La defensa de la democracia en las elecciones presidenciales de Brasil!

La Unión Internacional de Juventudes Socialistas -IUSY por sus siglas en inglés- hace un llamado a la unidad de las fuerzas progresistas en torno a la defensa de la democracia en las elecciones presidenciales de Brasil.

El anuncio de los resultados de la primera vuelta nos dejó altamente preocupados. El avance de la extrema derecha en Latinoamérica, materializada en la candidatura del diputado Jair Bolsonaro, se ha hecho en base a declarar su apoyo a la comisión de crímenes de odio contra la izquierda, haciendo apología a la dictadura militar, validando métodos como la tortura, despreciando a las mujeres, ofendiendo al pueblo afrodescendiente, agraviando a población LGTB y discriminando a inmigrantes. De la misma manera, propone un programa económico de shock, neoliberal, privatizador, contrario a los derechos de trabajadores y de jóvenes.

Este proyecto sólo será posible implementando medidas antidemocráticas, legitimando el terror y reprimiendo a los movimientos sociales, tal como lo han hecho Donald Trump, Rodrigo Duterte y Matteo Salvini, en distintos continentes, con la misma receta.

Todos y cada uno de estos elementos son atentados a principios y valores que proponemos a nivel mundial como socialistas, socialdemócratas y laboristas. Frente a estos retrocesos tan importantes, cualquier diferencia se torna secundaria. Se requiere de todo el apoyo de las fuerzas democráticas y progresistas de Brasil y del mundo, para que el pueblo convocado a votar el próximo domingo 27 rechace a Bolsonaro.

Con ese espíritu, tal como lo ha hecho nuestra organización miembro Juventude Socialista PDT, las y los jóvenes tienen un rol importante en este momento, de convocar y hacerse presente en la defensa de la democracia, uniéndose en torno a la candidatura de Fernando Haddad y Manuela D’Avila. ¡Juntos, unidos, se puede cambiar el rumbo de la historia!


The International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY) calls for the unity of progressive forces around the defense of democracy in Brazil’s presidential elections.

The announcement of the results of the first round left us highly worried. The advance of the extreme right in Latin America, materialized in the candidacy of deputy Jair Bolsonaro, has been based on declaring his support for the commission of hate crimes against the left, apologizing to the military dictatorship, validating methods such as torture, despising women, offending Afro-descendant people, aggravating the LGTB population and discriminating against immigrants. In the same way, it proposes an economic program of shock, neoliberal, privatizing, contrary to the rights of workers and young people.

This project will only be possible by implementing antidemocratic measures, legitimizing terror and repressing social movements, as Donald Trump, Rodrigo Duterte and Matteo Salvini, on different continents, with the same prescription.

Each and every one of these elements is an attack on principles and values ​​that we propose at the global level as Socialists, Social Democrats and Labour. Faced with these important setbacks, any difference becomes secondary. It requires all the support of democratic and progressive forces in Brazil and the world, so that the people called to vote on Sunday 27th reject Bolsonaro.

In this spirit, as our member organization Juventude Socialista PDT, the youth have an important role to play at this time, to call and be present in the defense of democracy, joining around the candidacy of Fernando Haddad and Manuela D’Avila. Together, united, we can change the course of history!


A União Internacional da Juventudes Socialistas – IUSY, por sua sigla em inglês – pede a união das forças progressistas em torno da defesa da democracia nas eleições presidenciais no Brasil.

O anúncio dos resultados da primeira rodada nos deixou muito preocupados. A ascensão da extrema direita na América Latina, consubstanciado na candidatura do deputado Jair Bolsonaro, tem-se baseado para declarar o seu apoio para o cometimento de crimes de ódio contra a esquerda, defender a ditadura militar, validando métodos como a tortura, desprezando mulheres, ofendendo pessoas de ascendência africana, agraviando a população LGBT e discriminando imigrantes. Da mesma forma, propõe um programa econômico de choque, neoliberal, privatizante, contrário aos direitos dos trabalhadores e dos jovens.

