The Olof Palme International Centre’s Global Project finances the IUSY Global Seminar. The IUSY Global Seminar gathers together IUSY member organisations and representatives from the districts of the Swedish Social Democratic Youth League (SSU). The seminar is an opportunity to learn and reflect upon new ideas and partnerships in our work for a fairer and more equal world.
New to last year was that the second day was spent having a joint programme together with IFLRY, The International Federation of Liberal Youth. The aim of the seminar was to provide to the Member Organisations and to the SSU representatives a platform to discuss and come up with ideas on how we can battle shrinking civil society space and support civil society organisations and activists across the globe. A secondary aim was also to strengthen collaboration with IFLRY on topics that we agree on.
The Global seminar tackles every year a topic of interest is put into the programme in order to give the participants a broader knowledge to discuss what our roles are as political youth organisations in a more democratic world.