IUSY reitera preocupación por grave violación de Derechos Humanos en Nicaragua


Desde la Unión Internacional de Juventudes Socialistas (IUSY por sus siglas en inglés) reiteramos nuestra profunda preocupación por los acontecimientos en Nicaragua, donde hay graves violaciones de Derechos Humanos, con más de 150 muertos, más de 1500 heridos y más de 20 presos políticos. 

Durante más de 50 días de protestas, el Estado no ha sido capaz de garantizar los derechos humanos, por lo que exigimos que el gobierno de Ortega-Murillo asuma la responsabilidad por los asesinados, ataques, represiones, persecuciones y encarcelamiento de todos los ciudadanos que han decidido salir a las calles a protestar pacífica y cívicamente.

Abogamos por una salida pacífica a la crisis socio-política que vive Nicaragua, por lo que nos sumamos al clamor de las organizaciones internacionales, para que se reinicie el diálogo nacional. 

Hacemos un llamado a la comunidad internacional a darle seguimiento a los acontecimientos que suceden en Nicaragua, ya que hay un pueblo que exige y demanda justicia y libertad.


IUSY once again expresses concern about serious violation of Human Rights in Nicaragua

We as the International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY) reiterate our deep concern about the events in Nicaragua, for the serious violations of human rights, with more than 150 deaths, more than 1500 injured and more than 20 political prisoners.

During more than 50 days of protests, the government has not been able to guarantee human rights, therefore we demand that the government of Ortega-Murillo assume the responsibility for the murdered, attacks, repression, persecution and imprisonment of all citizens who have decided to leave to the streets to protest peacefully and civically.

We advocate for a peaceful solution to the socio-political crisis in Nicaragua, which is why we join the clamor of international organizations to restart the national dialogue.

We call on the international community to follow up on the events that are taking place in Nicaragua, for their people who claims and demands for justice and freedom.


IUSY Balkan Round Table Statement

In the times when social-democracy is in crisis, rise of populistic and nationalistic theories have been collecting more and more young people. We as young socialists and social democrats from the Balkan region are aware of lacks that our governments have done, but as well ready to give new solutions and put again the individual in the center of the political debate.

We should again put the needs of each single citizen of our countries in focus. Human rights are our light motive of the decent, social state. We should encourage women rights, better options for young people and elders, provide job opportunities for everyone and create a region place where everyone will find place for their personal and professional development.

To establish peace and stability in the region, we are urging our governments to find solutions, not only for previous, but also for current conflicts. We should honor all casualties in the region nevertheless nationality or religion. We should give our bests in order to find the best solution for citizens but also national and cultural heritages.

As the main regional priority we perceive the further EU integration of the whole region in the European Union. We are expecting our governments to deal with all challenges of the European path, including the reforms of the judicial and political system.

We should encourage regional cooperation, when considering young people. We should build bridges with educational and health reforms.

Youth unemployement is still a big regional issue. All enterpreneurs should be encouradged to provide job for young people. States should implement the mesures so that all young people in the region could have a job in the minimum six months after the finished education, not only the ones in the EU.

We should advocate a regional roaming free zone, so that communication and exchange of informations is facilitated for all young people.

We should put in focus a health of young people. Preventions of illeneses is best conduceted in the young age. We should educate our youth about healthy lifestyle. We should consider raising awareness about menthal health issues and STI among youth.

Earnings in the Balkans is not adequate. EU member countries on the Balkans suffer from huge youth migration because of the low salaries. Balkan countries, EU and non-EU members remain on 2nd and 3rd speed of Europe. We cannot accept this and we believe that EU in order to survive and exist fully and people to benefit from it we need cohesion, common standard of living, common taxation, no tax evasion and EU military forces.

Corrupted and low-profile, lacking of education people governing some Balkan countries (Bulgaria, Croatia and Serbia)  – are not capable of attracting foreign investments and not capable to provide economic growth and fair payment for the labour of people.

Balkan people do not want to do the “dirty” job of Europe anymore, to be third-world countries – people want decent working conditions, fair payment, adecuate infrastructure, modern healthcare and education.

IUSY Balkan Round Table calls all the responsible decision-makers to keep in mind all above mentioned demands and to stand by our side.

For Safe, Free and Legal Abortion in Argentina!

From the International Union of Socialist Youth we call to vote in favour of the law of “Ley de Interrupción Voluntaria del Embarazo”that legalises abortion in the first 14 weeks that is being discussed in Argentina. We send our support to the Campaign for Sexual Education with hopes that they will succeed.

“Anticonceptivos para no abortar, y Aborto Legal Seguro y Gratuito para no morir”!!!

