In Solidarity With the Dwabshe Family

A few weeks ago, a group of Israeli settlers have envaded Doma village to the south of Nablus in Palestine, two houses has been completely burned, an 18 months toddler ” Ali Dwabshe ” was burned alive, both of his parents and his four years old brother ” Ahmad ” were in a serious condition. A few days ago also the father passed away due to the have injuries.

IUSY strongly condemns the atrocity that has been recently committed by the Israeli settlers against the Palestinians in the occupied West Bank. There are no words that could justly describe the brutality of burning an 18-months old child to death, while peacefully enjoying his innocent childhood at home. The illegal occupation of Palestinian land that is at the root causes of this inhumane act, as well as an endless track-record of human rights violations committed by the Israeli forces and their settlers against the Palestinian people.

IUSY hereby calls upon the international community to act firmly and immediately to bring to an end this system of occupation that violates international law and in particular The Hague and the Geneva Conventions.
It is shameful that the Palestinians are enduring such an injustice in the 21st century. The plight of the Palestinians must come to an end NOW and the Israeli crimes against the Palestinians must be brought to justice in accordance with international law, and the numerous UNSC and UNGA resolutions that recognise the 1967 borders of Gaza Strip, East Jerusalem and the West Bank as the official borders of a Palestinian state recognised by more than 140 UN member states.

To end the occupation, to come to a lasting and just peace agreement and to bring the conflict to a solution of two sovereign and secure states we need strong, progressive partners in the region. We salute the activities of our partners in the region that that are examples for dialogue instead of confrontation. We place our hopes and aspiration on our regional partners and we are providing ongoing support to our member organizations in the region.