22nd of July 2011 was a day we will never forget. Our comrades of AUF in Norway were brutally attacked during their summer camp in Utøya where 69 activists died. They were ruthlessly attacked and murdered by racism and the hatred it brought with it. One person might have conducted the terrorist attack, but a whole ideology is responsible for it.As Socialist, Social Democrats and Labour Youth Organizations our struggle for a world of freedom, democracy, equality and social justice will continue until the day we reach it. The hatred and fear Racism, Fascism and Xenophobia are trying to spread, will never succeed. The human urge for equality and freedom is our antidote and it will ensure a peaceful world.
We will never be afraid. We will continue to organize ourselves and to make sure that we are many together walking hand in hand in the struggle. Silence is the best friend of evil. During this time when right wing extremism is growing, it is especially important that we firmly stand up against it. Only when we are many and we unite our voices; freedom, equality and human dignity will prevail.
We will remember our comrades forever. Their struggle is our struggle. And the struggle continues.
IUSY Study Session – Call for participants
» Application Form » Open Call
5-12 October 2014, European Youth Centre Strasbourg
All over Europe and the world young people are increasingly understanding that their future is in jeopardy – mainly due to the economical and political situation that is contributing in the first place to the decrease of their educational and career possibilities. Especially during times of crisis as experienced all over Europe these days, abuses and disrespect of labour rights have been affecting young people in particular. With youth unemployment and labour issues being one of the most prevalent problems for youth in Europe today, this Study Session specifically aims to work on this political challenge and bring the momentum of taking action back to the youth.
As a part of our short- and long-term action plan, IUSY is currently developing new approaches to assure broader inclusion of young people in the activities of our global youth movement and to become more open for linking up with other civil society movements as allies and sources of joint inspiration in our common struggles
We encourage you to disseminate this call for participants among the members of your organizations who would fit in the profile of the targeted participants for this study session. Please keep in mind that applications’ deadline is 4th August 2014.
Please do not hesitate to contact IUSY Secretariat if you have any further questions.
IUSY condemns indiscriminate attacks against civilians from any side in strongest terms
IUSY strongly condemns the Israeli government air raids on the Gaza Strip, which have included attacks against Palestinan civilian-populates areas, including the bombing of homes and killing entire families. These air raids most probably amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity.
While IUSY opposes Hamas Policies, and underlines that attacks against Israeli civilians are unacceptable and wrong, nothing can justify such blatant violations of international law trough attacks which have killed over 180 Palestinians including at least 35 children in the last week. And probably the number will continue growing.
We call for urgent international intervention and urge all governments to work for ending the current situation of violence, to preserve lives and to work in parallel to end the occupation to achieve peace in the region. This is the only lasting solution to the conflict. Where there is no freedom or dignity, violence and war are a constant threat.
In this context, IUSY reaffirms the main points of its resolution “Our vision for peace and justices in Israel and Palestine” adopted in the IUSY XXX. World Congress, held in Copenhagen in March 2014. We consider this resolution as a victory for the ideas of socialism and peace, as it was adopted by consensus among our member organizations in Israel and Palestine. From this resolution, IUSY declares:
- Only the solution of two independent and sovereign states, based on the borders that both countries had in 1967, and living together in peace and security can bring stability and prosperity to the region.
- The path of violence will never lead to peace and stability; on the contrary, the roads that lead to lasting peace and justice are those who are in favor of dialogue and not confrontation.
- The occupation and the settlements that the Israeli government constantly build on Palestinian territory must end. This is an unavoidable condition for any peace agreement.
Also, IUSY expresses its full support to Palestine´s ratification of several international conventions last April and reaffirms its support for the State of Palestine´s right to accede to other Conventions to uphold rights and humanitarian law including the Rome Statute.
Finally, we call on the international community and all the governments, but particularly socialist, social democratic and labour governments around the world to take concrete actions in favour of ending the occupation and violence, so as to achieve lasting peace, based on international law.
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IUSY condena fuertemente los ataques indiscriminados contra la población civil, vengan de donde provengan.
IUSY condena enérgicamente los ataques aéreos del gobierno israelí sobre la Franja de Gaza, que han incluido ataques contra áreas densamente pobladas de civiles, incluyendo el bombardeo de casas matando a familias enteras. Estos ataques aéreos equivalen a crímenes de guerra y crímenes contra la humanidad.
