Marielle Franco: Statment by the IUSY Presidium

Brazil Marielle Franco

We want to express our deepest regret and concern for the assassination of the Councilwoman of Rio de Janeiro Marielle Franco on Wednesday night.

As a woman, lesbian, activist, Afro-descendant and from the favelas, Marielle was a tireless fighter for visibility, equality and the fight against racial, gender and class injustices.

Brazilian society needs a response from the government of Michel Temer since there are repeated reports of abuses of power by the police towards people like Marielle, who was rapporteur of the Municipal monitoring committee of the Army intervention ordered by the Executive in Rio.

We sorrow that the situation in Brazil has changed so much worse for the people since the coup against Dilma Rousseff, with major setbacks in terms of human rights with the militarization of cities, and in fundamental freedoms through the persecution of political and social leaders, as reported by our Member Organisation of the Socialist Youth of the Partido Democratico Trabahjista and by Amnesty International.

Our solidarity is with the family and the comrades of the Partido do Socialismo e da Liberdade (PSOL).


Presidium statement on Afrin and Eastern Ghouta (Syria)

We express our deepest repudiation of the bombings suffered by the people of Afrin in northwest Syria who have claimed the lives of nearly 300 civilians since the 20th of January, 2018. Likewise, we repudiate the bombings carried out in the Eastern Ghouta region, east of Damascus, where dozens of civilians have lost their lives in recent weeks.

We call the entire international community to demand an immediate closure of airspace and a ceasefire by Turkey against Afrin (Syria), as well as a cessation of bombings in eastern Ghouta by the government forces of Syria.

Afrin is a zone located 60 kilometers from the province of Aleppo, which hosts more than 300.000 refugees and displaced people from several regions of the State of Syria (such as Aleppo, Al Raqa, Idlib, Kobane, Azaz, Al-Tabqa, Ihzer, Tel Hazer, Tel Aaran, Kefr Nata among others) who fleed from the different war conflicts that affects the zone and migrate towards Afrin seeking for peace and security. Eastern Ghouta is located a few kilometres from the centre of Damascus, and it is one of the most populous suburbs of the Syrian capital, where thousands of civilians still live.

We express our deepest solidarity with the families of the victims, the refugees and the Kurdish people, as well as to the people of Eastern Ghouta, and we appeal to international organisations to support measures that may allow the establishment of humanitarian corridors, as well as measures that can lead to a lasting peace, and the end of the attack on civilians of Syria.

IUSY Presidium Statement on the Burkina Faso terrorist attack

Burkina Faso terrorist attack - IUSY Presidium Statement

On last Friday, the 2nd of March, 2018, Burkina Faso was the target of a terrorist attack to the Armed Forces headquarters and the Embassy of France, deploring 8 death in the attackers and 8 deaths in the army and much more injured.

The identity of the group that made the terror attacks is yet to be known, however, the Burkina Faso government stated that it was probably a group of extremism origin.

We condemn with the utmost energy this cowardly and barbarous attack on Burkina Faso and its people, and whatever the identity of the group that made it, they represent the most reactionary and conservative ideas, against which IUSY always fought

We offer our condolences to the President and all the people of Burkina Faso.

IUSY will always fight against fundamentalist extremism, against discrimination and social injustices, and for a peaceful world where all global citizens can develop their lives in a satisfactory way.

Brando Benifei (S&D) asks to High Representative of the European Union Mogerini on the Arrest of Fateh Youth President by Israeli forces

Brando BENIFEI - Question to Mogherini on the arrest of Fateh Youth President by Israeli Forces

On Friday 12th January, Hassan Faraj, Fateh Youth President, was arrested by the Israeli occupation forces at the entrance of the city of Bethlehem while participating at the peaceful demonstrations against the Israeli government policy of settlement expansion in West Bank.

While in jail, Hassan Faraj was denied the possibility to meet his lawyer, and he is expected to be summoned in front of the Israeli Military Court within the Israeli Military Order next Tuesday.

Recalling European Parliament’s resolutions on the recognition of Palestine statehood (2014/2964(RSP) of 17 December 2014) and on the EU’s role in the Middle East peace process (2015/2685(RSP) of 10 September 2015),

we ask the HR/VP:

  • If the HR/VP is aware of this action that profoundly undermines peaceful dialogue’s chances between Israel and Palestine, by directly attempting to disqualify an important Fateh political figure from the political process, by disregarding the right to peaceful demonstrations and lastly by denying rights of prisoners to meet with their lawyer
  • If the HP/VP considers highlighting the case of Hassan Faraj to the relevant Israeli authorities

Question for written answer (Priority) presented to the Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative
of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy on the 16th of January

IUSY calls for immediate releasing of Fateh youth President in Palestine Comrade Hassan Faraj and all Palestinian political prisoners

Hassan Faraj, Fateh Youth President arrested in Palestine

It is with deep concern that IUSY learns of the arrest of our comrade Hassan Faraj, Fateh Youth president, in Palestine, in the early hours of Friday, 12th of January 2018.