From IUSY we seek equality, we defend human rights and we fight to empower women in all stages of their lives. We believe that it is essential to recognize women as subjects of rights, as citizens and moral agents capable of deciding whether or not to be mothers, and that the State guarantees them their right to health in an integral way.  States need to ensure that women are capable of having access to and being able to freely exercise their sexual and reproductive rights. States need to provide access to comprehensive sexual education and reproductive health services, including free access to abortion.

For 13 years the Campaign for Sexual Education, “Anticonceptivos para no abortar, y Aborto Legal Seguro y Gratuito para no morir”, have presented the bill that is currently under review in the Congress of Argentina. The bill has come as a result as the women’s movement grew stronger due to an extreme increase in sexual violence. Under the slogan #NiUnaMenos many women came out to defend themselves, especially the youth. The youth of Argentina are the ones who are currently leading this debate and fight for their reproductive rights and freedom.

In Argentina approximately 450,000 abortions are performed per year, and the death rate from clandestine abortions amounts to 43 (representing 17.3% of total maternal deaths). Having an abortion in Argentina today costs between $ 10,000 and $ 17,000, and misoprostol pills cost approximately $ 3,000. Poor women suffer the most; they are in the top of those who die because they cannot afford the costs of accessing safe abortion.

In countries where abortion has been decriminalized, maternal deaths from abortions no longer exist and the number of abortions performed was reduced. Even in Rosario, Argentina, abortion mortality has been reduced to zero and advances in the same way in the Province of Santa Fe, where Misoprostol is also produced in public laboratories. Understanding abortion as a public health policy is unavoidable in the face of these figures and evidences.

The decriminalization of abortion is a debt of democracy and its legalisation is necessary in terms of social justice, equality, women’s health and human rights. Hopefully, legal abortion will be a reality in Argentina soon.

Aborto Legal Seguro y Gratuito para no morir!

Desde la Unión Internacional de Juventudes Socialistas llamamos a votar a favor de la ley de Interrupción Voluntaria del Embarazo que se está discutiendo en Argentina y, enviamos nuestro apoyo a la Campaña de Educación Sexual para decidir, Anticonceptivos para no abortar, y Aborto Legal Seguro y Gratuito para no morir.

Desde IUSY buscamos la igualdad, defendemos los derechos humanos y luchamos por empoderar a las mujeres en todos los aspectos que atraviesan su vida. Creemos que es imprescindible se reconozca a las mujeres como sujetos de derechos, como ciudadanas y agentes morales capaces de decidir si desean o no ser madres, garantizándoles desde el Estado, su derecho a la salud en forma integral. Asegurar que sean sujetos capaces de ejercer sus derechos sexuales y reproductivos, donde el Estado provea acceso a la educación sexual integral y a servicios de salud reproductiva, incluido el aborto.

Desde hace 13 años la Campaña de Educación Sexual para decidir, Anticonceptivos para no abortar, y Aborto Legal Seguro y Gratuito para no morir, presenta en el Congreso de la Nación Argentina el proyecto de ley que actualmente se está tratando. Hace algunos años el movimiento de mujeres se hizo más fuerte en Argentina a partir del desmesurado incremento de la violencia machista. Bajo lema #NiUnaMenos muchas mujeres salieron a defenderser, especialmente las más jóvenes y son quienes hoy están protagonizando este debate y lucha por sus derechos reproductivos y su libertar.

En Argentina se practican aproximadamente 450 mil abortos por año, y la tasa de muertas por abortos clandestinos asciende a 43 (representando el 17,3% del total de muertes maternas). Realizarse un aborto en Argentina hoy cuesta entre $10000 y $17000, y las pastillas de misoprostol tienen un precio aproximado de $3000. Las que más sufren la ilegalidad son las mujeres pobres, quienes mueren por no poder afrontar los costos de acceder a formas de aborto seguras.

En los países donde se ha despenalizado el aborto, las muertes maternas por abortos ya no existen y la cantidad de abortos realizados se redujeron. Incluso en Rosario, Argentina, se ha reducido a cero la mortalidad por abortos y avanza en igual sentido en la Provincia de Santa Fe, donde además que se produce Misoprostol en laboratorios públicos. Entender el aborto como política de salud pública se hace ineludible ante estas cifras y evidencias.

La despenalización del aborto es una deuda de la democracia y su legalización es necesaria en términos de justicia social, de igualdad, de la salud de las mujeres y de los derechos humanos. Ojalá pronto el aborto legal sea ley!

IUSY calls for the unity of the progressive forces of Colombia

On May 27th, a new political cycle began in Colombia. On election day, the Colombian people decided that the leadership of the country will be disputed between Ivan Duque and Gustavo Petro, in the second round.