Aunque IUSY se opone al uso de la violencia por parte de Hamas, y subraya los ataques contra civiles israelíes son inaceptables, nada puede justificar tales violaciones flagrantes al derecho internacional que ha significado la muerte de más de 180 palestinos, entre ellos al menos 35 niños en la última semana. Cifra que probablemente seguirá creciendo.
Hacemos un llamado a la intervención internacional urgente e instamos a todos los gobiernos, a trabajar por el fin de la situación actual de la violencia, para preservar la vida, y para trabajar en paralelo para poner fin a la ocupación y lograr la paz en la región. Esta es la única solución duradera al conflicto. Donde no hay libertad ni dignidad, la violencia y la guerra son una amenaza constante.
En este contexto, IUSY reafirma los puntos principales de su resolución “Nuestra visión para la paz y la justicia en Israel y Palestina”, adoptada en el XXX Congreso Mundial de la IUSY, celebrada en Copenhague en marzo de 2014. Consideramos esta resolución como una victoria para las ideas del socialismo y la paz, ya que fue adoptada por consenso entre nuestras organizaciones miembros en Israel y Palestina. A partir de esta resolución, la IUSY declara:
- Sólo la solución de dos estados independientes y soberanos, con base en las fronteras que ambos países tenían en 1967, y la convivencia pacífica pueden aportar estabilidad y prosperidad a la región.
- El camino de la violencia nunca va a conducir a la paz y la estabilidad; por el contrario, los caminos que conducen a la paz y la justicia duradera son los que están a favor del diálogo y la no confrontación.
- La ocupación y los asentamientos que el gobierno israelí construye constantemente en territorio palestino debe terminar. Esta es una condición ineludible para cualquier acuerdo de paz.
También, IUSY expresa su pleno apoyo a la ratificación de Palestina de varios convenios internacionales en abril pasado y reafirma su apoyo al derecho del Estado de Palestina a adherirse a otros convenios para defender sus derechos y el derecho humanitario, incluido el Estatuto de Roma.
Por último, hacemos un llamado a la comunidad internacional y a todos los gobiernos, pero particularmente a los gobiernos socialistas, socialdemócratas y laboristas de todo el mundo a tomar acciones concretas a favor de poner fin a la ocupación y la violencia, a fin de lograr una paz duradera, basada en el derecho internacional.
Respect the Kurdish Will for Independence
A few years ago, 2010/2011, a democratic and peaceful Middle East and North Africa seemed to be in sight. The people in the region had had enough with authoritarian regimes and went to the streets to show that peoples urge for peace, freedom and dignity would always prevail over dictators and oppressive regimes’ stranglehold over the people. The revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt were seen as a sign of hope and peace from all over the world. The gained self-confidence spread rapidly to people in the whole region.
Now three years later, we sadly see a region in chaos where extremists have gained power and the democratic and peaceful forces are caught in-between extremist organizations on one side and authoritarian regimes on the other. One of the groups in the region that have long suffered from a polarized region is the Kurds.
The Kurdish region in Iran is said to be one of the world’s most closed areas, second only to North Korea. The Kurdish people’s situation in Iran has during the whole 19th century been marked by armed conflicts between Kurdish groups fighting for self-determination and the Iranian regime. To this day, violence and the violation of human rights are part of everyday life for those who in any way are committed to the Kurdish cause in Iran. On a regular basis, people are reported dead as a result of the armed conflict in the region. The Iranian regime has also drawn up death lists of politically active Kurds who are prosecuted as either a threat to national security or “enemies of god”. These lists often contain names of young people who are not given a fair trial. We young Socialists and Social Democrats condemn all executions of young political activists that occur in Iran and demand abolishment of all death lists.
Around 2 million Kurds live in Syria today. Approximately 200 000 of them lived stateless for decades. It is a consequence of when 100 000 Kurds were deprived of their citizenship in the 1960s. To further add to the plight of the Kurdish people in Syria, with or without citizenship, the Syrian regime issued decree 49 in 2008. The decree restricted the sale and ownership of property to Kurds, forcing them to flee in search of a decent life. During the last years the situation has come to change since the revolution against Bashar al-Assad’s oppressing and authoritarian regime started. The Kurds are being attacked both by the regime and by some parts of the rest of the opposition. IUSY supports the Kurds struggle for peace, equality and diversity, and in line with this supports the proclamation of a Kurdish autonomy that would make it possible for them to enjoy democracy and their fundamental human rights.