Este projeto só será possível através da implementação de medidas antidemocráticas, legitimando terror e repressão a movimentos sociais, assim como Donald Trump, Rodrigo Duterte e Matteo Salvini, em continentes diferentes, com a mesma receita.

Todos e cada um desses elementos são ataques a princípios e valores que propomos em todo o mundo como socialistas, socialdemocratas e laboristas. Diante desses importantes aborrecimentos, qualquer diferença se torna secundária. Requer todo o apoio das forças democráticas e progressistas do Brasil e do mundo, para que as pessoas chamadas a votar no domingo 27 rejeitem Bolsonaro.

Nesse espírito, como tem feito a nossa organização membro Juventude Socialista PDT, os jovens têm um papel importante neste momento, de convocar e estar presente na defesa da democracia, unindo-se em torno da candidatura de Fernando Haddad e Manuela D’Avila Juntos, unidos, o curso da história pode ser mudado!


Over the weekend 50 young socialists and social democrats from four continents assembled in Stockholm to discuss and debate about the ways of achieving decent work for youth on a global level. The seminar was arranged in cooperation between the International Union of Socialist Youth IUSY, the Swedish Social Democratic Youth League SSU and Olof Palme International Center. The programme consisted of discussions on collaborative economy and entrepreneurship, decent work and social protection in developing countries, improving the working life through trade unions and political cooperation, debating over the Swedish initiative “Global Deal”, role of free trade in poverty reduction, economic justice in north-south relations, migration and decent work as well as tax evasion and the ways of tackling it.

In the discussion about collaborative economy and entrepreneurship the participants debated with experts on how the new forms of work affect our societies and the working life. Platform and shared economy bring both opportunities and challenges. The problems take various forms such as leaving the employees responsible for their own social security, safety and income as well as social support, yet the agenda setting of the discussion has been problematic. We believe that the question should not be whether people can have an insecure low paying job instead of no job at all, but how  we can ensure decent work in the new economic platforms as well.

We call for fair regulation of the work that is done in the context of platform economy. The workers rights can be ensured through tripartite system negotiation. The implementation of these regulative schemes must be effective and flexible for the working people. Especially young people must get help and information in order for them to understand their rights as employees as well as to organize effectively. In order to ensure a fair and fact based debate, we need to ensure that social media platforms follow regulations and human rights instead of promoting fake news.


Regarding the decent work and social protection in developing countries a panel took place with international participants from the political organizations in Colombia as well as Swedish trade union and development aid experts. We conclude that as a part of globalization, transnational companies have settled and gained undemocratic power in many less economically developed countries, which has led to weakening of workers rights. Multinational companies must be held accountable using binding regulations and critical financial penalties in case of violation. One of the biggest challenges regarding workers rights in the developing countries has been to implement effective social protection policies – partly due to the global tax evasion.

The role of consumers outside the developing countries is also worth mentioning. Thanks to some certification systems, consumers now have a limited possibility to actively avoid consuming products of companies that are known to neglect workers’ rights in the different parts of the production chain. However the improvement of workers rights is primarily a political decision and can not be achieved only through consumer choices.


To make real change on the ground we need to strengthen and more forcefully implement international and national rule of law as well as legislation for decent working conditions. We need international support to trade unions on both national and local level, renegotiating international trade agreements and replacing them by agreements founded on the principles of international solidarity. Initiating social dialogue between the unions and the employees can’t play a key role, as the non-legislative work in the promotion of workers rights is as important as the legislative one.  

We believe that decent work for youth is in the heart of the principles and values of the left and that we need a strong campaign to fight against the labour market inequalities and for better laws, policies and regulations that support decent working conditions. In this fight we need to understand how regional situations differ and develop in each country.

