IUSY Study Visit in Philippines

IUSY organized a study visit in Manila, Philippines on May 12-13, 2018 where thousands of people have been killed by President Rodrigo Duterte’s bloody campaign against drugs. The delegates coming from different global youth organizations held dialogues with human rights advocates, legislators and families of the slain victims. We express our solidarity with Filipinos in their struggle for democracy and human rights.

IUSY-YES Statement on US decision on opening the embassy in Jerusalem

Today, on the memorial day of the Nakba, the US decision to open the US Embassy in Jerusalem was realized. This act took place under a near-total international rejection and no participation of the great majority of EU countries. It led to an immediate resistance from the Palestinians in East Jerusalem and Palestine in general, stating their opposition to move the US embassy while rejecting the practices of the US administration. In addition, the occupation forces suppressed the peaceful marches by firing live bullets leading to more than 55 dead and hundreds of wounded in Gaza strip, while there is a risk for even greater violence, from both sides. These aggressive reactions indicate the brutality of the Israeli right-wing government and the shameful situation the occupation leads to, in which there is lack of respect to human rights and to the international law and unnecessary use of violence.

As stressed in the past, IUSY opposes this decision to move the US embassy to Jerusalem, while ignoring the Palestinian right for an independent state. Furthermore, IUSY condemns violence from any side and the use of terror. IUSY supports the two-state solution – Palestine with east Jerusalem its capital, and Israel with west Jerusalem as its capital – as the overriding method to achieve a peace agreement in the region and to put an end to the rising and unjust violence.

Rechazamos la injusta condena de compañero Felix Moulanier!

Desde la Unión Internacional de Juventudes Socialistas (IUSY), rechazamos la injusta condena de la que fue objeto el compañero Felix Moulanier quien fuera Presidente de la Juventud del PRD Panamá, desde el 2011 al 2016.

 En el año 2014 en pleno proceso electoral, el compañero Moulanier denunció con pruebas ante todo Panamá, la corrupción en la que incurría el partido de gobierno mediante el soborno de dirigentes políticos de oposición, con el objetivo de que estos se cambiaran de partido. Moulanier fue objeto de la misma actitud corrupta y denunció estos actos de manera responsable.

 Estos funcionarios públicos que algunos fueron destituidos, acusaron al compañero Moulanier de inviolabilidad del secreto y derecho a la intimidad. Lamentablemente la justicia panameña se volvió cómplice y falló en contra de Moulanier con una condena de 18 meses de Prisión lo cual rechazamos.

 Respaldamos en su totalidad la muestra de valentía y decoro del compañero Moulanier, quien atendiendo a sus principios y valores democráticos, rechazó el soborno y denunció a quienes cometían estos actos que sólo empañan los sistemas democráticos.

 Desde IUSY hacemos un llamado a la justicia panameña para que reconsidere su decisión, porque no solo se condena injustamente a un joven, sino que actuaciones como estas reflejan una estocada a la lucha contra la corrupción.

IUSY Statement on the Malaysian elections

IUSY celebrates the victory of the Democratic Action Party (DAP) as their coalition Pakatan Harapan (Alliance of Hope) overwhelmingly won the government in their recent elections. Their coalition’s victory in Malaysia saw the rejection of Barisan Nasional’s 61-year authoritarian rule.

The victory of DAP with Pakatan Harapan is a long struggle in a terrain marred by gerrymandering, state repression and harassment. But DAP and Pakatan Harapan soldiered on and ran on a campaign of hope. Their campaign, powered by people of different genders, ages and ethnic groups, saw a surge of people going out to the polls to reject the era of corruption by Prime Minister Najib Razak.

The victory of the people of Malaysia is a bright spark in the region that could inspire more progressive parties in Asia to seize power in their elections. The work ahead for DAP in Pakatan Harapan will be challenging as they prosecute those involved in the 1MDB scandal and probe all anomalies under the previous regime. May this electoral victory in Malaysia open up a new era built on justice, freedom and solidarity in Asia.  

IUSY Statement about the political situation in Armenia

After weeks of non-violent protests in Armenia, started from criticism of the growing poverty, unemployment and corrupt ruling elite that were generated during Serzh Sargsyan’s 10-year term as President who had manipulated the constitution to cling to power, the National Assembly elected the opposition leader, Nikol Pashinyan, as the new prime minister of the country.

As IUSY we celebrate with the people of Armenia their peaceful victory and important change, achieved mainly by the mobilization of young people who were the engine of the resolution and that showed the hope of building a democratic, just and peaceful society in the Black Sea Area country.