Furthermore, in Turkey, the Kurdish people – along with a number of other minorities – are affected by the Turkish state policy of assimilation that has been taking place since the founding of the Turkish state. The policies have struck hard against all minorities. Until 2000 it was, for instance, forbidden to publish newspapers and produce radio programs in minority languages, depriving minorities of some of their most basic human rights. The Turkish state has also conducted military operations against Kurdish cities such as Lice, where acts of extreme violence have forced out Kurds from their homes and often resulted in massacres. The Turkish constitution must be democratized to stop the discrimination of citizens in the country who are of different ethnic, religious and cultural backgrounds and to grant them equal rights. Also the Kurds will for self-determination must be respected.
However, there are “success stories” of Kurdistan. In the southern part of Kurdistan (northern part of Iraq), a young and fledgling democracy, with free elections, is taking root. The Kurdish region is relatively peaceful in an Iraq and a Middle East otherwise affected by violence and conflicts. But we have to actively monitor the development in the region, show our interest by giving praise when it is due as well as demands. We should nevertheless not forget that the Kurds in Iraq have also been hit hard by oppression. The circumstances surrounding Saddam Hussein’s plan to eliminate Kurds during the war between Iran and Iraq in the 1980s is a particularly frightening example.
Due to the recent events in the Middle East, not at least in Iraq, a serious discussion among the Kurdish population on an independent and free Kurdish state in Northern Iraq has come to take place. The future of a people must be in the hands of those people, no one else. The self-determination principle is essential and must always be respected when it concerns a people living under oppression and all other options have failed. We therefore see positive on formation of an independent Kurdistan that embraces diversity, democracy and equality for all people in the geographical area.
By Felipe Jelres (IUSY President) & Evin Incir (IUSY Secretary General)
Published on BAS NEWS
Mediterranean Committee
We are happy to invite you to the
Mediterranean Committee – Leadership Conference
the 25th of August 2014 at the Ghajn Tuffieha Camping Site in Malta
The Mediterranean Committee gathers young leaders of the IUSY member organizations in the Mediterranean with the aim to strengthen the organizations and the cooperation in the region. Together we will discuss the current political situation and elaborate strategies to face the challenges that lie ahead. This year’s Mediterranean Committee will take place in connection to the IUSY World Festival.
The main theme for the committee will, as for the festival, be 15 Actions to Eradicate Poverty in 15 Years. During the meeting we will have the opportunity to focus on the Mediterranean context and aspects of poverty. We will also cover topics like migration and minority rights. As a lot of our member organizations face organizational challenges, there will be a seminar on organizational structure and project management that will present methods and tools to strengthen our organizations. The participants can look forward to discussions, sharing of experiences and ideas, workshops, political actions and of course building networks and making friends!
Olof Palme Centre’s Global Project finances the Mediterranean Committee. The meeting will take place during the IUSY World Festival that is hosted by FZL. Each organization can register up to two participants for the meeting, gender balanced, holding some kind of leadership position within the organization since the committee meetings are the most important platforms for the regions in between the congresses and councils.
For any questions or remarks please don’t hesitate to contact the IUSY Secretariat.
Each organization can register up to two participants for the committee meeting. If you send two participants it must be one man and one woman. If your organization sends only one we reserve the right to request a change of participant to one of the underrepresented gender, as gender balance on the meeting is required in the Global Project.
You will need to register your participants in the online registration system. Registration is open until Friday the 18th of July. Please contact the IUSY Secretariat in case you should have any problems with the registration.
The participation fee is the same as for the whole festival. The money should be transferred before the 18th of July to the IUSY bank account:
Bank: BAWAG /// BLZ (BIC): 14000 /// Account number: 0531 0660 380 /// IBAN: AT41 1400 0053 1066 0380 ///
SWIFT code: BAWAATWW /// Reason for payment: Name and Country of your Organization
Day of arrival for the IUSY World Festival is the 20th of August, day of departure the 26th of August 2014. The Mediterranean Committee will take place the 25th of August. Please make your travel arrangements accordingly and do not forget that IUSY will not be able to cover accommodation or any other expenses for delegates who need to stay additional nights in Malta. There is no possibility to accept any participants at the campsite before the 20th of August or the after the 26th of August.