In our discussion, we wanted to focus on three priority areas where the improvement is needed the most – the gender gap, the situation of people who don’t work or study as well as the conditions of the people who work but still remain poor. The solutions are various. Primarily, we must acknowledge the existence of a gender gap on the labour market, starting from early age. In order to change the unequal situation of the genders we need to understand and communicate the phenomena leading into the gap in education, culture and legislation. Secondly, we must fight against the exclusion of the millennials. For example, many young people who are outside studies or working life get pregnant early, which even more excludes them from education and labour market. Continuous, free and high quality education is the key element in answering the challenge of exclusion. The mechanisms of strengthening social rights – from food to books – are also a part of the solution. Thirdly, we must ensure the decent work and employment for youth. The maximization of the profits is based on the exploitation, bad salaries and weakening of labour rights. For sustainable change, we call for unionization and collective bargaining as well as strong support of the national governments for inclusive growth.

Based on the abovementioned discussions, debates and conclusions, we as young progressives from all over the world demand a global perspective on the questions of fair work. The solutions must be internationally sustainable and not limited to the western industrialized countries. Only through unionizing and standing together for our political aims across the borders can we stop the race to the bottom in worker’s rights. We call for international solidarity, equal opportunities and abolishing discrimination. We stand together  – all over the world to change it!

Call for the stories of women*

IUSY invites submission of stories for the campaign Stories of Women* that has been proposed by the IUSY Feminist working group as an outcome of the meeting that took place in September in Mollina, Spain.

The idea of the campaign is to publish stories of women* from all over the world to raise awareness on issues that women* face, on struggles the go through and experiences that empower and inspire. Stories are valuable for empowerment, solidarity and change.

16 days and 16 stories starting from 25th November on the Day for Elimination Violence Against Women and ending on the 10th December which is Human Rights Day.

For this campaign, we would like to collect stories on different themes written by women*. We want to speak up about the issues, celebrate  transformations and connect to each other through our stories. 

Please, find the call for submissions attached with important guidelines that will support you while preparing your submission. Note that the deadline for sending your story is 1st November 2018.

Should you have any questions regarding the submission, please contact Gohar at or

We are looking forward to receiving your story!Call_for_stories_2018

IUSY Feminist working group & IUSY Secretariat

Our position on Khan al-Ahmar demolition!

The International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY) strongly condemns the Israeli Supreme Court judges decision to order demolition of Khan al-Ahmar school, along with the adjacent Bedouin village located between the Israeli settlements of Ma’ale Adumim and Kfar Adumim.

The evacuation of people and activists together with the demolition of the school and of people’s houses to expand Israeli settlements represents a violation of the humanitarian law and of the Geneva Convention.

IUSY stands with Palestinian people and activists fighting for their human rights.

Sharing the content of the European Parliament Resolution on Khan al-Ahmar demolition, the International Union of Socialist Youth ask the Netanyahu right wing occupation rules and actions government to immediately stop any violations perpetrated against Palestinian people.

Condemning air and missile attack to the headquarter of Kurdistan Democratic Party!

The international union of socialist youth (IUSY) strongly condemns the Air and missile attack to the headquarter of Kurdistan Democratic Party by Islamic Republic of Iran in North Iraq and at the same time execution of three political activities in Iranian prisons. 

We send our deepest condolences to the families and friends of the victims and our sympathy to all those who were affected by this missile attack. 

Sunday September 8th at 10:45 the headquarter of Kurdistan Democratic Party has been attacked by the Islamic Republic of Iran. 

The air and missile attack targeted the Leading Board of the party’s meeting (polonium) taking place in the headquarter. 

During and after the attack Iranian unmanned airplane were seen flying over the Koya city in Iraqi Kurdistan near the headquarter of the party.

Several members of Kurdistan Democratic Party have been killed and injured during the attack.

We call for urgent international intervention and urge all governments to work for to stop killing and executing civilian people by Iranian government. 

IUSY will always fight against fundamentalist extremism, against discrimination and social injustices, and for a peaceful world where all global citizens can develop their lives in a satisfactory way.

Finally, we call on the international community and all the governments, but particularly socialist, social democratic and labor governments around the world to take concrete actions supporting  Kurdish people rights and protecting them from Iranian fundamentalist, extremist government.

El momento difícil para la Educación Pública en Argentina


La Unión Internacional de Juventudes Socialistas comparte su preocupación por el difícil momento que está atravesando la Educación Pública Argentina, en particular las Universidad Públicas.