IUSY BSAC Leadership Conference Statement 2018, Kiev, Ukraine

IUSY represents a powerful and effective platform for promoting young socialists and social-democrats and the values we share;

Remaining committed to the common values of human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality and rule of law;

Reiterating aspirations of all participants at the Black Sea Area Cooperation Leadership Conference, to live in a democratic society that offers for youngsters opportunities for development and affirmation;

Believing that promoting democracy, stability and sustainable development is the best way for ensuring peace and security in all BSAC countries.

BSAC member organizations stand for/with/in:

–   peaceful and constructive approaches for the resolution of the frozen conflicts in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova;

  • a peaceful political resolution of the armed conflict in the East of Ukraine and restoration of territorial integrity of Ukraine with the vast involvement of all civilians living in the region;
  • stabilization of the region through the democratic resolution of the Kurdish question;
  • solidarity with the Armenian people in these important times and in support in their just struggle for human rights, democracy, and rule of law;
  • solidarity and support for Russian youth left activists who were taking part in a protest against the re-election of Vladimir Putin, and were arrested in the process;
  • Bulgarian young socialists and social-democrats in their struggle against the right-wing government which let Bulgaria to be the most corrupted and the poorest country in the European Union;
  • Ukrainian people fighting against oligarchic regime and radical nationalistic movements.

IUSY BSAC organizations are working for:

  • Ensuring and creating opportunities for all women and young girls to participate in politics, economics and other fields in order to maintain democracy;
  • Providing equal opportunities and rights to medical care, education, decent working conditions for everyone to ensure comprehensive solution of the problems;
  • Offering space for young people to have a meaningful dialogue on the peaceful transformation of the conflicts in the region

We call upon the international community to show support in the establishment of peace within the region.

We call for all youth to resist injustice and to join our struggle in creating social democratic society!!!


Resolution of the African committee Leadership meeting 2017

The Africa Committee of the International Union of Socialist Youth held its leadership conference from the 9th to 12th November 2017 in Pretoria, South Africa, under the auspices of its Member organization – SWAYOCO. The theme of the conference was Deepening Democracy, Social Justice, and Equality in Africa.

The Africa Committee noted that the socio-economic challenges facing the continent have left a huge number of young people in a precarious position of destitution, unemployment, dwindling opportunities for education, and increased attraction to crime amongst others. The Committee also agreed that as the neo-liberal agenda takes over, the plethora of challenges facing the Continent revolve around rising inequalities, increasing extremism and terrorism, hunger, marginalization of women, discrimination based on sexuality, a backlash on democracy, and poverty.

The former IUSY President and current South African Member of Parliament and Minister of Police, Comrade Fikile Mbalula, reminded the Committee of its founding principles of promoting social justice, equality and fairness in the world. He reminded the IUSY leadership to continue to be vocal on the international issues pertaining to the advancement of IUSY’s core principles and also to continue to show solidarity across the Globe. Finally, Comrade Mbalula cautioned the Committee, as the youth of this generation, to remain the leading voice in the pursuit of social justice and equality. He mentioned that young people needed to be radical and principled in standing up against any forms of dictatorship and he called upon the youth to analyze the current geopolitics with the view of coming up with a credible alternative that will make this country a better place for everyone.

The Committee noted overarching challenges such as the rising levels of unemployment across several countries on the continent. A large majority of young people are failing to access employment due to the fact that some industries and companies are closing down.

Further, the Committee noted the increasing spate of injustice and abuse of human rights in some African countries particular Swaziland, Eritrea, and Western Sahara, among others. Zimbabwe was reported to be in a situation of state capture by the first family which has caused an affront to the promotion of democracy in the country. It was further noted that the state of the economy was having an effect on the general welfare of the country as a lot of people were failing to make ends meet.

From Swaziland, the issues noted were that political parties are banned in the country and that people are not allowed to criticize the government because it is tantamount to criticizing the King which is not allowed. The representatives reported that most Swazi have gone into exile and it is difficult to prosecute the struggle at home. In response, the Speaker reiterated the need for regional, continental and international solidarity on the Swaziland issue.

It was noted that Morocco had joined back into the African Union Community officially and that the transition to democracy is underway in the country as there is a coalition government mandated to ensure there is progress in the country.

The Former chairperson of the African Union, Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma gave a presentation on the challenges women are facing, especially young women of our continent. She noted that youths are catalysts to change and they need to make use of their energy and age to push for change in society. Thus, youth need to be skilled in whatever they are doing. She bemoaned the fact that youth together with are marginalized but that should not deter them from seeking a better world for themselves. She also noted that Africa needs to industrialize for it to develop as manufacturing, value addition in agriculture and infrastructure development all would contribute to the development of Africa and making it a powerhouse in world politics and trade.