Please observe that the deadline for getting visa support is the 18th of July 2014.
The Global Project will be able to support your travel costs up to a fixed maximum amount per delegation (see attached table). We strongly urge all organizations to book your tickets immediately in order to get the best possible price.Only economy class tickets will be reimbursed. According to IUSY rules, business or first class tickets will not be taken into consideration under any circumstances.
Please note that IUSY can only reimburse cost of travels proven by original documents. Therefore do not forget to keep and hand in to the IUSY Secretariat ALL of the following documents: If you arrived by plane, we need original invoice showing the date, exact price and currency with which the ticket has been paid, and original boarding passes (in case you had connection flights – all of them). If you travel by boat, bus or train we need tickets of your full journey.
All travel reimbursements will be made in euro by bank transfer after the meeting. Please note that only the participants who attend at least 75% of the meeting will be offered travel reimbursement.
Please find in the following the NEW maximum amount of travel reimbursement per delegation
[table caption=”” width=”800″ colwidth=”150|300|150|200″ colalign=”left|left|left|”]
Country,Organization,Max. Amount
Egypt,Egyptian Social Democratic Youth,ESDPY,500 €
Iran,Democratic Students Union of Iranian Kurdistan,DSUIK,400 €
Iran,Democratic Youth Union of Iranian Kurdistan,DYUIK,400 €
Iraq,Kurdistan Studens Association,KSA,550 €
Iraq,Kurdish Youth and Freedom Organisation,KYFO,550 €
Israel,Labour Young Leadership,LYL,400 €
Israel,Young Meretz Yachad,YMY,400 €
Lebanon,Progressive Youth Organisation,PYO,650 €
Morocco,Ittihadia Youth,IY,See invitation to AC
Palestine,Fateh Youth,Fateh Y,400 €
Palestine,Almubadara Youth,AY,400 €
Palestine,General Union of Palestine Students,GUPS,400 €
Tunisia,Jeunesse Socialdemocrate – ETTAKATAOL Youth,JS – EY,See invitation to AC
Turkey,Republican People’s Party Youth,CHP Y ,350
Turkey,Democratic and Patriotic Youth,DYG Y,350
Western Sahara,Unión de Juventudes de Saguía el Hamra y Río de Oro,UJSARIO,See invitation to AC
Kindly note that only organizations without outstanding membership fees are entitled to travel reimbursement. To be able to receive travel reimbursement you therefor need to pay your membership fees (including 2014). To know how much your outstanding debt is please contact the IUSY secretariat ASAP. If you for of any reason can’t pay your membership fee you need to get in touch with the President of Control Commission (stephan.koeker@iusy.org) to make an agreement on the payment.
World Council of the Socialist International
We, the International Union of Socialist Youth participated in the Meeting of the World Council of the Socialist International, held in Mexico City, On June 30 and July 1. The delegation was composed of the President of the Organization, Felipe Jeldres, the General Secretary, Evin Incir, and the Vice Presidents Anna Bruckener and Zac Aracely Vargas.
At the Presidium Meeting that took place before the Council, the President made a presentation of the new presidium, reported the realization of the XXX IUSY World Congress, the main conclusions and the organization of the next world festival of the organization, which will be held in Malta from 20 to 26 August.
In the meeting of the Council our President stated openly that IUSY will continue to have a critical view on the current state of the International, and reaffirmed expectations of a change so the that the International will earn and deserves the respect of young socialists around the world again. “We aspire to have an International that be a permanent engine of change, and an important and influential actor in international society. Today we are not the relevant actors are the transnational companies, the financial speculation, the institutions of fiscal regulations. we aspire to an international that be a guide of their member organizations, which is a contribution to the construction of transformer majorities in each one of their countries, and to shake the conscience of his matches when they have strayed from our values and principle “said .
IUSY will continue working to influence the change necessary to have a Socialist International at the height of what socialists around the world expect, a great voice of the left in the global society.
