest to be guaranteed and that 2) who has been deprived of liberty during the demonstrations can be judged by natural judges, and that they are guaranteed due processes and, finally, 3) the posts are released“, signing the study visit that was made in 2015 to Caracas.

Finally, we announced the intention to be present in Venezuela during the upcoming Presidential elections as observers.


  • The European Union has been working with effort in order to contribute to the important peace process in Colombia, providing significant support and accompaniment in the implementation of the agreements.
  • Relations between Europe and Latin America have been maximized to support solutions to different situations, as the case of Venezuela. There is a call for international cooperation to support the opposition in Venezuela.
  • We must continue to create effective action strategies that provide guarantees of rights for LGTBQI* people, women’s rights, gender equality, and the rights of indigenous communities.
  • We understand that in Latin America there are problems that require urgent solutions, and international cooperation provides solutions and advances, building justice, peace, freedom and equality.
  • IUSY should continue working with the Global Progressive Forum in the development of training projects to contribute with effective action strategies to solve the problems of the region.

Rodrigo Muñoz Baeza
IUSY Vice-President

Maria Cristina Cifuentes
Former IUSY Vice-President

Statement of the Progressive Alliance delegation visiting Malaysia

The seven members of the Progressive Alliance delegation (which IUSY was part of) that visited Malaysia
Download the Statement in PDF
Download the background paper on Malaysia

This is the statement of a seven-member delegation of the Progressive Alliance that visited Malaysia to assess and demonstrate solidarity in support of democratic processes in the run-up to the 2018 General Election.

The delegation attempted but failed to meet the Speaker of the Parliament of Malaysia, but was successful in meeting political leaders from several parties, leaders of civic organizations and visited communities in Kuala Lumpur (capital city of Malaysia).

The delegation included:

We are concerned to learn from reports and discussions with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs) active in Malaysia as well as various institutions, political and community leaders about the following issues:

  • Reports of disenfranchisement of opposition supporters through re-delineation and gerrymandering in favour of the ruling party of Malaysia, taking into account anticipated political allegiances and ethnicities. This includes the reported proposal to create 13 “Super constituencies” with over 100,000 voters each, mostly in opposition-held, non-Malay areas;
  • Concerns over mismanagement of voter records;
  • Reported tampering with voter registration;
  • Reported inaccessibility of electronic data of the draft supplementary electoral roll;
  • Concerns that expansion of postal voter categories may facilitate fraud;
  • Reports of infringements on freedom of assembly and association of Malaysian citizens and arrests, charges against and convictions of activists, artists, politicians, and non- affiliated citizens under draconian laws, as well as denial of legal status to opposition political parties;
  • Potential negative impact of high inequality and corruption on equal participation in elections;

In light of the above observations, we call on the Federal Government of Malaysia to ensure that the Election Commission adheres to due impartiality, there is no gerrymandering or malapportionment of electoral districts and that voter registration takes place in line with international standards. Respecting and upholding the social, human, civic, economic rights and advocacies of Civil Society Organisations, Nongovernmental Organisations, and organized groups goes to the core of free and fair elections; citizens of Malaysia need to be able to inform themselves about the general election and respect freedom of assembly, association and expression. It furthermore is vital that inclusive policies upholding the rights of all members of Malaysian society – regardless of gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic background, age and political affiliation – are institutionalized.

We encourage authorities of Malaysia to invite international electoral observation missions to ensure that democratic processes are improved upon and adhered to.

Any democratic elections must be nothing less than an enabling mechanism for its electorate to bring change. In view of the social, political and economic inequalities that are rife in Malaysia, far-reaching and wide-ranging institutional reforms must be front and centre of the next government’s agenda to ensure the economic inequalities, systemic flaws of governance, and a deficit of democratic rights are addressed for all Malaysians.

We, in the Progressive Alliance, are committed to closely monitoring the situation.

For democracy and social justice, the international community unites!