Los docentes universitarios han visto negado su derecho a paritarias libres, que fueron cerradas unilateralmente por el Gobierno Nacional otorgando por decreto insuficientes aumentos salariales. Para Diciembre de este año la inflación oficial se estima en un 42% mientras la retribución salarial llegaría a 10,8% en septiembre, consolidando la pérdida de poder adquisitivo que vienen sufriendo hace años.

Así mismo, las y los estudiantes se ven expuestos al mismo contexto de inflación, desempleo y reducción en las prestaciones sociales; sumando a esto, el recorte en becas y planes, lo que hace que ingresar y permanecer en la Universidad sea cada vez más difícil. 

En ese marco, las 57 Universidades Nacionales aún no han comenzado las clases del segundo cuatrimestre, se encuentran todas en un paro por tiempo indeterminado que lleva ya tres semanas, sin que la alianza de Cambiamos asuma su responsabilidad y tome cartas en el asunto para poner fin a este conflicto.

El jueves 30 de Agosto más de 350.000 estudiantes, docentes, no docentes y trabajadores de todo el país se movilizaron hacia Plaza de Mayo en la ciudad de Buenos Aires, aunando el reclamo salarial, como así también presupuestario y reclamando que la educación pública es un derecho y no puede ser la variable de ajuste ante la crisis económica que atraviesa el país. 

Instamos a la alianza de Cambiemos a que finalice el conflicto, respete y garantice los derechos de los docentes, pero también de todos los argentinos a una educación superior de calidad y no arancelada. 

La educación es una pieza fundamental de nuestra sociedad, contribuyendo inconmensurablemente al desarrollo nacional. Hoy la Universidad Pública Argentina está en riesgo y desde IUSY llamamos a defenderla!



The International Union of Socialist Youth is concern about the difficult time that is going through Public Education Argentina, in particular Public University.

The university professors have been denied their right to free unions, which were closed unilaterally by the National Government granting insufficient salary increases by decree. By December of this year, official inflation is estimated at 42% while salary remuneration would reach 10.8% in September, consolidating the loss of purchasing power they have been suffering for years.

Likewise, the students are exposed to the same context of inflation, unemployment and reduction in social benefits; adding to this, the cut in scholarships and plans, make that entering and staying at the University increasingly difficult.

In this context, the 57 National Universities have not yet started the second semester classes, they are all in an indefinite strike for three weeks, without the Cambiamos alliance taking its responsibility and taking action on the matter to put end to this conflict.

On Thursday, August 30, more than 350,000 students, teachers, non-teachers and workers from all over the country moved to Plaza de Mayo in the city of Buenos Aires, joining the wage claim, as well as budgeting and claiming that public education is a right and cannot be the variable of adjustment before the economic crisis that crosses the country.

Education is a fundamental part of our society, contributing immeasurably to national development. Today the Argentine Public University is at risk and from IUSY we call to defend it!

IUSY lauds the LGBT+ rights victory in India #Section377

In a historic victory in India, as the Supreme Court on the 6th of September announced a unanimous verdict to decriminalise homosexuality.

The Supreme Court ruled to scrap the colonial-era Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code which criminalises “unnatural sex”. There have been reports of the law being used to intimidate, extort and blackmail members of the LGBT+ community. Some of those who were persecuted under this law faced further harassment in prison.

This ruling turns a new leaf for the LGBT+ movement in India as the court reverses an old ruling criminalising gay sex in December 2013. The September 2018 judgment reads: “Section 377 is arbitrary. The LGBT community possesses rights like others. Majoritarian views and popular morality cannot dictate constitutional rights.”

The Chief Justice of India, Dipak Misra added, “Sexual orientation of an individual is natural and discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation is a violation of freedom of expression.”

We laud India’s LGBT+ movement, student and youth groups, lawyers, government officials and NGO leaders who challenged the archaic law and fought to keep human rights universal.

IUSY Asia Pacific Committee welcomes the decision of the Supreme Court of India, which will ensure a dignified presence for the LGBTQ+ community. This verdict will open new avenues for the marginalised community and give them a platform for social and economic equality.