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La Unión Internacional de Juventudes Socialistas participó de la Reunión del Consejo Mundial de la Internacional Socialista, realizada en ciudad de México, los días 30 de junio y 1 de julio. La delegación estuvo compuesta por el Presidente de la Organización, Felipe Jeldres, la Secretaria General, Evin Incir, y las Vicepresidentas Anna Bruckener y Zac Aracely Vargas.
En la reunión del presídium que se realizó antes del Consejo, el Presidente hizo una presentación del nuevo presídium, informó de la realización del XXX Congreso Mundial de IUSY, sus principales conclusiones y sobre la realización del próximo festival mundial de la organización, que se realizará en Malta del 20 al 26 de agosto.
Posteriormente, el Presidente de IUSY intervino en la reunión del Consejo, donde junto con reiterar lo anterior, señaló abiertamente que IUSY continúa teniendo una postura crítica respecto al estado actual de la Internacional, y reafirmó las expectativas de cambio que los jóvenes socialistas de todo el mundo tienen respecto a la Internacional. “Aspiramos a una internacional que sea un permanente motor de cambio, y un actor relevante e influyente de la sociedad internacional. Hoy no lo somos, lo son las transnacionales, lo es la especulación financiera, son las instituciones de regulación fiscal. Aspiramos a una Internacional que sea guía de sus organizaciones miembro, que sea una contribución a la construcción de mayorías transformadoras en cada uno de sus países, y que sacuda la conciencia de sus partidos cuando estos se han alejado de nuestros valores y principios” , señaló.
IUSY continuará trabajando por influir en los cambios que sean necesarios para tener una Internacional Socialista a la altura de lo que las y los socialistas de todo el mundo esperan, y para que sea la gran voz de la izquierda en la sociedad global.
XXX. IUSY World Congress 2014 – Adopted Statutes & Resolutions
② WE CAN MAKE POVERTY HISTORY! | Our 15 Actions to Eradicate Poverty in 15 Years.
- Protection of LGBT Persons
- Women’s right to choose | by JSE Spain
- Fight against domestic violence | by AUF Norway, DSU Denmark, SSU Sweden, SSF Sweden, SDY Finland, SONK Finland, UJ Iceland
- On the Events in Kiew, Ukraine of 18-20 Feb 2014 | by SMS Ukraine
- Our Vision for Peace & Justice in Israel & Palestine | by Shabibeh/Fatah Youth Palestine, Young Meretz Israel and Jusos Germany
- Resolution on Tibet | by Tibetan Youth Congress
- Resolution on Kurdistan | by AUF Norway, DSU Denmark, SDY Estonia, SDYF Finland, SONK Finland, SSF Sweden, SSU Sweden, UJ Iceland
- Abolishing Nuclear Weapons | by AUF Norway, DSU Denmark, SDY Estonia, SDYF Finland, SONK Finland, SSF Sweden, SSU Sweden, UJ Iceland
- The World needs a Financial Transaction Tax | by AUF Norway, DSU Denmark, SDY Estonia, SDYF Finland, SONK Finland, SSF Sweden, SSU Sweden, UJ Iceland
- TIPP – Not like this! | by Jusos Germany, SJÖ Austria
- Call for Democracy & Transparency in secret Pacific Trade Deal | by Young Labour New Zealand
- Cannabis – Regulate it, tax it and legalize it. | by SJÖ Austria, MJS Belgium, MJS France, Young Meretz Israel
- No borders! Asylum is a human right | by SJÖ Austria
- Human & Labor Rights in International Sports Events | by Jusos Germany
- Condemning the ruling of the ECHR as of Dec 17 2013 | by Armenian Youth Federation
- Call for the Repeal of Sedition Law 1 in Malaysia | by IUSY APC
- Supporting Regional Cooperation of Progressive Youth in Southeast Asia | by IUSY APC
- Our fight to Strengthen Democracy in America | by IUSY AC
- Supporting Young People affected by Typhoon Haiyan as part of IUSY’s Struggle for Climate Justice | by IUSY APC
African Committee Meeting 2014
We are happy to invite you to the
21st of August 2014 @Ghajn Tuffieha Camping Site, Malta
The African Committee gathers young leaders of the IUSY member organizations in Africa with the aim to strengthen the organizations and the cooperation on the continent. Together we will discuss the current political situation in Africa and elaborate strategies to face the challenges that lie ahead. This year’s African committee will take place in connection to the IUSY World Festival.