It was agreed by the Africa Committee that the role of youth organisations means that they have to run with the 2063 agenda since new development and investment opportunities offered by the Agenda 2063 will require a technological revolution, decreasing conflicts in Africa and creating new international alliances.

Finally, President Zuma spoke to the Africa Committee and challenged young people to get into conversation around the reformation of international organisations. He urged young people to speak up against injustices happening in the Middle East where the UN vetoing has been abused by two major powers that continue to destroy countries such as Syria. In that regard, he called upon the youth to be at the forefront of the calls to reform and transform the United Nations and ensure participation of all countries by having Africa occupying a permanent seat in the UN Security Council so as to foster peace and security in the World.

He noted with concern how former colonial powers still want to continue influencing how their former colonies operate and he called upon young people to stop this unnecessary pressure and define how the political economy of the globe is managed.

He ended by challenging the youth to stop the rise of right-wing parties and organisation so young people need to continue as a stronger voice of the left.

The Committee in its deliberations noted the need for member organisations to avert their minds and activities towards ensuring that the interest of marginalized groups and minorities in societies are for championed and policies that ensure their inclusion in societal development are advocated for.

The Africa Committee, therefore, resolved as follows:
  1. There is the need for regional and continental solidarity to issues and challenges happening in member countries. IUSY is expected to take a leading role in the provision of solidarity to nations and institutions around the globe faces crisis.
  2. There has to be continuously engaged around the conflict between the Western Sahara and Morocco to ensure that the issue comes to a pacific and political solution which guarantees self-determination of the Western Sahara.
  3. African member states must expedite the introduction of free interaction in travel and trade and the production of African passports should be done as a matter of urgency.
  4. There must be a strengthening of the regional and continental networks especially in the deepening democracy and promotion of social justice.
  5. There is need to come up with a number of programmes in the different countries so as to strengthen Member Organisations as well reaching out to more young people in the home countries.
  6. There is need to further strengthen the networks and linkages between and amongst Member Organisations.
  7. In line with IUSY statutes and in the principle of promoting gender equality and closing gender gaps, delegations to IUSY meetings and platforms should be gender balanced at all costs.
  8. The African Committee noted the upcoming IUSY Congress to be held in February 2018 and we do hereby declare that Africa needs to be given an opportunity to lead the organization. In that regard, the current Coordinator of the committee Ms. Benedicta Lasi is nominated as the Committee’s preference to run for the position of President of IUSY.

OPEN CALL | Stories of women : Giving a voice to the unheard

The IUSY Feminist working group is starting the implementation of its roadmap developed during the last meeting (September 17-24 2017, Mollina, Spain).

The first planned activity is to create a quarterly thematic journal on feminism and related themes. The first edition is planned to launch on November 25th, 2017 on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.

We would like to collect stories/articles on the theme of gender based violence. We want to speak up about the issue by sharing our stories, celebrating those who have survived and connect to each other by working together for transformation and peace. The power of storytelling is valuable as a strategy for raising awareness, empowering and inspiring change.

IUSY Feminist working group is calling for submission of stories from feminist activists from IUSY member and partner organisations from Africa, South and North America, Asia-Pacific, Mediterranean, Europe (Balkans and Black Sea Cooperation Area).

We are seeking stories that respond to this prompt as a strategy for shedding light on:

  • The value of women in the movement to end gender-based violence,
  • The strength and perseverance of feminist activists and advocates in the face of challenging times

Submission guidelines:

  • Stories should be written from your point of view (first person/ “I” statements),
  • Stories should be between 2-4 pages including the photo of the author(s).
  • We encourage everyone who has a story on the topic to submit them especially individuals from traditionally marginalized and oppressed groups, including advocates of color, non-English speaking, immigrant, indigenous, Deaf, trans-identified, gender nonconforming, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and living with disabilities.
  • Creativity in storytelling is welcomed!

Submissions are due 10 November, 2017 in Word format via email to: iusy@iusy.org with the subject line “Stories of women_full name”.

Authors of submitted stories will be informed about the selection results within a week after the deadline. Selected stories will be published in IUSY website, social media and shared among IUSY member and partner organisations. Stories will lead IUSY Feminist working group in drafting a resolution on gender based violence for the next IUSY Congress that will take place in the beginning of January 2018.

We are looking forward to receive your story!

IUSY Feminist working group