The International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY) calls for the unity of the progressive forces of Colombia, to join efforts and stop the rise to power of the most conservative sectors of the country, which with hate, seeks to unbalance the continuity of the peace process that Colombians need. The left and progressive forces of Colombia must assume a commitment to the history and to the Colombian political reality.

As IUSY, we are very optimistic about the ongoing peace process in a country that for a long time suffered the terrible consequences of a prolonged civil war. We call on the former candidates Sergio Fajardo (Coalición Colombia) and Humberto De la Calle (Liberal Party), so that together with the candidate of the Human Colombian Movement, Gustavo Petro, they concur on a programmatic agreement that lead to the construction of a society where all sectors feel represented, and above all, where the peace process continues its course and manages to consolidate.

We are convinced that in the unity of these sectors, rests not only the will of the Colombian people, but also the decision to continue building a peace process that guarantees compliance with all the points addressed in the signing of the Havana Peace Agreement and to reach big programmatic agreements of the progressive sector. The commitment must be for the peace of Colombia, for which so much has been fought, for which so much blood has been spilled, and above all, for which the Colombians have waited so long.

IUSY hace un llamado a la unidad de los sectores progresistas de Colombia

El pasado 27 de mayo se dio inicio a un nuevo ciclo político en Colombia. En la jornada electoral, el pueblo colombiano determinó que el liderazgo del país  será disputado entre Iván Duque y Gustavo Petro, en segunda vuelta.

La Unión Internacional de Juventudes Socialistas (IUSY, por sus siglas en ingles), hace un llamado a la unidad de los sectores progresistas de Colombia, para que sumen esfuerzos y logren detener el ascenso al poder de los sectores más conservadores de Colombia, que con el odio buscan desequilibrar la continuidad del proceso de paz que tanto necesitan los colombianos y colombianas. Los sectores progresistas de Colombia, deben asumir un compromiso con la historia y con la realidad política colombiana.

Desde IUSY, estamos muy optimistas con el proceso de paz en curso, en un país que por mucho tiempo sufrió las terribles consecuencias de una prolongada guerra civil. Hacemos entonces, un llamado a los ex candidatos Sergio Fajardo(Alianza Verde) y Humberto De la Calle(Partido Liberal), para que junto al candidato del Movimiento Colombia Humana, Gustavo Petro, coincidan en acuerdos programáticos que conduzcan la construcción de una sociedad donde todos los sectores se sientan representados, y sobretodo, donde el proceso de paz continúe su curso y logre consolidarse.

Estamos convencidos que en la unidad de estos sectores, descansa no solamente la voluntad del pueblo colombiano, sino también la decisión de seguir construyendo un proceso de paz que garantice el cumplimiento de todos los puntos tratados en la firma del Acuerdo de Paz de La Habana y de alcanzar grandes acuerdos programáticos del sector progresista. El compromiso debe ser con la paz de Colombia, por la que tanto se ha luchado, por la que tanta sangre se ha derramado, y sobretodo, por la que tanto han esperado los colombianos.


IUSY expresses grave concern over activists charged by the military with criminal defamation and violation of peaceful assembly laws for demonstrating against the ongoing conflict in Kachin state. 

According to latest data from ISP Myanmar Peace Desk, 45 activists have been sued and 14 cases have been filed against them, including accusations of violating their Peaceful Assembly and Peaceful Procession Laws.

Youth groups have staged protests since April 30 calling for an end to the siege between the Kachin Independent Army and the military in Kachin state which has endangered more than 3000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the area. 

Thousands have stormed the streets in the past few weeks in the regions of Yangon, Mandalay, Pegu and Kachin demanding the Kachin state to (1) relocate the stranded IDPs to a safe place; (2) include the media, youth representatives, civil society organization and religious groups to peace missions in the area and (3) provide immediate access to emergency humanitarian aid to families trapped in the battlefield in Kachin.

IUSY urges the government in Burma to free and drop the charges on the anti-war demonstrators. No person or group should be persecuted for demanding action from their governments, especially in cases of massive human rights violations in times of conflict.

IUSY demands for the military and non-state actors to ensure the safety of non-combatants and IDPs from Kachin state and ensure their access to humanitarian aid. IUSY calls for a long term solution to stop the conflict across Burma by strengthening the peace process, ensuring the participation of communities and sectors.

IUSY Student Working Group Meeting

On May 17-20 we had IUSY Student Working Group meeting at Jugendbildungsstätte Kurt Löwenstein, hosted by Sozialistische Jugend Deutschlands – Die Falken. Working group members coming from all around the globe worked on IUSY SWG action plan 2018 and planed very interesting events and campaigns that will be done during upcoming year!