The main theme for the committee will, as for the festival, be 15 Actions to Eradicate Poverty in 15 Years. During the meeting we will have the opportunity to focus on the African context and aspects of poverty. We will also cover topics like migration, minority rights and HIV/AIDS. As a lot of our member organizations face organizational challenges, there will be a seminar on organizational structure and project management that will present methods and tools to strengthen our organizations. The participants can look forward to discussions, sharing of experiences and ideas, workshops, political actions and of course building networks and making friends!
Olof Palme Centre’s Global Project finances the African Committee. The meeting will take place during the IUSY World Festival (www.iusyfestival14.com) that is hosted by FZL. Each organization can register up to two participants for the African Committee, gender balanced, holding some kind of leadership position within the organization since the committee meetings are the most important platforms for the regions in between the congresses and councils.
For any questions or remarks please don’t hesitate to contact the IUSY Secretariat.
We are very much looking forward to seeing you!
Each organization can register up to two participants for the committee meeting. If you send two participants it must be one man and one woman. If your organization sends only one we reserve the right to request a change of participant to one of the underrepresented gender, as gender balance on the meeting is required in the Global Project.
You will need to register your participants in the online registration system here. Registration is open until Friday the 11th of July. Please contact the IUSY Secretariat in case you should have any problems with the registration.
The participation fee is the same as for the whole festival, 150€ per participant. The money should be transferred before the 11th of July to the IUSY bank account:
Bank: BAWAG BLZ (BIC): 14000 — Account number: 0531 0660 380 — IBAN: AT41 1400 0053 1066 0380
SWIFT code: BAWAATWW — Reason for payment: Name and Country of your Organization
Day of arrival for the IUSY World Festival is the 20th of August, day of departure the 26th of August 2014. The African Committee will take place the 21st of August. Please make your travel arrangements accordingly and do not forget that IUSY will not be able to cover accommodation or any other expenses for delegates who need to stay additional nights in Malta. There is no possibility to accept any participants at the campsite before the 20th of August or the after the 26th of August.
The Global Project will be able to support your travel costs up to a fixed maximum amount per delegation:
[table caption=”” width=”700″ colwidth=”150|150|150″ colalign=”left|left|left|”]
Country,Organization,Max. Amount
Angola, J MPLA, 1 100 €
Benin, J PSD, 1 100 €
Burkina Faso, PDP/PS, 900 €
Cape Verde, J. do PAICV, 2 300 €
Ecuatorial Guinea, CPDS, 1 100 €
Gambia, YUDP, 900 €
Ghana, NDC YL, 600 €
Kenya, LPKYC, 600 €
Mali, J ADEMA, 900 €
Mali, UJ-RPM, 900 €
Morocco, IY, 500 €
Mozambique, FRELIMO Y, 700 €
Niger, OJT, 900 €
Senegal, MNJS, 600 €
South Africa, ANC YL, 500 €
Swaziland, SWAYOCO, 500 €
Tanzania, CCM YL, 600 €
Togo, CDPA, 900 €
Tunisia, JSD, 450 €
Uganda, UYD, 500 €
Western Sahara, UJSARIO, 700 €
Zimbabwe, MDC YA, 700 €
We strongly urge all organizations to book your tickets immediately in order to get the best possible price. Only economy class tickets will be reimbursed. According to IUSY rules, business or first class tickets will not be taken into consideration under any circumstances. Please note that IUSY can only reimburse cost of travels proven by original documents.
Therefore do not forget to keep and hand in to the IUSY Secretariat ALL of the following documents: If you arrived by plane, we need original invoice showing the date, exact price and currency with which the ticket has been paid, and original boarding passes (in case you had connection flights – all of them). If you travel by boat, bus or train we need tickets of your full journey.
Kindly note that only organizations without outstanding membership fees are entitled to receive travel reimbursement. To be able to receive travel reimbursement you therefor need to pay your membership fees (including 2014). To know how much your outstanding debt is please contact the IUSY secretariat ASAP. If you for of any reason can’t pay your membership fee you need to get in touch with the Head of Control Commission to make an agreement on the payment.