Hassan Faraj, Fateh Youth president, was arrested by the Israeli occupation forces at the entrance of the city of Bethlehem while participating at the peaceful demonstrations against the Israeli expansion of illegal settlements and the continuation of the Israeli occupation violations of human rights in Palestine.

While the political situation between the Palestine and Israel has escalated in the past weeks, IUSY firmly believes in a two-state solution as the only solution to the crisis as has been widely endorsed by the International Community.

It is in this light that we demand the immediate release of comrade Hassan Faraj, Fateh Youth President, and all Palestinian political prisoners in the Israeli jails.

We affirm our full support to the peaceful popular struggle of the Palestinian people in their fair quest for freedom and justice.

We hereby call on our Member Organisations and the International Community of States to take direct measures in order to end the more than 50 years occupation and apartheid in Palestine.

We further call on our Member Organisations to raise their voices against all human rights violations by Israel against the Palestinian people.

IUSY Presidium statement on the situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Democratic Republic of Congo - Elections

IUSY notes with sadness the recent brutal attacks on the demonstrators in the Democratic Republic of Congo by security forces which led to the loss of some 7 lives on Sunday 31st December 2017.

This act of brutality is condemned in no uncertain terms and IUSY calls on the government of the Democratic Republic of Congo to halt the violent suppression of fundamental rights and freedoms of demonstrators and supporters of opposition parties.

IUSY expresses its deepest condolences to the families and friends of the deceased in mourning the loss of their beloved who decided to devote the last day of the year in pursuit of democracy and peace in DRC.

In recent times, the level of insecurity in the Democratic Republic of Congo has been heightened as the government of President Joseph Kabila has intensified its crackdown on protestors who have demanded for the conduct of elections which should have been held in December 2016.

The deplorable height of insecurity that the country has been plunged into can also be attributed to the unjustifiable arrest and detention of opposition members by the state machinery.

Christian Lumuku, a youth activist from the opposition party, UDPS is one of such persons in military confinement who is bearing the brunt of the undemocratically aggressive measures adopted by the government of DRC.

Several dozens of protestors have also been arrested by the security forces of DRC in their quest to demand the departure and end of Kabila’s reign.

These politically-motivated actions rans counter to the principle of democracy and equality of all persons before the law.

It is against this backdrop that IUSY calls for the government of the Democratic Republic of Congo to adopt all possible means that would lead to a long-lasting peaceful conduct of elections.

Even though the Election Commission has iterated that an election to replace Kabila would not be possible before April 2019, we are of the firm conviction and believe that it is within the parameters of the powers of the president to ensure that the elections are held within the shortest possible time.

The horrendous and devastating effects of political unrests on the African Continent have affected the sustainable development of the continent and it is time for leaders on the continent to take action to avert these electoral conflicts.

We call on the international community and the Africa Union to undertake drastic measures necessary to prevent the needless loss of lives on the continent in the quest for democratic govenrnance.

Declaración del Comité Americano sobre las elecciones en Honduras

Honduras: Foto de / Photo of Salvador Nasralla

Desde IUSY repudiamos la agudización de la crisis en Honduras que se ha visto durante los últimos cuatro años de Gobierno de Juan Orlando Hernández.

El pasado 26 de Noviembre se desarrollaron las elecciones en Honduras en un ambiente hostil debido a que el mandato presidencial es de cuatro años y el presidente de la República Juan Orlando Hernández mediante pronunciamiento de la Corte Suprema de Justicia – en una clara manipulación de las leyes y de la Constitución de la República – se postula ahora como candidato a la Presidencia por el Partido Nacional.

Cabe destacar que el Partido Innovación y Unidad Social demócrata (PINU-SD) miembro de IUSY y el Partido Libertad y Refundación (LIBRE) se unieron y formaron la Alianza de Oposición de izquierda hacia estas elecciones de Noviembre con grandes posibilidades de ganar la Presidencia de la República con el candidato Salvador Nasralla.

El día de las elecciones a las 9pm el Tribunal Supremo electoral de Honduras dio como virtual ganador con una diferencia del 5% (aproximadamente 95,000 votos de diferencia al Ing. Salvador Nasralla candidato de la Alianza de Oposición PINU-LIBRE).

El sistema de cómputo del Tribunal Supremo Electoral (TSE), tuvo diferentes fallas y cortes de energía eléctrica en las siguientes 48 horas. Al regresar la energía eléctrica la diferencia de votos entre Hernández y Nasralla era del 1%. Posteriormente se verificó un alza de votos para Juan Orlando Hernández donde se verificó que solo se estaban tomando en cuenta Actas donde ganaba Hernández.

Lamentamos que la población hondureña se encuentre ahora en crisis política ya que el TSE no ha declarado como ganador a ningún candidato presidencial, en especial al Ing. Salvador Nasralla quien ganó las elecciones limpiamente y que ambos Partidos LIBRE Y PINU tienen actas de cierre presidenciales para demostrar el triunfo del Ing. Salvador candidato de la Alianza de Oposición.

