Clarification on Suspension of IUSY Member Organizations

At the latest IUSY World Congress some member organizations were suspended. As states in paragraph one in the IUSY statutes, IUSY – is the union, allied with the Socialist International in the international labour movement, which brings together democratic socialist youth and student organizations in their fight for democracy and human rights, based on the democratic socialist ideas of freedom, equality and solidarity.

Both democracy and Socialism are requirements to become and to continue being a member organization of IUSY. Some organizations apply, but are being denied membership because they are not fulfilling the requirements and other becomes, buts suspends because of different reasons that are stated in our statutes.

The reasons vary in the cases when organizations are denied or are suspended as a member organization. The reasons can for example be that the specific organization ceases to exist or that the IUSY congress finds enough fact that the organization has lost the democratic or/and the socialism part of the struggle. In case of this it is of course possible for the organization to apply for becoming a member of other internationals. There are internationals that belong to both more left and on the right side of IUSY. With this said it is fundamental that all member organizations respect the values and ideology which IUSY stands on and promote in our daily work. When an organization is suspended it is due to the organization itself and not because of sympathizes with other organizations in a certain country. In the decision making it is irrelevant how other organizations are acting. Objective criteria’s as those who are stated in the IUSY statutes are the only once which an organization can be suspended on.

The final decision on suspension must and can only be done by the IUSY World Congress. The Congress is the supreme body of IUSY. It determines policies and ensures their implementation within the framework of the Declaration of Principles and these Statutes, which it can change. No individual as president, secretary general, presidium member or member organization can stand above the congress. This is important to ensure democracy within the organization. Democracy can not only be something we struggle for outside our organization, we must also ensure it within our organization to be trustworthy.

Since the congress compose of representatives of member organizations from different parts of the world there is not only one reason of a decision, rather many different. Representative democracy has until now shown to be the most efficient way of guaranteeing inclusiveness, transparency and respect for the members.

As newly elected leadership of IUSY we can’t put a value in a decision taken by the highest body of our organization, the congress, regardless of if we disagree or agrees with it. Democracy is never something we will compromise and therefore we will blindly obey the voice of our member organizations, the congress, on decision of suspension of different organizations.