El pueblo hondureño ha salido a las calles para manifestarse pacíficamente a favor de Nasralla, pero condenamos la represión de la que han sido víctimas Hondureñ@s, y muertes ocasionadas por un Gobierno Opresor y dictatorial que quiere imponerse; seguir en el Poder por la fuerza y utilizar a los entes de seguridad como Policías y militares para causar pánico en la población.

Sobre todo el pueblo hondureño se encuentra en Estado de Sitio (toque de queda), donde la población no puede circular de 8pm a 5am, una imposición por parte del Presidente Hernández.

Denunciamos de igual forma que en dichas manifestaciones se han infiltrado personas con malas intenciones y han saqueado diferentes tiendas, almacenes y negocios; todo este caos político se ha convertido para Honduras en problema social y notablemente económico.

Exigimos la pronta declaratoria como presidente al Ing. Salvador Nasralla de parte del TSE en Honduras, para que el pueblo se encuentre en paz y retornar a la verdadera Democracia.

IUSY and YES joint statement on the US decision to move their embassy in Jerusalem

Mediterranean USA Jerusalem

Jerusalem holds unique political, religious and spiritual significance and has always been an epicenter of the conflict in the Middle East and a critical issue for resolving it.

Any decision regarding Jerusalem should not be taken lightly and even more so unilaterally and its consequences should never be underestimated.

The UN Security Council, entrusted with the maintenance of international peace and security, adopted several resolutions, including the most recent UNSC resolution 2334 (2016) that clearly evoked the issue of Jerusalem and reaffirmed its centrality and the principles applicable to the situation prevailing in the holy city.

In these resolutions, the Security Council recalled in unequivocal terms that all legislative and administrative measures and actions taken by Israel, the occupying Power, which purport to alter the character and status of the Holy City of Jerusalem have no legal validity and constitute a flagrant violation of international law and a serious obstruction to achieving peace in the Middle East.

UNSC resolution 478 (1980) determined the responsibilities of all States in this regard and decided not to recognize Israel’s pursuit to alter the character and status of Jerusalem. It also calls upon all Member States to accept this decision and those that have established diplomatic missions to withdraw from the Holy City.

These resolutions were adopted on the basis of the UN Charter and international law, and the cardinal principle of the illegality of acquisition of land by force, reflecting the world’s rejection of Israel’s illegal policies.

This stance was further confirmed by the International Court of Justice’s ruling on the wall erected by Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem.

Moving the US embassy in contravention of these clear and fundamental rules would constitute a political and legal earthquake with far reaching and volatile consequences, at a time where the region is witnessing unprecedented turmoil with global ramifications.

No peace can be brokered and no solutions found without Jerusalem. Those who act to consolidate Israel’s illegal actions and annexation of Eastern Jerusalem, capital of Palestine, only drags the agenda further away from peace and by default, disqualify themselves from a seat on the table of conciliation and resolution.

The Trump administration’s decision to move the US embassy to Jerusalem would constitute an act of aggression against the Palestinian people’s rights and a grave breach of international law. It could also push the two-State solution based on 1967 borders beyond the point of resuscitation.

The death of the two-State solution would dramatically change both the face of the conflict, as well as the framework for solving it.

There will also be grave consequences for the entire region. Such a US decision will not only harm the Palestinian people, but those it pretends to help; as advancing the occupation is escalating the conflict.

We call on the US administration to carefully re-assess the impact of this move, taking into account the United States’ image, interests, and security.  The US government’s role is to best serve and preserve the interests of the American people, not those of the Israeli Government.

The Trump adminsitration’s move runs counter to the positions adopted by successive Democratic and Republican administrations for over 3 decades, not to mention the unshakable international consensus. It is impossible to understand how such a move of provocation and aggression, can have positive effects for the United States and its interests in the region and globally. 

Many Palestinian citizens of Israel declared that if Trump will recognize West Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and East Jerusalem as Capital of Palestine, it would be a positive action that they will support as a step for the 2 state solution.

The US administration has to choose between abdicating to the most extremist views of the nationalistic right movement in Israel and its representatives in the Israeli government or to stand its ground and work on advancing peace. It must be clear that these two positions are mutually exclusive.

We also call on all of our IUSY and YES members, the relevant international institutions and all freedom loving peoples across the world to mobilize in defending and upholding international law.

The mobilization of all political and moral forces of our time is more needed than ever to end the injustice and the dispossession endured by the Palestinian people for 70 years and the military and occupation of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip for 50 years.

The Palestinian people – like all humans – have inalienable rights, including a right to self-determination and independence, a right to freedom and dignity. They have every intention to exercise these rights in their sovereign State, with East Jerusalem as its capital. That is the path to peace and security for all the peoples in the region.

The alternative is conflict and Apartheid, which we must avoid at all costs.

IUSY – International Union of Socialist Youth
YES – Young European Socialists